Let's talk about quest hunter

Again, if you believe your feels, your feels will deceive you. If you have fun playing a deck, you can’t be an unbiased observer of how good a deck is.

Quest Hunter is a Tier 2.5, thoroughly average performance deck, and if you think it is better than that, it’s because the deck has you high on hype and believing conspiracy theories.

And don’t feel bad if this is you. The very day I came to these forums, I was convinced based off my personal experience that Quest Mage was OP. It wasn’t, and I was shown data it wasn’t. I was high on hype myself.

I’m sure you’re right, but Hunter as a class has not been out of the top tiers in Donkey’s years.
I think that is what annoys most players about the class.

Same website you are referring to says taunt / beast druid is the only tier 1 deck right now, but in reality its one of the worst decks right now because it loses to nearly everything lol.

Tier lists literally mean nothing

I disagree. The best player in hearthstone cannot take a tier 4 deck and make it perform as successfully as a tier 1 deck given similarly skilled opponents.

They allowed Druid to dominate and warp the meta without a single nerf, citing rotation, but there have been other decks that rotation most certainly did not save.

Can you think of examples? The only one I can think of is Libram Paladin, and I was in favour of nerfing it at the time. And strictly speaking it wasn’t rotating because the whole package was due to stay in standard another year.

Accoring to the website quest hunter is tier 2-3 but yet a player played it to rank 1 legend 3 seasons in row, as i said tier lists dont have any value to them, according to the website it wouldnt be possible to do that because the deck only has 50% winrate according to this website, so it means you lose 5 games out of 10 games, so how did he get rank 1 legend if its only 50% winrate deck?

Libram was where my mind was at too.
It was allowed to be top tier for well over a year, maybe two.

Again; I disagree. I think that tier lists are invaluable if they aren’t taken literally.
There are factors that affect performance that tier lists cannot account for, like skill.

I think that is what annoys most players about the class.

And that’s fair, but the only way to address this is give other classes all the same aggro tools while not supporting Face Hunter for a few months, but as a player who roughly plays all classes the same that wouldn’t make much difference to me.

The other way would be to weaken aggro across the board, but that would cause levels of ‘solitaire’ far beyond what we’ve experienced recently.

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You are one of my favorite debaters on Forums.
No absolutes and no drama:)

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Exactly, that proves statistics dont mean anything, if someone can get rank 1 legend with the deck that just proves the statistics are inaccurate and dont have any meaningful data on them, If someone can get 60%+ winrate with quest hunter at top 100 legend and reach rank 1 legend the deck obviously isnt 50% winrate deck

But; a very average player like oh idk, myself, can take a tier 1 deck and hit Legend with it.
I know. I did it nine times with Wild Secret Mage.

In my opinion any data that is not from the top 10-300 legend has no meaning to it because the max potential of the decks is only in the hands of the top players.

Theres a reason why some heroes in league are SS tier but yet majority of players cant perform well with it because they cant play it to the potential so it turns into mediocre hero in the hands of these players

hmm another reminder you believe in conspiracies

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There is truth in that I think. But to say tier lists have no value is inaccurate.
I have used them to my advantage for years.

Piloting skill exists. A very skilled pilot can do better than average with a particular archetype.


Exactly why I played Wild Secret. You just played on curve and slapped the Opp silly lol.

But people who believe in rigging generally believe that they are the one of only a handful of skilled players in existence and that the other 99.99% of Hearthstone’s playerbase drool on their wallets as they’re pulling out their debit cards as a result of algorithmic manipulation.

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I’m just giggling at the thought of Quest Hunter being one of these decks that only GMs are cerebral enough to play close to optimally.


Quest Hunter is unironically a lower skill deck than Face Hunter. And that’s based on hard numbers.