Let's talk about quest hunter

Basically to me it is quest mage 2.0.

  1. It finishes quest around turns 5-7, especially if ya play minions.
  2. Plays quest reward, usually on 6.
  3. Kills you from hand on turn 7 normally. If you are around 22 health you can possibly survive turn 7.

I am sorry, and I play mage but it isn’t my main, but this is exactly the criteria for nerfing quest mage. Quest mage met those 3 criteria above and was nerfed


Not to defend q Hunter, but a major difference with old q mage was inevitability.

Q Hunter can be outarmored/healed, mage couldn’t.


Quest mage was also something approaching half the meta on ladder, which hunter is not.

Your observations about how easy the quest is to complete and the strength of the reward is also spot on. It also, like quest mage, penalizes playing the board because your minions make their life easier.

I don’t like the deck and think it’s too much as well, but it isn’t played nearly enough for it to get nerfed… yet.


Not really.

Quest mage was disguisting, because you just knew that if you dont have fast(enough) deck, you cant outrun it. You just eventually die. He will freeze your board and eventually kill you.

I play Big Priest and I have around 40-45% winrate against Quest Hunter, which is not great, but I can win more often than I would guess.

Quest hunter will dish out 15-20 damage in a turn, maybe manages to do it once more if he is lucky to get his draw in his hand and is often gassed out after it and just concedes.

Control Warrior goes toe to toe with Quest Hunter. Control Warrior would get absolutely curbstomped by unnerfed Quest Mage. This alone makes the comparison invalid, without even getting into playrate arguments, which are also highly relevant.

Hunter never gets nerfed. It hasn’t been weak in years.
Team 5’s bias for select classes is blatant.


Look, we can all agree Blizzard loves money. Right?

Which classes playerbase spends the most money in your opinion, given how popular they are and how many portraits are released? What would motivate them to have this bias.

Also saying Hunter never gets nerfed in flat out wrong, I could instantly reel off 6-8 examples in the last couple of years.

Quest hunter is easier to play and stronger then quest mage ever was


Uh huh, and those nerfs did nothing to its meta position. Hunter hasn’t been tier four in a very long time.

Quest Hunter isn’t deserving of nerf currently.
Top Legend: 49.0% winrate
Legend: 50.4% winrate
Diamond: 51.7% winrate
It’s a Tier 2.5 deck.

This too. But I’m not going to say a deck that shouldn’t be nerfed should be nerfed just because a deck that shouldn’t have been nerfed was nerfed.

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Have you made an attempt to analyse why?

People are never as motivated to counter the flashy decks as they are to play them. Hunter always has an array of highly popular decks to feed off, while Mage feeds off slow decks, which don’t get into the meta very often because…well…Mage.

The only reason why quest hunter has 50% winrate because the rigged matchmaking puts you versus lots of ramp druids and other quests hunters dropping the winrate to 50%ish, if you dont meet these you win nearly everything

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Honestly Tim; not to argue, but I don’t care what the justification is.
Every class should rotate in power levels, and that way every player gets to enjoy some time at the top of the meta with their preferred class/deck.
The fact that Team 5 refuses to do this tends to make players start to question their impartiality.

It really, really, REALLY isn’t

Stop acting like you have the faintest idea what you’re talking about

Jesus you are ignorant.


I play quest hunter aswell lol, the deck is extremely good, stop being biased because you play quest hunter only so you can’t have non biased opinion

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That’s uncalled for. You’re better than that.

You’re entitled to believe that, but its no secret that there was outrage at Stormwind and the lack of viability of slower decks. So that’s why certain decisions were made, and why combo is more or less dead now.

I do think the new mage cards are sweet though.

I know, I’m just sick of him spouting blatantly false nonsense, and trolling in general

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You know a streamer played quest hunter to rank 1 legend 3 seasons in row in standard, omg such a tier 3 deck (sarcasm)

Well; We can certainly agree to disagree.
I think Team 5 is biased myself.
They allowed Druid to dominate and warp the meta without a single nerf, citing rotation, but there have been other decks that rotation most certainly did not save.
They even nerfed SA in Wild, for pete’s sake.
If you ask me, done solely to pander to select players.