Legends of Runeterra Experience. Compared

2 weeks? I had endure spiders by the second day

Though I did pull one of the champions needed and had a 7 win expedition run to help me along.


After 6 years of HS experience and giving a lot of money to BLIZZARD, my disappointment and anger to HS team will led me to the new games.
A little advice;

  1. If people are complaining about something, act quickly. You don’t have to wait until the next patch to improve 4-5 cards.
  2. You are really expensive. You give so little who plays everyday and playing for a long time.
  3. Listen player’s thoughts. Care and take action.
  4. Stop listening 2-3 youtuber kids.
  5. Organize tournaments in different countries.
    Improve game play.
  6. In every meta, I just see 4-5 trending decks at the end. It’s boring. Add more counter minions and remove silly cards like Zeph and Dragonqueen.
  7. Try focusing control decks which needs creativity and intelligence to build and play. Where is the fun at copying a deck from google and play. I had a lot of fun when I was trying to build counter decks which people mostly play.
  8. Find a solution to “Discover”
  9. Find a solution to gameplay time (My last Priest-Priest matchup took 28 minutes).
  10. When people face a deck, they should be surprised and admired. There must be many deck alternatives in the game.

Good Bye HS. Hi LoR.


wtf you got three legendaries from 50 bucks in hearthstone??.. you’re lucky my friend.

my first runeterra deck was burn agro (i know thats degenerate) followed by endure spider (without kalista) then tempo sej (a tier S in two weeks completely f2p btw since i got lucky and got two champion wildcards alongside sej) and finally deep (I paid completely for it since I couldn’t wait. it looked too good).

I also bought emotes since cards are cheap and emotes looked good lol.


I always did as u explained. And it was really fun to climb. I enjoyed playing HS. But I felt very stuck in this meta. Before this, it was yogg-saron meta. Even playing against jade druid was fun. Warsong commander charge meta, mech-mage meta… even force of nature charge druid was fun.

I’m a huge fan of the deep mechanic - that deck is unbelievably fun.

I started all spiders, then in about 2 weeks had a Fiora buff deck and Nautilus deep. I want to craft a yasuo stun deck next.


Liking Hearthstone more as a player is one thing but what you re saying here is not simply an opinion its just false

This for ex is extremely wrong and i dont even know where does it come from especially when it comes by a Hearthstone player

Whats so immature about the animations ?

Its known that Riot gives everything else for free but targets their sales on cosmectics like the ‘‘pets’’ you re talking

Theres so much lie in what you re saying here. Anyone who has played LoR knows that you can build any deck you want in about 2 weeks time


stun yassuo is tier 3 mate, its fun to play but not competitve.

I would suggest a heimedinger deck or lux karma if you’re looking for fun with a it more wins. lux karma is my suggestion as it a bit rng deck that you’ll enjoy winning with.

sad deep fell to tier 2. aggro and midrange are a bit too strong right now and deep kills control decks. I’m currently building kinkou elusive right now.

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I really don’t play to get high - I play what I enjoy and to challenge myself. It’s all about pulling off neat card interactions for me.

Same with HS.


Except “neat card interactions” don’t exist anymore. RNG Fiesta zombies have long since eaten them.

then I think Yassuo deck will match what you want. But its a control deck in Ionia so it’ll be a little hard to pilot. still good luck to you mate.

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the ceiling is extremely low, just because youre overwhelmed by it doesnt mean its high. the plays are simple and extremely obvious, even more so than in hearthstone
the animations are just way too overdriven and off like the game was made for hyperactive 12 year olds, best example are the hero upgrade animations.

the game was 1 or 2 weeks fresh out in beta, before official launch and they already offered more premium currency cosmetics than balance patches, if my point was too hard for you too understand.

the 2 weeks time might be true now but wasnt in the beginning. also grinding this super dull game for 2 weeks seems like an eternity

and besides all those facts, hearthstone bases on warcraft characters and lore, which isnway more interesting and intriguing than the superficial world of runeterra could ever be, I say that after playing 4+ years of LoL

Im not too happy with hs rn either but saying LoR would be better is simply a lie, tho they could improve by learning from each other in certain aspects.


Whether a guy prefers Hs or LoR there s one simple thing everyone agrees on: Hs is the simplest card game the world has to offer. If you trully believe that Hs is more complex than LoR than i dont know what to tell you cause its pretty obvious that this is not truth.

Cause balance patches were not such a great need in first place and cause the LoR s team perspective of balancing is one balance patch every 2 months or so. Seriusly i played since day 2 beta and i can assure that while some things were stronger than other (aka hecarim for ex) the meta was always changing and new decks saw the light each week. There was no such a thing as an overpowered tyrant deck.

Again i ve been playing since day 2 beta and things were always the same. The only difference is that in the beginning you used to get a champion card from the expeditions and now you get it from the weekly vault.

Most people i ve heard of actually like these animations. In fact its amazing that you can have animations as these without the game freezing or something similar while in Hs your game freezes just by opening you friends list (for the last 6 years btw).

But anyways its not like im gonna change your mind…


I wish they can give us the option to decide on animations. I don’t mind paying for that option (as a cosmetic). I want a quiet card game experience sometimes and not an arcade game.

Installed yesterday evening, play a session of tutorial and PVE, get some commons and rare for the no-champ nexus piltover deck (LoR version of face hunter). Today afternoon, casual feels like smurfing.

Not even a day.

Well, LoR’s graphic is way worse than HS. And it needs a crafting system desperately as well.

A good thing about LoR is its huge emotes, I can see many people will spend a fortune on them.

The game has wildcards which basically is a crafting system. If you are talking about something like dusting, why would it need something like that, when even non paying players are expected to collect all the cards anyways?

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You can craft stuff using some kind of dust/crystal. You get dust reward from various stuff. You cant disenchant non duplicates tho. If you gets dupes, it will automatically dusted. No optional DE at all here. But since they basically shower new players with rarest cards, its even out eventually.

no, it’d be overkill on their part.

Wildcards exist, as do shards. You can literally pick what region you want cards from. There is absolutely no reason to dust cards, as you’ll eventually get most of them.

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Whether a guy prefers Hs or LoR there s one simple thing everyone agrees on: Hs is the simplest card game the world has to offer. If you trully believe that Hs is more complex than LoR than i dont know what to tell you cause its pretty obvious that this is not truth.

  1. No card game needs high skill because every card game has decks that are difficult or easy to play.
    As an example :" Enrage Warrior", there is a reason why a high legend player plays it better than a gold player

  2. HS definitely needs more skill than LoR
    LoR has almost no mechanics and the decks are all easy to play

  3. HS has easy and hard decks.
    The enrage Warrior is one of the hardest decks, if you don’t know when to play something, the game is over quickly.
    As a comparison we take the big druid, where you simply play your cards out.

Fact is: HS is skilled, there is a good reason why someone is silver or diamond.

Apart from that, the same people always come into high legend because they are better than the others.

ofcourse urn is tier 1 right now. hit ladder with you’ll climb till platinum easy. then that deck becomes a bit weak thanks to frost bites, plunder and other stuff.

also you are playing a face deck. no face deck in any cc game has ever required skill at all. build something else and try to hit legend. good luck mate!!