Legendary Rate in Packs

20 packs and I get 1 Legendary and I think it was 6 Epics…did they lower the droprates in the last few years? That’s ridiculous.

how else do you expect this Indy developer to make money? Think of the shareholders!

You’re only guaranteed to get 1 legendary in every 40 packs. So getting 1 in 20 in pretty good.


Actually I believe 1 in 20 is the average. But this also means, that some players will have one legendary in 30 packs, while others get one in 10.

You’re in the perfect average for legendaries and I think in the upper rate for epics.
Each card has about a 1% chance to be legendary, and the average is 1 legendary per 20 packs.
Always been like that as far as I remember

If you want the detailled numbers :

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1 out of 20? Wow, you are lucky.

All i hear is Rare, Rare, Rare, Rare, Rare, Rare, Rare, Rare, Rare, Rare… when opening packs.

I am at that point where i like the game, but i would be so happy to see it burn to the ground. I would love for Microsoft to buy these losers and fire all of them, close everything and use the servers to implement Minecraft pixels or something. I hate them that much.

I don’t know how much of this is true but it feels like the game slowely increases the chances for rarer cards with each pack opening. Its just been my experience playing this game for almost 10 years now (wow). Always seems i get a pack with mutliple rares or epic and rare cards or golden cards right before opening one with a legendary.

1 legendary in 20 pack is normal and you got good amount of epic cards there.

For a legednarty card it’s 1 in every 40 packs. Which is what stated in Blizzard Office drop rate info.

On average, 5.0% chance to get a Normal Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 40 packs from the previous Normal Legendary card drop

The only exception to this is at the start of the new expansion for the first 10 packs you open as they mention below the 1-40 rule…

  • Note: One Legendary card is guaranteed within the first 10 packs of a new card expansion, then subsequent Legendary card drops will follow the above rule

I think it’s great that you included the dorp rates in your post, however, you might want to refresh your memory by actually reading it before you state incorrect info.

You are guaranteed a legendary every 40 packs, because there’s a hard coded guarantee that you will get a legendary in your 40th pack if your previous 39 didn’t have one. That does not mean the average is 1 every 40. Far from that.

If you have a 5% success chance, your mean is 1 success every 20 attempts.

But I guess I can agree with you that my information is slightly incorrect.
Factoring in the added probabilities for golden and signature legendaries, plus the guaranteed one every 40 packs, the average is a bit better than 1 every 20 packs.

You’re not going to get 1 legendary every 20 packs you open. You’re guaranteed to get 1 in every 40 packs. There have been plenty of times where I opened 180 packs from gold and only got 1 legendary every 40 packs.

Yes, sometimes you will get more, however, there is no point in expecting 1 in 20, because you’re more likely will get 1 in 40.

It has also been my experience that you are more likely to hit 1 in 40 for packs that are not included in pre orders.

Stop trying to gaslight people with lies.
It’s ok if you don’t understand probabilities but don’t lie about how it works.

All it takes is a quick search on the internet to get the correct way of calculating this.

Your mean is just probability of the event time the attemps.
0.05 (5%) times 20 equals one.
Your mean, or expected value, is 1 legendary in 20 packs.

On the opposite side, the chance to NOT get a legendary in 20 packs is
100% minus the probability of getting a legendary, at the power of 20
So 0.95 (95%) power 20, which is roughly about 36%
You only have 36% chance to NOT get a legendary in 20 packs.
So by the time you open your 20th pack, you have 64% chance to have had at least one legendary in those 20 packs.
That means that 64% pack opening of 20 packs will contain at least one legendary.

In order for it to be an average, you will have greater and lower outcomes. That’s just how probailities work. An average is NOT the general result, it is NOT the unluckiest outcome.

Even if in 190 packs, you have 4 times a legendary in your 40th pack, and 1 in your 30th, your average is already 1 legendary every 38 packs. So saying the average is 1 every 40 is just wrong.

Whizzbang was my luckiest opening of all time, I got 6 legendaries in 60 packs (exlusively obtained from gold or drops)


I’m not gaslighting, I have pre ordered packs and have purchased packs with gold for the the last 5 years. I have 91% of the cards in the game and I have tracked the amount of legendaries I’ve received for each pack opening for pre order and for packs purchased with gold.

That is why I will always expect 1 in 40 which is guaranteed, I do not fall into the trap of expecting 1 in 20 when that is less likely to happen. You don’t have to believe me, But I am talking from my experience, from the packs that i’ve opened. You may have had a different experience, but I’ve opened a lot of packs to know what to realistically expect.

I openly call you a liar from now on.
Unless you provide actual footage of you not receiving a single legendary 39 packs in a row, multiple times, I will consider that you are voluntarily lying about your outcomes.
It is not about experience. It is about odds.
(Of course if you were to provide such footage I’d sincerley make excuses for these accusations, mark my words)
But stasticaly, I can’t believe that what you describe happens.
Not even considering the unluckiest outcome, needing more than 20 packs for each of 10 legendaries in a row, the odds are so low that we enter the thousandth of percentile of chance. And this is very far from how unlucky you claim to be.

And even if I were to believe you, isolated outcomes do not represent the reality of probabilities.
If you toss a coin 5 times and it lands 5 times on head, it does not mean that tossing a coin has 100% chance to land on head.

It is not a trap.
It is not less likely to happen.
It is the statistical average.
You are more likely to have a legendary before your 20th pack than you are to get your first after the 20th pack.

I tell you my experience when it comes to opening my packs. Than you tell me that my experience is false and call me a liar, and I"m the one gaslighting?

For you to DEMAND that I provide actual footage of me opening 39 packs in a row is not realistic and absurd,. Do you have your pack opening stashed away on video in your hard drive, probably not.

What benefit is it to me to lie about my opening packs. I could care less if you believe me or not. I’m not the one screaming foul and cursing blizzard becauuse that i"m unhappy about how many legendaries I get when I open them.

And for those who are upset about what they got, I’m sorry you feel that way.

You are using your personnal, subjective, isolated, unverified experience, in order to make people believe in an incorrect expected outcome.
Probabilities are an affair of mathematical and objective facts.
You are not giving any clear numbers, yet you are claiming to be on the unluckiest side possible.
You claim that this is the average every one should expect.
Nothing in what you wrote is correct to express an AVERAGE

I’m not demanding anything. I’m just describing how I now consider you and what could make me change my mind. Up to you to change it or not.
You are the one making the claims of what happens every time when you open 40 packs in a row.
If you make a claim without proof, your claim can be dismissed without proof.

I don’t because I claim nothing that contradicts the official information we have.
Numbers have been provided. If you want to prove them wrong, it’s on you to provide proof that they are wrong.

If I had to provide evidence to deny what you claim I wouldn’t even need a full video.
A single screenshot of a 40 packs mass opening containing more than 1 legendary is already enough to provide a better average than what you claim.

No you’re the one trying to dismiss how probabilities work and indirectly calling Blizzard liars too.
They officially provided the average drop rate of legendaries. You claim that the numbers are wrong without providing any proof. This is slandering.
You are just screaming quieter.

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It’s always been like this and in the last collection I opened 60 packs to get just one ledary card!

I went into depression with the news that the mage’s legendary big spell cannot be generated by card or card effects… I installed YU-GI-OH, very fun!! More than Hearthstone!!

Why are you so desperately driving home the “I’m right, you’re wrong” over the opening of card packs. It’s card packs… like chill out.

It’s not even “Im right, you’re wrong”
It’s “They claimed something, you call them liars with no proof, I call you out for that.”

It’s not just card packs.
Since for a large span of players this represents financial investment, this is more than some dematerialized action.
I have no problem telling players that they open packs at their own risk, and that they may end up disappointed in the end.
But I’m not claiming that the official drop rates are deceiving, which you are doing.

And more importantly you are spreading missinformations on how probabilities work. This alone is enough. This is how you end up with conspiracy theories.

They gave numbers. We can do the probabilities of said numbers.
The stastistics can prove these numbers false, which I have no problem with. But in order to prove something, you need evidence.

Let me say it again dude… chill out.

What is your hearthstone collection at?

I understand the investment that this game requires. This is the most expensive game I’ve ever played in my life and have invested a considerable about of money into it over the years. I’ve opened thousands of packs.

So again, you can call me liar, and stomp up and down to make the point that you’re right, but at the end of the day, it does not change the experience that I have had, and my friend has had… So it happens to some of us. The average is not guaranteed. There will be some players who don’t hit average. There will be some that will get above average, and some that will get below average… and then all those are aggregated together to come to the overall average.