Legendary Rate in Packs

I’m chill, no problem about that.
I even touched grass today, in case you were about to say it.

Are you trying to change the topic ? Making a smoke screen with implications ? Escaping the consequences of your claims ?

No, I’m not changing the topic. I’m asking you what you’re percentage of the hearthstone collection you have because this is directly related to opening card packs.

2 messages in a row just about me chilling is what I considered trying to change the topic.

This perfectly represents the definition of the average.
Even though for the thousands of pack opening you claims, the said average should also be observable on your side.
But then why did you refute that since the beginning ? Claiming the average is 1 in 40 ?
The average IS 1 in 20. There will be lower and greater outcomes, but the average remains.

For a single thousand of packs to not give you a legendary every first 20 packs after the last legendary, the odds are already sow low there’s so much 0 I don’t even know how small the number is.
So for your claim of thousands of pack openings giving you an average of 1 legendary per 40 packs, the chance is infinitesimal at this point, yet you have no problem to claim it happens to you and relatives of you.

Still not trying to make the point that I’m right but looks like you won’t get it.

My collection completion is irrelevant to the topic, like any other one.
I play since 2015, bought a 5€ newcommer bundle back then, may have spent 20€ once in 2017-2018, and bought 4 or 5 pre orders around 2020
So based on that I may have opened between 1 and 2 thousands of packs maybe, if this is what you were looking for

You realize that your card collection is directly related to opening card pack right? So you’re collection is at like 20%?

If you can’t see how this is related to the thread than there’s nothing further to discuss.

My collection is a consequence of my pack opening
My pack opening is not affected by my collection
So my collection is irrelevant to the matter of pack openings.
Nothing that exists in your collection has an impact on the rarity of the cards you open

You still don’t get it, that’s fine. Have a nice day.

You evade the topic by gaslighting over off-topic arguments, I understand.
Thank you for having stopped your undocumented slandering.

1 legend per 20 packs is exactly average. Congratulations.

What the actual F are you complaining about?!

You are getting twice as much as I do.

Actually, I belive it is lower since it is artificialy capped by that guarantee every 40 pack. You can´t get higher number than 40 which skew the average.

Yes the average is actually a bit more in our favor.
The way it’s worded in the article also implies that golden and signature legendaries have their own drop rate, so the actual drop change is higher than 5%