Latest vS Data Reaper #292

It’s Young Frankenstein:)

It is “the hottest new deck in the meta” so unsurprising a lot of high level players are trying it out. I have the cards for it so I might play a few games with it myself

Eh I did it xD quick 3 wins in a row, final boss was druid xD

Interestingly, I got the exact same rank as on EU, 127

I mean, this one simply isn’t true. A 60-40 matchup against 20+% of the meta is a hefty helping of polarizating bad matchup.

Pure copium. Irrational. Losing.

Winning move: don’t play Excavate Rogue.

Good. The meta had been slacking, it needed a kick to the behind

It’s so skill testing, though, and I’m a good player! :roll_eyes:

(It is really fun to play IMO.)

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Nah I was exaggarating cuz of too many druids in a row

I guess that’s just the preferred option in higher echelons

I got beaten by every single top 50 plays, so I was bound to end up in 100-s again

Okay strike that. NOT correct move. Winning move.

I am a little too tryhard in mindset today and keep forgetting that playing for fun is okay.


Playing for fun is the only reason to play. It’s just that different people achieve it in different ways.

I find it interesting that Reno Warrior is by far the most played archetype, but not necessarily the best deck in term of winrate.

Why is it so? Why reno warrior is played so much more than zarimi priest, aggro paladin or even token hunter?

I would hazard a guess. It’s because reno warrior is a control style deck. It’s actual the sole competitive control type deck. Player have multiple choices for mid range and aggro, but not so for control.

And the worst of all, the reason control deck from other class can’t thrive is because of reno warrior. Also wheel lock is keeping control decks down.

What the result? Since control deck cannot be allowed to exists, the meta accelerates (just like it did in stormwind).

I think Brann and Wheel of Death needs some in depth rework in what they do, not just a mana nerf.

I think it’s because it’s relatively simple/easy for the results for a control deck.

Kinda like aggro paladin usually being easy to pilot for the results you get. Even when paladin isn’t tier 1 at top legend, it’s often a good enough rank climbing class/deck.

edit: second reason may be that there’s basically no other viable warrior deck AFAIK. The loss of what Reno/Brann brings is just too much compared to warriors not going for highlander. What do you have in a non-HL deck that can replace double excavates, double boom boss bombs, triple instead of double Zilliax, etc?

Wheel Warlock is dead, bro. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It’s holding nothing back at this point.

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There is one more - mech excavate warrior

Makiah went from 100 to rank 5 with it in like half an hour tonight xd


Oh? Could you share that list? That’s new to me.

Edit: tried Google, but had no luck.

Here you go - just swap out Brawl for Inventor Boom - I didn’t want to craft that broken card just to send you a proper code but that’s your finisher card in longer games

### Mechxcavate
# Class: Warrior
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Pegasus
# 2x (1) Garrosh's Gift
# 2x (1) Slam
# 2x (1) Town Crier
# 2x (2) Blast Charge
# 2x (2) Kobold Miner
# 2x (2) Needlerock Totem
# 2x (2) Safety Goggles
# 1x (2) Saloon Brewmaster
# 2x (2) Shield Block
# 2x (2) Stoneskin Armorer
# 2x (3) Bellowing Flames
# 2x (3) Reinforced Plating
# 2x (4) Aftershocks
# 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame
# 1x (5) Brawl
# 2x (5) Burrow Buster
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
#   1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
#   1x (4) Twin Module
#   1x (5) Perfect Module
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Gameplan is, excavate 4 times as early as possible, use Saloon Brewmaster to speed it up, play the Azerite Ox and win most of the games on the spot with 2x 8-drops

If the game goes on for longer, you have Zilliax into Inventor Boom combo

It looks fun but it’s not exactly a new deck



I never play warrior, really, so this looks interesting. Thank you, pal. :+1:

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There’s a lot of reasons it doesn’t have the best win rate. It’s not exactly a bad deck overall though.

I just did my monthly Legend climb with Mech Warrior. There are other decks to play out there. They just aren’t as flashy as Brann.

Wow, high level analysis if they figured it out that DK is bad. Welp, baring short spell after it was released it has always been bad. Now it’s just extra bad.

And you are not going to tell me how to live. I will play DK as long as I want :smile:

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I seriously love this attitude. It is so good. If you are having fun, keep having fun! I love having fun


I love control and I am still short on gold to buy the miniset so control Warrior is out of question for me.

And as bad as it is BUF control DK is helluva fun :grin: