Latest vS Data Reaper #292

What I have gathered from this report is that Team 5’s hatred for mage and it’s players is now confirmed.

Data Reaper is biased. I believe their influence have killed decks (like spell shaman OTK) because they simply don’t like them. Take anything they say with a huge grain of salt because they’re focused on the top end of the game, don’t care about “fun,” and will bury things they simply don’t like, while excusing things they enjoy playing like Brann and Reno.


Brann and Reno legitimately shouldn’t be nerfed at all. I’d excuse it too; I just did. But technically every word of your post is true.

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Well, they aren’t wrong when they say mage is legitimately dead.
The class stinks, thanks to team 5 and their repeated nerfs of the class, while giving it cards that don’t synergise for over three card releases now.

Did people even play that deck in lower ranks? In top ranks it’s legit unplayable if you wish to progress

It’s still fun, I still like playing it, but I’m ready to lose ranks when I do

You have to be lucky against aggro decks so they don’t have too good of a start because you have to wait for turn 4 to flash to clear the board on turn 5

When that happens you might win, but you also might lose, because you overloaded yourself and spent half of your burn to stabilize.

I don’t like what they did to it. Why not just remove face damage from crash of thunder instead of raising mana costs in a deck which relies on mana cheats?

That would also delay the kill turn because you would need a couple of additional spells to discover, without killing its’ control potential.

As it stands, it’s impossible to play a control game with it anymore, and how else are you supposed to survive until you get your combo pieces?

That’s inappropriate.

The game seems even more lopsided than before. Its certainly no more fun. They’ve just really painted themselves in a corner with bad card design.

The fact they nerfed like 7 warrior cards and its still 25% of the game is testament to that.

Yeah, but they also nerfed everything else, needed and unneeded xD

I’m not sure about design issues. It feels the game has never had more viable classes. When’s the last time you had 8 classes viable to play in top levels?

IMO, a bit more balance patches with incremental changes, and we’re gucci

It’s really hard to balance things properly when you make 1 big patch a month and then hit 9 classes with it. Sure, Warrior going strong was easily predictable, but other stuff, not so much.

For example, people, including me, thought shaman would still be viable after the patch (in fact, some delusional streamers still parrott that nonsense) but they don’t exist on the ladder anymore.

It’s very hard, if not impossible, to predict what will happen when you make 1 big patch a month. At this point it’s not balancing at all, it’s literally just acting to do something, while in fact they do nothing, and they just want to shut up the critics. And they fail (although, to be fair, they will always fail when that’s their intention).

I honestly fail to see how they could fail to not fail. Too many people have suggestions and too many of them are completely unreasonable. I’m certain that data and social media are painting seriously different pictures and that they’ve been trying their best to figure out which to respond to and how. Like when Hunter is the most OP and people still refuse to play it and instead keep playing Brann Warrior more than it should logically be played

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OK, yeah, hunter might have design issues at this point, as it’s objectively boring to play. Not even the dopamine rush from winning is enough for me to stand playing that deck.

But, as long as some people disagree and play it, maybe it’s OK. If every class was played around 9%, the game would be perfectly balanced, and hunter is close to that percentage.

Board based gameplay is that way for some time now.

In practice because they didn’t want to print stuff to protect the board so they have to punish you extra hard with stupid amounts of burst when something stays alive.

What they really did was nerf Warriors ability to pivot to something else to play. Instead they are now forced to play a very specific deck and have a hard time deviating from that deck. They should have nerfed/changed the powerful high impact cards and buffed the weaker high impact cards. Unfortunately that doesn’t sell packs.

Can confirm. Only thing I lost to yesterday was a Shammy spamming AoE damage with cards from deck and discovers, which was the smart play so can’t complain about it.

You have to have a decent starting hand, which isn’t difficult given 90% of your cards are A) Cheap and B) all synergize with one another. Only trade if you absolutely have to, otherwise face is the place.

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