Latest vS Data Reaper #292

Yeah, the game largely needed redesigns for this to be achieved, and instead we got Mana tweaks that hoped to make the decks irrelevant without actually addressing the problem.


Ugh. That old proverb about how if you like the art, don’t meet the artist. I’m not saying that you’re wrong, but if you’re right I’d rather not focus on it.

And the problem with showdown paladin os crusaders order played the tirn before and showdown combined with a free zilliax and giants

Edit: zilliax keeps being a problem

Mage cements its worst standing ever in both formats at the same time.
And yet i told you it would still see play, there is no hope for the class nothing will change with those numbers.

They will focus on the other classses that are stronger but see less play regardless.

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If people would stop playing subpar classes they might get more attention. Thats all on the players. If you want better stop settling for garbage. Boycott Mage if you want it to get better. Stop playing whatever trash they give you.


Nah, stop blaming players for playing what they want.

Whenever a class has a too small winrate, it should get buffed.

Whenever a class has a too small popularity, it should get redesigned.

What we have here, a small winrate, so we need buffs, it’s that easy.


Top players Just don’t like to play token decks.

Basically they are very highrolly by Nature and against oponents that know what they’re doing you have to always Go for the highroll.

In other words they force legend players to play like some hard stuck plat and i’m say that as someone that had my own quota of climb and also had opportunity to talk to some really good players.

When you see token decks being popular in high ranks you can be sure.
It’s broken.
Many people there just hate playing those decks to a point they would prefer to not even play the game if the only option was that.


Extremely hard disagree. Sometimes a deck exists just to satisfy a very niche taste and that’s okay

Notice the difference?

Yeah but I can’t really take class balance seriously anymore. I care about deck balance but if they decide to push Armor Priest as a deck next expansion it wouldn’t really surprise me anymore. Class is just a portrait, it doesn’t mean anything mechanically.

Not really, although much more than before

Rogues still steal from other classes, mage still can’t equip a weapon to hit face

There are still some class identity fragments left, but yeah

Anyway, the difference is crucial. Sure, a niche deck is a niche deck

But if you have a class not seeing play at all, you either redesign it (because simply buffing it risks making it broken, but boring, something not much unlike current hunter) or you nerf other classes and force the unplayed one to see play (like what happened with Druid and Pally this balance patch)

Ignis disagrees. Everyone can do that, and those are among the best weapons in the game.

Sure, it doesn’t have class weapons that do that, but there’s been quite a bit of mechanic blend going on lately, especially with incredibly powerful neutrals.

I am largely ok with some classes having a low popularity though. Paladin will probably never be a popular class at top legend, even when it’s perfectly serviceable.

That’s not a problem.

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Yeah but it competes with Keyboard weapon and Trollmaster Chadgar weapon, so it’s not really true, is it?

I mean, kind of? But you can run multiple weapons without issue in a deck. Hell, you can play Khadgar just to bait out the viper with Ignis in waiting, and the keyboards don’t take up the weapon slot for long.

Stop it, you almost made me like the card

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I still think most people, and especially team 5, misunderstand why it’s played.
This game starts you with mage, and it’s the first class players learn and collect.
Most f2p players have very good, or complete mage collections.
They should not be punished for using the collections they have.
Where Team 5 goes wrong imo, is in attempting to force players to play a different class.
It simply will not work.
Other games reward and appreciate their f2p players, and don’t single out any one class to be ostracized, and as a result, they are rewarded for that largess.
I know what I speak of. I’m playing one now, most of the time.
I am happy to spend a little when I can, because the game is flexible and customizable for me, and the style and class I like to play is always viable, as are all of the available classes.
Until the geniuses at team 5 learn that showing appreciation and consideration for your f2p player base is the proper way to get them to spend, then this game will continue to degrade.

If I’m not mistaken, excavate rogue has just about a 50% WR at top1000, mostly due to warrior. Without warrior the deck would probably be the best deck to play there. The thing is that excavate rogue is simply a lot of fun to play and is a very versatile deck to run in ladder. Top legend players loath aggro token decks, so even if hunter is the best-performer; a lot of them just don’t want to play it.

Good rogue decks tend to have all the ingredients that top players want from a deck: versatile matchup spread without polarizing matchups and a high-skill ceiling, usually with lots of apm. Even if the warrior matchup is objectively bad, you always stay in the game thinking ‘what if I discover the perfect out’. It’s a sweet deal.


The report turned the whole meta upside down

I’m gatekept from Legend on NA by a great wall of Druids

What used to be 45% matchup for me, is now 0% because those are top 50 players

God I’m so tilted

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It could be worse. It could be raining.
A gold star if you know the quote.

No, I don’t know the quote, and it’s literally raining here xD

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