Latest vS Data Reaper #292

Token hunter is favored against almost everything, even Reno Warrior. Warrior is dominant but not unbeatable.

Death Knight is bad. Stop playing it

“Mage can be considered the worst class in the game.”


Basically what everyone already know but it’s good for people to have it from a trustworth source.

It is also good that paladin ressurected.

What i’m really don’t understood is How exactly blizzard did think the buffs they choose would help any mage deck to a significant degree and how exactly the patch adressed player agency at all.

Those are two questions i’m would non ironically pay to have an oficial answer.

Also i’m already let here my suggestion to buff heatwave to always hit all enemy Minions.
That would be actually meaningfull.


Scott, my dear friend and buddy. My assumptions turned out to be correct that the hunter is one of the best classes today, which is not inferior to the warrior class.
How are you doing buddy?

:point_right: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :+1:


Spell Token Hunter is really good, has almost no counters AND counters Brann Warrior?

Well well well…


The demon hunter takes down the warrior and rips the warrior’s head off very easily. I’ll have to make some videos about the demon hunter!
:call_me_hand: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


I somewhat feel their changes where based off of customer complaints. Say with the highlander, there were many foolish posts how the cards needed to look at your starting deck to make sure there were no duplicates etc.
I kindof pity those who have to do the development, because they seem to try and treat the customer as king. But they get treated as if they do everything wrong even if they did what the majority of complaints said would make things better.


To be fair it didnt just address the plague counter but also several decks running reno with a normal dupe deck like wheel lock, odyn warrior and even some druid decks to just draw like crazy and use reno as a clear/lockout for rhe finish.

Its what they should have done to zephrys when it was abused by any number of non highlander decks years ago


Previously on The Days of Our Lives…

  • I wrote that Sludgelock vs Zoo (Token) Hunter is even or maybe slightly favorable to Hunter in T1KL. VS says it’s even.
  • I wrote that Sludgelock is a better counter for Warrior than Token Hunter. I was wrong here but not very wrong — Sludge v Warrior is 60-40, Token v Warrior is 62-38.
  • When people said that Reno Warrior was definitely the best deck in the format, I initially replied that it was at best 4th best, behind Token Hunter in D4-1, Zarimi Priest in T1KL, and both Paladin and Sludgelock in both ranks. Then kewl pointed out something I missed and I backpedaled to 3rd best. VS confirms the corrected version.
  • I said Zoo Hunter is Tier 1 in T1KL. It is.

And yet all of these were met with disagreement. I still don’t get why y’all don’t save time and just believe me upfront.


While you were right, I was more right.

So technically, they should listen to me first :sweat_smile:

Except when I’m wrong. Definitely don’t listen to me when I’m wrong.


Shh, I’m having an ego moment


Control Shaman beats Hunter and Warrior (the latter with WUaS). I beat all but one Hunter in the last day, and the loss was because I drew literally no board clears so it was a statistical wonder.

Warrior is harder because they can Boomboss you. But both matchups are favored for Shaman IMO.


That’s the opposite of what the evidence says


I thought it was bad and then I actually saw it on a graph.
What is that warrior play rate… :face_exhaling:

It’s almost like it’s like that every patch. Nerf it already. Stupendously overplayed.


Also how do they say Rainbow Mage is gone and then cope with Spell Mage.
Even in their tier list rainbow is higher. But I guess that’s what the people want to hear.

mini-set antonidas legendary reprint cope can start now.


Popularity isn’t power.

But speaking of popularity, another claim I made was that I estimated Plague DK popularity to be 5%, but I said the data methodology on that wasn’t great and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was off less than 2%. In D4-1 Plague DK is 6.99% popularity.


I didn’t say Reno Shaman or Nature Shaman.

I said Control Shaman.

How many times do I have to hit Legend with off-the-wall / invisible / homebrewed archetypes before I get any credit?


Whether it’s power or not is unrelated. No class should have such a high play rate. Clearly something is wrong.


You have all the credit man but a good player can hit legend with most things and beat counter-matchups because the players sweating it at that level don’t know how to utilize the deck.

edit: I do agree with it beating hunter, though. It makes sense with all that removal shaman has.


For you being a decent or even a really good player?

Sure take the credit.

For meta evaluation ?

Does not matter How many times. Other people have to replicate your sucess.


That just means that if people were good, the numbers would be totally different.

Which is true.

But also VS doesn’t print every deck, just ones with sufficient selection criteria.

I’ve done this song and dance loads of times (Control Warrior in MotLK, BRnR Warrior in FoL, Reno DH in Badlands, Big DH last month just to name archetypes I’ve spoken about here).

It’s not entirely about refuting big data, it’s also about finding solutions and theorycrafting. I usually play decks that don’t get reported (I’m not alone). Hence, while Nature Shaman and Reno Shaman might struggle, I’m suggesting a third Shaman archetype that beats both.