Lackeys are worse to deal with than DH

Atleast DH is consistent, you know exactly whats coming so you can atleast prepare for it, im actually kind of glad that DH is this strong (yeah too strong i know) as if it wasant the entire game would be full on casino with rogue, mage and galakrond priest (the later being the least “worse” offender since atleast gala is restricted to priest minions which can only do so much).

Now lackey spam they could be anything, they could be tempo, they could give you huge control cards, they could give you damage for lethal or even board clears… They could even give you an activated dragonqueen alex later into the game without you having to restrict your deck…

Too much randomness, and im not the kind of person that complains about every single rng on hearthstone, in fact i find stuff like rags old 50/50 and others actually fine since they add some spice into the game and allows for comebacks, but sht like yogg box and lackeys are just painful to deal with since its way too much amount of full rng.


I’ve been playing since beta and I’ve watched the game go from highly skill/strategy based to a game that still has that to an extent, but also is full of rng. I’ve played a lot of meta builds over the years…I have to say I’m guilty of always preferring control decks. So I play Res priest in the current ladder.

As for lackeys being a problem, they can be annoying af but I don’t find them entirely game breaking.


Face 4th Alex turn in a row and then come back to tell me :slight_smile:

lackeys are cool exept the ones that have discover effects… They should be rotated out thoase cards are just to op… It’s way too easy to spam Alexstrasa in the end game if your deck is lackey based.

Admittedly, Lackeys were love at first sight for me.

You are right to an extent. The problem is that many players like me have loved these sort of crazy RNG for a long time (I remember getting Druid Twig from the Blink Fox a few times), DK Rexxar and Tess were both immensely popular. So Blizzard caters to us with these sort of cards.

Which ends up with the following question, how is Blizzard supposed to satisfy my preference without making you rage?

Now let’s remember that on the opposite end of the spectrum people like me rage about Khartut-Infiltrator Spam, which is boring, annoying, feels completely disengaged and mindless. I have come to accept the Priest res spam, because inexplicably to me a lot of people enjoy that play style.

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Here, this. No need to force everyone to the same play style.

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There’s a variety of different deck options out there that perform well, nobody is forced into playing Rogue. And for the Rogue haters, there’s always Hunter and Zoo Disco if you want to dominate that matchup.

I am all for more game modes. It’s been announced that there’s a new constructed mode on the way towards the end of the year, and that it uses cards from Wild.

if they put a discovered card cost cap to them that would make them balanced imo.there would be more variety in lackiess but they wouldnt be able to discover op cards

and also a way to discover lackys in the classic set would be fun as hell too

Yeah just played vs another Rogue. I actually see Rogues more than Demon Hunters.

Use backstab kill off opponents first play.

Turn 3 never fails, Coin, Evil Miscreant, here we go. Use the Mutate lackey on the Evil Miscreant get something extraordinary.

Play Pharaoh Cat because I always have a Pharaoh cat in the opening hand. Get a Lifesteal Reborn minion half the time.

Secret Bamboozle I get it, yep. Can I do anything about it? Nope. Do I have to attack it because if I dont I die the next turn anyways. Yep.

Play more and more lackeys, with some secrets. Now win the game on turn 7 or 8 just like a midrange Hunter does.

Players love Rogues because the AI hands you the game 9 times out of 10.

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You have a misplaced sense of Pharaoh Cat’s efficacy based on not seeing the actual cards the Rogue gets, since the the Generous Mummy and Colossus of the Moon are most often just stuck in the hand the whole game.

I get that Lackeys can be absurdly powerful, but I don’t see it as a RNG problem it is more of a Value Generation problem.

Yes there is the highroll potential of DQ Alex (et al) but when you are just generating cards for a small manna investment, most of the big Dragons / Spells are going to present threats that will run an opponent out of responses unless they also have some sort of value generation engine.

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The reason I love demon hunter is that what you put in your deck is what you get. All other 9 classes should get the same treatment and the same internal consistency.

Fudge randomness. Things like ragnaros, brawl, dragonsbane, deathwing aspect of madness, etc are ok. Because both the opposing player and you can control results, make plans around it and such.

Things like rogue thefts, both the pirate and the cat 1/2 that generates pirates and reborn, are stupid as heck. Is bad game desing, but at the same time blizz want a pro scene?

Make up your mind blizz, you can’t have it both ways.

If everyone is truly tired of high amounts of unpredictable, uncontrollable, endless value generating RNG cards, then I highly suggest you follow the link.

That’s the thing. Everyone isn’t.

Lackeys have been very popular, Blizzard will likely have similar mechanics in the future.

I am personally switching over from Rogue to Hunter, because I want to make my 2019 HL investment pay off. Which I crafted because I wanted to have my 2018 Secret Hunter investment to pay off. Which itself was a continuation from 2017 Spell Hunter. Hunter is the best class to invest into.

It’s also extremely boring waiting for rope every turn cause the opponent has to sit and think about each discovered card. I think the lust for more and more money has corrupted Blizzard and it’s nothing more that a machine that creates addictions for people to spend money. Truly sad and disgusting (also considering the games are targeted at children).

And that’s why custom game modes would be so great. Everyone can play how they want to.

I think most people were already prone to addictions when they came to Hearthstone. The game itself doesn’t do much except maybe to reinforce it further. Unfortunately it also isn’t very surprising. Basically every successful business is doing that in some way or another. It just isn’t as easy as you might think. Everyone needs money. Why not try to get value out of anything that could be used against people if that can bring in money? One can only hope that people will eventually realize that it’s better to share stuff freely and have real trust instead of forcing everyone around to suit their needs.

I used to play Starcraft, I am familiar with such a system.

I don’t know how easy it would be to create a mobile friendly version of the game lobbies, but the 2020 roadmap does show a new constructed game mode due in autumn.