Knew priest I WIN card. Impossible to beat


STORM GIANT COST TWO LESS TO FORGE. Also the storm giant can be forged endlessly. WOW

priest has endless stormgiants that cost only 1 to play that do 8-10 damage and are taunt.

How do you beat this?



New SilentStorm “I WIN” thread. Impossible to stop.


Your comment added nothing to the conversation. If you don’t have a recommendation on how to defeat this I WIN card, then just move on.


Too complicated for your genius level IQ to figure it out, heh? There is something off, but my low level IQ can´t figure out what… :thinking:


It’s not just that it’s boring to see a new “I WIN” thread every few minutes, the entire concept is nonsense. There are no “I WIN” cards; there are “I WIN” decks; the best card is terrible if the rest of the class has no good cards to support it.


I remember facing this win automatically card when it gets used with these Astral Cheat cards that get stronger and stronger basically for free with no cost and then they get easily copied and resurrected and stuff, by turn 4 you face 3x6/7 Astralfist Ogres there is nothing to be done. You can never get rid of them and they just get stronger and stronger at no cost to the priest. Doesn’t superise me that the card is also used for Giants


This card is literally crazy.

When I first saw it, I remember thinking that the game’s decline was really settling in at this point.

Because, what can you do? It’s either this endless value generator becomes the top contender or you have to pull off an OTK before Turn 10.


Dude, before you post nonsense, do your research. The card your mentioning is not even in a top tier deck. If it was a “I win” card, then everyone would play it. They don’t. Have you even played that deck? I am guessing not. You played against it and lost.
Apparently you have a genius level IQ, yet you can’t figure out how to beat this? Yet almost everyone else can?
Just stop.
And by the way, learn to spell. A genius would have learnt at least that by now.


Your comment added nothing of value to the conversation.
I ask how to beat this I WIN card.
I didn’t ask if it was in a top tier deck.

Person A: “No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.”
Person B: “But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman, and he puts sugar on his porridge.”
Person A: “But no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.”


The OP really has no clue of the concept of “balance is done on decks and not on cards”; I shouldn’t blame them too much; most people seem to fail to see that since the reddit front page is constantly filled with those naive posts saying “nerf this CARD”(without mentioning anything about the decks that are allowed to use it).

Priest is the BEST example for this; it routinely has obscenely powerful cards IN ISOLATION; but that’s BY DESIGN because they would be bad to give to another class.

E.g. Paladin shouldn’t copy its minions on-board; it just has too many powerful minions; it’s why current Arena can be OP if you have priest cards on other classes.

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Here is the value: Do your research. Think before you speak. Life lesson.

Makes no sense in this context. You are saying this card is unbeatable. Does taking sugar alter the Scotsman? This is not a “if everyone jumps off the cliff, will you do it as well” situation.
Put 2 and 2 together. BECAUSE it is not in a top tier deck, means that it is not that good.
There are many board clears in the game. And you are referring to a specific situation, where the opponent has already met his win condition. There are many situations like this in the game. Many better ones. If the opponent has already met his win condition, he has already won. Just not officially yet, but the game is basically over, depending of course on the situation.
You beat this by not allowing your opponent to get in that position in the first place.


Just ignore them. They are known pro company poster.


That is faulty logic. Most people play decks that churn out the most wins in the fastest way. A lot of cards that are brokenly strong don’t get the attention the most wins in the fastest way decks get. That does not mean they aren’t brokenly strong. In fact, they are even more brokenly strong because people like you don’t see them on a statistic that is warped and that you don’t even understand as evidenced by your poor logic.

Agreed, you might want to listen to yourself and take your own advice


Why in the world would there need to be any homework done to make a post about an obviously OP combo? And I dont see the relevance of it not being in a top tier deck to the combo still being OP. Its entirely unrelated to the issue being brought forth. What does it matter if it isnt in tier whatever decks? I dont think I’ve ever looked up anything to be in a deck before coming to the forums to make a comment about something I encountered being OP.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the OP’s first post.

Also, Ive yet to see an answer to the question on how to combat this other than beating your opponent before they can use this combo. Let me ask a more explicit question then: Once your opponent has started to do this combo, what viable remedy is there available to us to combat this? My only thought is maybe Reno? but dont they still have a hand full of the giants that cost 1? as well as the one they were forging? What viable options are left to combat this once its started?


But there are numerous combos in the game. Better ones than this and easier to achieve. So I won’t necessarily call it OP. But that’s the point of the “OP” combos. Once you have the combo pieces, its game over. Or close to at least.
So why focus on this one?
Yes the combo is OP, in the same way as a mage with a hand full of damage and spell damage on the board. The same as a Mechathun and mill. The same as Pain DH when you have Aranna. The same as excavate DK with Reska, and Death Growl (ugh hate this one).Etc. There are many more. The point is, this combo, this card, is not OP. It is not a “I win” card. Definitely not in the same league as Reno.

Because it is most likely the most recent one the OP encountered? What is the relevance of other combos you’ve mentioned? There isnt any. I asked a specific question, that if you cannot provide an answer, thats fine. But I would argue that this combo is OP. I would never have seen this pairing of cards on my own. Seeing it used in such a way seems like an unintended pairing from the devs. New cards often are. (New = standard, new =/= only latest expansion). But the question remains not “why focus on this one combo” but remains “what can be done to mitigate or counter or answer this combo once its begun?”

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I though this thread was going to be about the “take 2 turns” one, which is literally the most insanely op thing I’ve seen in this game. I was surprised to see it wasn’t about it.

But hey, at least it’s fun to see always the same people trying to give extrra internet credit to their opinion by discrediting op’s voice. Which speaks more poorly of themselves than op’s supposed lack of super-insight (that they, of sourse, seem to have - or at their very best, pretend they do).

This is incorrect. If an “I win” card existed, not everyone would play it. 200 IQ geniuses would instead go to the forums to complain about it and misspell the thread title.


I’m happy at least you were able to identify this for your own comments

You don’t. He will probably never face it again. It’s not good. It won’t see a lot of play.