Knew priest I WIN card. Impossible to beat

Maybe I read the tone of the original post wrong. If that is the case, I apologize.
It came across as someone who faced this once, got triggered, and came to the forums to rant. Or someone that saw it in the collection, didn’t take 5 minutes to check the internet if this is any good, and went to forums…
SilentStorm has made many posts like this, where he will claim to be very smart, and then go on to say something really dumb. The bad spelling doesn’t help either.
Unfortunately I have to deal with people like that very often. I saw it, and got a bit triggered as well.
Maybe he has a strange sense of humor that I am not getting. Maybe the intent was to trigger someone. If that was the case, well played, you got me. It does not happen often.
I’ll end with this. IMO the card is a non issue. Not worthy of the attention that it got here, but that may have been the point.
Now I’ll leave you alone to discuss this all powerful card, that gives you so many headaches, on your own.

Yeah, that’s all it is. These posts are not meant for serious discussion

Im genuinely interested as I want to use this combo now that I’ve heard of it for the first time. It seems unbelievably OP to me.

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It is easily dealt with, use Flik, no more copies, problem solved.

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What is Flik and what does it do?
I see
It’s a roge card.

As a mage how do I play this card?

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How odften does fhat give the roge flik xard?

Actually, it might never give mage flik. Discover has been confusing me lately lol

Ah I see so it is tech nicallity correct bht realistically or in practice not correct at all, thank you for clarifying

No i think im just wrong, pay no attention to me

I win decks resolve around I win cards, so yeah…god analogy here what can I say.

What card is this, by the way?
I want to craft it, so I can make this super-duper priest and try it, but I can’t find the card anywhere.

I think you mean this card. I’ve never played it with Storm Giant, but I assume it copies the card exactly, so it would get the cost reduction

Wait is that what we’re talking about here?


I thought y’all were talking about something new

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The card the priest was using makes a copy that costs only one.
That is the card I am looking for.

It was like that card, but every copy made only cost one, so they could fill their hand with storm giants every turn.

Did you mean this?
Epic · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Taunt Battlecry: Set the Cost of the top card of your deck to (1).

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How does one make storm giant cost 1? It is an even-cost, 8 mana card that reduces its mana cost by 2 each time it is forged. Is this a riddle? Am i being tested? Is this math?

Weird that I hate math and love hearthstone. Probably why I like Yogg-style effects so much

One of the cards he had out made his forges cost only 1. so he could make endless stormgiants that cost 1.

You are mistaken. There’s no such card.

This whole thread is about your hallucination.