It's funny that the option to 'reply' to this post removed

I’m curious. all these people talking about the op… I’ve never seen them before in this forum either. how can they say they have never heard of the op I referenced? especially when they have not been on this forum themselves.

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7 months necro ?
they should do it more often

and ban necrobumpers too


Ban people for discussing history?

Oh newb…

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necrobumpers dont discuss they only bump inactive threads

you are probably trolling
you are calling this

14000 games? Blimey. You need a life!

“discussing history”

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Did that happen in the past?

I think thats what history is right?

Oh you just dont like the topic… so as u push on to 8k posts… is it okay if other people make posts or no?

Also why so serious?


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yes it did.
I was foolish enough to write something in a month old thread, just because something happened that was relevant (like a nerf and I was like “I remember this guy suggesting this exact nerf” so I wrote it there).

Not only the reply option disappeared and the thread closed, but I was also banned for 2 days from writing on the forum :+1:

I don’t blame people who open a new thread every two days: you get punished for searching old threads in the forum, they may as well delete all of them after 7 days,

I think it’s stupid to have a rule that says “you can’t write in old threads, start a new one instead” and at the same time another rule that says “your thread is similar to these old ones, try to join them instead of making a new thread”

“You’re the troll here” they said, as they fed the troll…and now you’ve made me a part of it. Thanks :upside_down_face:

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