Is there a new way to XP Farm

You can auto-play BGs by having an auto-clicker click the place where the “Play” button is every now and then. I used to do it and was able to get to level 400 for a few expansions.


That’s a very bannable offense, on all Blizzard games, and any games in the world the Devs are actually smart and detect cheating.

Only if it does more than hit the play button, if your going to quote them,you should quote the whole sentence

What are you talking about. That’s also bannable, unless you find an official TOS of the Devs saying “well if you cheat by only auto-clicking THAT play button it’s fine my dude…”.

i would love to know how the play button getting pressed over and over again is a bannable offence

like its not buying minions for you, its just pressing the mouse button in the place on the screen in which the play button resides

its not playing the game for you

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Are you willing to give your account name so we can go together to a ticket to see if you’ll be banned if you announce you cheat by auto-clicking?

I’m not interested in convincing you by the way. I know it’s bannable so you might want to look it up (unless you bring us the TOS proof).

you already have my account name, just like i have yours

It’s never bannable…people have been botting in LoL TFT for ages before it got disabled, no1 got banned.

All they got was a message kindly asking them to stop.

Too many people do such shannigans to ban them all

This ain’t RuneScape, where botting/auto-clicking is certainly bannable due to the nature of training skills in that game.

It is blatantly bannable, it’s just that I guess the Devs(and Executives) don’t care much about HS because it’s probably too heavily free to play for their company to care.

If you were long term WoW players you’d probably know; they routinely ban autoclicking (of any nature); they may even ban based on mice with software that programs sequences (but I’m unclear about that last part).

There was once a guy that set up a mechanical method of “multi-boxing” in where he had 2 wow accounts, 2 computer setups, and he had engineered with wooden dowels or kinex kits or something, a structure that would make keypresses and mouse movements and clicks identical between the 2 setups, all puppeteered by the human in the first pc setup. THere was not software at all involved, the human was indeed, piloting both setups, albeit one with the aid of essentially extensions to reach the other setup at the same time, but the defense used was that his extensions weren;t any different than someonse with pedal extensions in order to drive their vehicle or more closely in situation, a drivers ed vehicle that had pedals and steering wheels on both sides of the vehicle. However the accounts still got banned despite showing a good faith argument and all evidence that they were not, by the letter of the ToS violating them. But they still decided that the ambiguous nature of the multiboxing even by purely mechanical means, still violated their botting policy. It boiled down to the ethics of such tactics and spirit of the policy itself and what it was meant to prevent.

Personally I thought the mechanical approach was a truly clever and not an ethical breech, but Blizzard didnt come to that same conclusion, as is their right.

No idea what you mean by this in terms of relevance, but go ahead and bet on the intellect that thinks blatantly bragging about exploiting the game mechanics to autoplay in order to farm the game for resources is also a good idea. Both of you seem to be well suited to be the type to get yourselves stuck inside of a jewelry store during your heist.

You’re totally wrong here - automated clicks is using third party hacks for sure.

From the EULA

bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform,

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Ah code and software, so if i place my mouse over the play button and have an external way thats not attached to the computer press the button, its fine

Most likely no.

Their list is not exhaustive and the EULA grants them sole discretion. i.e. means for example, so there’s no indication that it’s a limited definition. e.g. would be different in this context, and it’s not used.

Now, do I think that’s as easily caught? No.

you do understand that fuzzy just explained using their hand right?

That’s not how I read it in this context, and reading it as you suggest would be pretty dumb.

I meant my hand

Cheezus is correct

using your hands to operate the game is assumed. using a 3rd party app not approved by blizzard to automate is cheating, as neon posted. the 3rd party software used to auto-click has not been approved for use, thus its a violation of th eula to use them.

deck trackers f.e have been authorised by blizzard for use so cant be cheating under the eula. autoclicker software has not to my knowledge been apporoved by blizzard for use thus is cheating.

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so what happens when i use a clock with really big hands that touches the mouse, and clicks the play button?

deck trackers give info they shouldnt be able to provide, which = cheating

that clock is not an app is it?

no literally not cheating they have been officially permitted for use by blizzard. suto clicker have not