Is there a new way to XP Farm

Since Mercenaries XP Farm got reduced to an extreme extent I have been finding myself unable to utilize the Tavern Pass for Gold.

Has there been an alternative method after all this time

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Yeah I do this really unusual method to farm gold. What I do is I play various modes and complete my dailies and weeklies. Then I get gold. I’m completely F2P just not when I buy stuff which is like once a week.


What a novel idea.

Are you seriously asking people to offer you ways to exploit the game to allow you to farm resources other than by playing the game?

What exploit, everyone was aware of Mercenaries XP Farm and even big Youtubers were promoting it.
What am I exploiting exactly.

Bringing morality to me farming pixels, get off the high horse bud.


After your dishonest behavior forced them to all but remove XP from the mode? Nothing.

I would hope that people bring morality to all facets of their lives, but my code is not yours it seems.


Do you know that the removal of farming on the dead Format that is Mercenaries caused the increase in Wild & Standard bots to a noticeable extent, and brought the situation we are in now where 1/2 games in Wild is against a bot.

Me ‘jerking myself’ in the PVE mode that is now Mercenaries affected no-one, and yet the increase in bots in the PVP Formats affects all.

I am not asking them to bring it back for I don’t care that much about a game, I am just questioning if there is a new way to allow me, a person uninterested in spending enough time in this horrible meta to farm Gold while awaiting the next expansion.

Yet somehow that affects the nonexistent morality that you have created for this situation.
Me farming a PVE Format is not immoral nor is it moral, it just is.
Always with this arrogant tone in this site …


So the illegal bots in mercenaries moved to other modes is your justification for your own exploits?

I am not going to attempt to untangle how twisted your logic is.

I am not justifying my actions for there is nothing to justify, pixels go from 175 → 275, look at me bring a bad criminal that needs to realize his wrongdoings.

Also you are very pushy with your word usage.
Maybe this would work on a child but you are only embarrassing yourself right now by your vocabulary.

Legality and morality are separate issues, but I do not expect you to understand either.

At least you seem upset at being called out for your actions, suggesting you might have some shred of decency hidden away deep inside.

Call it exploiting was a little too much.

He wasn’t using any bug or anything. If the system is dumb it’s blizzard’s fault.


While walking into an open front door of someone’s house isnt counted as a burglary or breaking and entering, etc… taking advantage of the open door home such as moving yourself in, filling your water jugs with their water, making yourself a sandwich with the openly available food in the bridge, etc, would be crimes, some are simple thefts, others are civil in nature, but all can see that taking advantage of the easily exploited owner of said house with open door is wrong. Some actions are certainly worse than others and im sure there will be some that think they can justify their choices in said scenario, but regardless of fault of stupidity by the target, exploitation in any interpretation is aslways the fault of the on that knows what they are doing

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Except the system was not dumb. People were abusing the game mechanics, which is an exploit.

Apparently not all can see it, though I agree with your assessment here.

If everyone agreed then it isn’t a crime.

Like seriously. Are people dumb or what?

Next step from this is what?

Capitalism is theft because you didn’t stop the person buying something stupid that they don’t need from doing so?

Sorry but that specific type of “moral” is just assuming people can’t have responsability for themselves and it isn’t really something anyone should appreciate.

If it’s a featured mechanic then it isn’t an exploit. Gaining exp is exactly the expected result undependent of how you played.

You seem to fundamentally not understand the difference between morality and legality.

Many things are both perfectly legal and horrible morality.

This topic is about consideration for your responsibility for your own actions, not the victims’ responsibilities.

Your stance on this topic seems to make you immune from liability for your own acts in bad faith.

Capitalism is dying precisely because it has become divorced for any sense of morality.

Cramer already illustrated the error of your logic.

Some types of morallity are dumb i guess.

The ones that think it is perfectly acceptable to cheat and then blame the person swindled are quite dumb despite the fact that you are advocating for that exact position.


For you to “exploit” something you need to get an unintended result for it to be even worth of discussion.

Playing by the rulebook isn’t cheating and even if i counted it as “cheating”:

I would say that people doing that are the ones being cheat on.
Atleast where i live the electricity bill isn’t low enough for this to be a good way to get hearthstone packs.
Also they’re artificially inflating blizzard number with the company is for sure interested.

Who is being used now?

If you want real cases of cheating try the people hacking duels those days. That was cheating.

So not only it isn’t cheating if everyone agreed(including blizzard) but it also isn’t a smart decision.

You’re delusional.

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Your position here is that it was their design intent for people to bot half hour blocks afk in the mode to farm rewards experience, that that was the design intent?

Or would you say the way it was being used was unintended, which you said would make it an exploit? It would seem that the fact that it was so brutally scaled back to prevent this behavior proves both their design intent did not include this behavior and that the game designers considered the behavior to be exploitive.

Did you not see the people posting about getting bans for doing exactly this?

You are, apparently, by some propaganda machine that has made you believe that you must steal and cheat to survive.

This is not an appropriate response.

People not being competent in their design is also no excuse.

When you design something and you set the terms then you’re letting the other side to be free to do whatever is under those terms.
No one other than yourself has fault that you not understand the contract you did write by yourself and because of that made a flawled one.

So if she did not wear a skirt so short?

She drank too much.

She should have stayed home and none of this would happen.

Minami, you have no morals. You are a monster. I will pray for you and your immortal soul because your approach to the world only leads to pain and suffering, which you will, then blame on all those who hurt rather than the aggressors.