Is there a new way to XP Farm

nothing you or anyone could ever say anything, that would make me believe that the use of deck trackers is not cheating

they provide info you are not able to get by any other means

factually wrong. blizzard has given their consent for their use so by default they cannot be cheat

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again you will not change my mind

deck tracker = cheating

i dont need to change your mind

the government (blizzard) has approved the use of deck trackers

they cant be a cheat by defalt due to that

they have not given permission to autoclick software thus using it is cheat

you can keep repeating the same thing over and over


deck tracker still cheating

you can repeat the same thing over and over

you are still wrong

its not cheating if its been allowed by the governing body - not you

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unless you can provide evidence that deck trackers are not used for cheating

i will continue to know for a fact that it is

i dont need evidence

blizzard has stated deck trackers are fine to use so they arnt cheating by default

then i dont need to read anything you have to say

so long, forever

bai felicia

you are still wrong

auto clicking software is cheatin

deck trackers software are noyt

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They sure are.

In practice I don’t know how you would find someone using said clock method to automate their clicks, but it is definitionally cheating to have any outside force that isn’t the player automate the game.

Not to wade into controversy, but to be clear the deck tracker does not have any information you can’t get via any other means. With some coding skill you could just build your own deck tracker - the information is provided by Blizzard to the client, meaning it is fully available to you. Just because you don’t know how to access or build an interface to the data doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Feel free to parse your own log files during a game - you’ll get exactly the same data. The code for the Hearthstone deck tracker is literally posted on Git as open source.


For the best “computer people”: software will look “mechanical” to Blizzard (I mean they won’t detect it directly with their anti-Cheat on,

but Blizzard can still detect it[if they care to do it(and they seem to do it occasionally)], server-side indirectly.

You can see a log file manually that shows the cards played, and you can make your own tools reading that file.

Or so I’m told that’s how Firestone etc work ; I haven’t bothered to check it myself but it sounds simple enough; one could even make some kind of script that gives them advice based on a script they wrote themselves lol… (damn I gave ideas to myself (but I probably won’t do it (I already do a lot of programming work for other non-game-related jobs as it is))).

The dude literally explained that in details one post above you:

I don’t know if you’re aware but 95% of hearthstone users farm 24 hours a day with bots, around 300 gold a day…then you decide what to do…from what I’ve seen, a good bot is totally identical to a human player

You and DomSchitt are simply misfiring at each other. Your view is based on ethics where as DomSchitt’s view is based on legality. Ethically, you are right that a deck/card tracker is cheating. It removes/reduces errors that we would otherwise naturally make, which is part of the game play in card games. I personally don’t use such software because I enjoy the challenge of having to exercise my brain through the game. Legally though, DomSchitt is right that it is not cheating because the copyright holder officially authorized its use. Instead of bickering at each other, try to understand each other’s point of view. You both have valid points, and it’s not necessary to attack each other. FYI, this message isn’t directed at just you. I just couldn’t find a way to ping both of you.