Is there a new way to XP Farm

The exploit that you are talking of would not be categorized as an exploit, it was bot farming, which has nothing to do with what I am talking about.

The accounts that have been banned for supposedly ‘just mercenaries xp farming and suddenly, boom, blizzard banned me’ are people that were botting.

I am aware but this has nothing to do with this here.
There is a reason this thread is still up.

By the way I am confident, some if not all of these ‘Check out Mercenaries XP Farm’ YT videos were all sponsored by Blizzard to a certain extent.

So someone that leaves the door unlocked for an hour while they are within the home itself are not allowed to feel that the person that suddenly is squatting in their home uninvited cannot feel violated? Wronged? Exploited? Also the person squatting within the home is not exploiting the fact that the door was left unlocked for them to do so?

Your logic is dizzying in the fact that is must do so much spinning for you to feel justified. And that is all you are doing in this thread, justifying your poor decisions and not providing any motivations or circumstances or even reasons to portray your decisions as not poor.

You are using the whataboutism tactic that uses the premise that “if someone else does something wrong then I cannot be doing something wrong” which just has an incorrect conclusion that no one is doing anything wrong, so that the user of the whataboutism can feel blameless and skirt any responsibility because they have changed the focus of the discussion to another bad actor and no longer themselves.

Its a fallacy of logic that shows your immaturity of decision making. immaturity for taking responsibility for your own actions when called out, and lack of morality for being capable of saying the bare minimum of societal standards, that what you were doing was wrong. The shallowness of thought in your justifications is so shallow i doubt the water molecules in my metaphor can stack 2 molecules high.

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Yes, there is. And it is because the exploit was eliminated in a previous patch.

I appreciate you taking your time to elaborate on the facts here. Thank you.

Don’t trip Cramer, Blizzard actually welcomed you in the home and gave you free access to it as long as you were willing to stay in the home.

The allowance of XP Farming for so looong was an intended move by Blizzard.


People do something that puts themselves and others in risk.

It’s just that nowadays people where sold the propaganda that tells that someone will protect then.

They were lied and lied so hard that usually it’s exactly who says that(government) that is hurting they the most.

Way to cherry-pick, if XP Farming was an exploit, this thread would be deleted because it violates ‘promotion of ways to exploit the game’

Even in your cherry-picked quote you are wrong.

Intentionally not playing a mode to afk farm is exploiting. There is no way to ague this because blizzard clearly made it no longer possible.

You are not talking about farming xp by playing the game, you are doing it in way that exploits mechanics.

Wrong, it just went from 200 XP to 20 XP.
Still possible but just reduced, so clearly not an exploit otherwise it would be reduced to 0 and I would be banned for both doing and admitting to doing it.

Truly you have a dizzying intellect. - Me

Never go into a battle of wits against a Cicillian especially when death is on the line. Hahaahaha- dies - You

Other interpretation is that blizzard has the right to change the contract at any momment and once people were annoyed by that possibility they decided to change the terms(A.K.A. reducing the exp).

He’s just jealous he didn’t do the same and feels he’s behind unfairly now, which he isn’t

He also doesn’t seem to understand that there’s advantage in actually playing the game for gold and improving while others afk farm in pve and live their life instead of playing xd

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Too young to understand.

Imagine thinking that saying your lack of knowledge is somehow a smart or even a good response. lol :rofl:

Im done with this “person”. They are clearly too young to understand societal basics or even a popular movie reference. They dont meet the standards I would expect of a 6th grader.

118 XP 49 Blue Gems
27 minute timer because I was trying it for the first time.

Basically like Coffee said.
120 XP
50 Blue Gems
(For non-paid Pass)
Unfortunately the Mage skin sucked so I can’t see the paid one.
Maybe this much:

By the way thx Cramer for replying because Blizzard’s system doesn’t allow me to write 2 responses consecutively.

2 big fallacies here. 1) There are games that it’s extremely immoral (in PvE) for everyone involved (and in a smaller part even HS); e.g. WoW has an extremely competitive PvE scene; if you hijack the game in “lazy” ways that other people competing at other teams (guilds) don’t: you will be considered lame/immoral.

2 ) Immorality and ethics are generally subjective; what you consider fine someone else may not; I personally find PvE AFKing in HS kinda sad rather than too-immoral because “if you hate the game to the point of not even playing it casually on a casual mode for the questing then you might have to move on”.

PS also it’s a waste of some resources; e.g. wastes CPU time and energy; it can even wear a phone off

You can go over 30 minutes, you just wont get any more XP, just your 120/144. But if you forget and go longer (my guess is more than an hour - don´t know exactly) you won´t get any XP!

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The extreme intelectual ETC into Zola for 7 mana is a good play.

Only that to tell about you.

I’m bet on the 6th grader

Sounds like loser mentality to get mad at someone for getting ahead with a method that you can also use but refuse to.
Especially on a video game!

Tell that to the guy, I didn’t bring it up, if anything I find it laughable talking about morality on a video game, especially when it doesn’t concern the sexual or violent nature that some games have but just some stupid Gold.

That was in context to other games that the ENTIRE competition is the PvE. If you cheat the PvE then you ruin the entire competition so there’s no point having a competition then.

Also (and it’s more relevant to HS): time is “money” (or stats in this case/other benefits) so it can be a small benefit even for PvP: e.g. XP can give more cards that can be used in PvP etc.

In my mind, even if I had all the cards in Hearthstone, I would actually like if other players had a method to farm Gold, because that would make the meta more diverse, because more people would have the resources to make it more diverse.
And if it was PVE like Mercenaries I would not only like it I would be overjoyed.

That’s why I find it stupid to consider it immoral.