Is there a new way to XP Farm

I’m afraid you’re delusional here.

You’re missing the long-term perspective in your morality calculations.

If something immoral is made legal and proffitable and if most people are “exploiting” it and getting ahead of you, then the moral thing to do is to join them in their exploitation (while at the same time trying to bring changes to the system which allows it).


Because every person first needs to take care of themselves, in order to be able to take care of their close ones and eventually, to help humanity.

How are you gonna help humanity if you’re starving to death and fighting for your own survival?

Seriously, exploiting a design flaw is much more moral than taking the moral high ground, if only you choose the long-term perspective instead of the short-term one.

Not to mention that by refusing to exploit that flaw, you are downplaying the seriousness of the flaw. The more people get on the exploit train, the sooner the flaw will get noticed and patched up.

This is the literal antithesis of morality.

Everyone is cheating, so I should cheat?

The world is doomed.

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This is your cue - if everyone is doing something, it’s socially acceptable and adaptable. If you’re not adaptable to society, you’re by definition being Anti-social.

I am yet to hear about antisocial personality being coupled with moral high ground. Not that it’s impossible, it’s just…unsustainable. If an anti-social person improves the morality of the whole socios, then we call them pioneers and visionaries. But one thing is for sure, they’re not gonna do it by starving to death while everyone is enjoying xD Middle ages are over. Jesus was a one-time deal.

Morality is a highly cognitive and logical phenomenom, contrary to popular opinion. We do not help people out of sheer altruism, we do it because it’s proven to help us in the long-term.

We mainly help people who are similar to us or related to us because we share the same genes and it helps the genes to replicate.

We punish people who do not return favors to us and we call it “karma”. there’s nothing spiritual about it, it’s pure logic - if you help someone who’s exploiting others, you’re ruining yourself and others. By turning the other cheek, you become the bad guy.

Exploiting a system design flaw which everyone else is exploiting, is not exploiting others, it’s adapting to the current optimal strategy for survival.

Besides, I don’t care how much gold and cards you have, I’m still gonna beat you when I see you. Especially if you earned that by botting or exploiting a design flaw. While you’re farming gold by doing nothing, I’m actually playing the game and improving at it. You’re not.

I’ve been in the bonus part of the reward map for weeks now, and i’ve reached it just by playing. I don’t see anyone in the same position who didn’t play the game to have any advantage over me. I remain advantageous by not exploiting the system flaw.

People who exploited it aren’t immoral. They’re just lazy and mediocre. And that’s OK. That’s what average people are. That’s where the majority is. And that’s why you should know better if you’re gonna preach to others.


You’re really trying to do THAT comparison in first place?

And then i’m somehow the imoral one here.

With that aside.
My moral value is personal responsability if you’re so interested.

Just don’t make people have to protect you because you did take a bad decision.

That because before any value comes your capacity to life and enforce those values.

I’m don’t cause problems to other people , i’m not ask for help to deal with mine and i’m not help people without having a personal interest in it.

If every people deal with the risks and consequences of their own actions then everyone is both safe and free.

If people get dumb enough to think that someone other than themselves should have to save then…
Slavery is literally what waits those people in one form or another and everyone knows that slaves are also subjected to whatever their master wants including being hurt.

That to not even count on the toll that puts on people like you who are dumb enough to try to defend then from their own mistakes.

Self responsability comes first. Above everyone and everything.
If someone made a bad decision than said person should pay for it and not the entire community.

It’s paradoxical, but by trying to complain about what majority does, you’re putting yourself in disadvantage.

Either join what they do cuz it’s obviously beneficial to you, or don’t, and try to find a way to make it a superior option.

As I said, I haven’t exploited the system. I’ve played and played and played. They might have the same amount of gold and cards as I do, but they didn’t play and improve at the game while earning that gold. I did.

Ergo, I have advantage.

Ergo, I should be thankful majority are lazy and mediocre enough to exploit the design flaw.

Everytime a majority adopts a certain strategy, your optimal strategy is to do the opposite because then you gain the advantage.

It’s called “game theory”. John Nash got a Nobel prize for that. Look it up. This is a game, after all…

Just afk in battlegrounds, just hit play and go do other stuff, easy 100 exp for doing nothing

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And if nothing suits him then he should consider working that not only will pay the card packs but the bills.

Like seriously…
There are far better stuff for people do with their time than waste electricity farming packs.

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Yeah, it’s called play the game.

Exploit … you made me laugh… Playing the game in a way ain’t exploiting! This is so dumb. Only you can’t play because of not having time or what, doesn’t make this an exploit.

yeah there is a way. Check Old Guardians YT Chanel. “AFK farming after Merc XP Nerf”

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You fail to see that the converse of your entire position is exactly that. When someone is victimized, you are saying that is their issue alone for not being able to stop it.

You blame blizzard for people exploiting the game while also stating this:

I am agreeing with you that people have a responsibility to not take advantage of others, but you disagree.

This is exactly how group evil happens. You are absolutely wrong.

The fact that it was closed means it was unintended.

Because self responsability is to not put yourself on a position where you can be taken advantage by others.

What others do is a literal “not my problem” situation.

In a world where people are strong and inteligent enough to not be taken advantage there are no victims.

This means that if blizzard did test it
better that would not have happened.

With that said.
Your comparison is imoral because you can’t be responsible for the safety of others and treat someone as your equal at same time.
So thinking that is the obligation of every man to be babysit to woman is machist as heck.

That to not even talk about the assumption that any damm man is a potencial predator.
That is misandric.

The least lame idea, is to just do Ranked Standard if you play Wild normally or do Ranked Wild if you do Standard normally (BGs don’t have modes).

THEY SHOULD KEEP CASUAL ON HIGH XP TOO because that way people would play ACTUALLY casually there and still have FUN for xp.

This is such a myopic misunderstand of how the world works.

You really do not understand this at all. Not even in the slightest.

Your entire position is simplistic justification for amorality.

That requires for them to not care to rank because the BGs don’t have modes. For that reason if you want XP and still like ranking: the only solution I can see is to play ranked Standard if you play Wild normally and vice versa,

but I wouldn’t “hack it”/“exploit it” by being AFK because the benefit is so small for wasting energy/CPU resources/phone life and if you hate the game so much as to not even be able to do the quests then just move on.

EDIT: I mean DO IT, but not in an AFK way, those things are interesting if you want to do quests “casually” (because it’s lame that Casual mode has no good XP).

Thanks for this friend, will try right now and update on this thread for anyone interested.
I will tell of how much XP it was and how much ‘blue gems’ currency it was from the Event.

It is 120 XP max and 50 blue gems for half an hour



XP Farming on a PVE Format is not immoral no matter how much you try to say it is.
It’s like trying to tell me I am immoral for pressing the Threaten emote on the Innkeeper Practice mode, it simply isn’t because the only one involved in it is me.

Stop embarrassing yourself, there was no exploit or else this thread would be taken down for talking about it wouldn’t it
Unless of course this doesn’t actually violate anything, Blizzard even promoted it from behind the scenes, that much, is as clear as day.

Thanks buddy, paid or unpaid Pass

XP is unpaid, paid is 144 XP, not sure about gems

And your entire position is trying to sustain BS.

While It still other people choice to do whatever they wanna do and they probably should be punished for that.

The highest sin of then all is to put yourself in the victim situation.

It’s too easy don’t you think?

Just do whatever passes on your read ignoring every damm risk and put anything bad that happens in part due to your own lack of responsability on the world.

And you know the best part ?
It’s a sin to a so high level of extention that nature itself already punishes it by turning you into a victim.
It doesn’t even matter what people think on this because this punishment is administrated by the natural order of things.

No government ,state or anyone can change it.
It’s wrote in stone. As it should be.

If there was no exploit, why was XP in mercenaries all but eliminated?

Though it may not have been a violation to manually afk the mode to farm experience, it was clearly illegal to use a script to do it. Actions were taken on those accounts.

This again blames people for existing, which cannot be a moral stance of any substance.

You simply lack the cognitive ability to comprehend how your position is so bad.