Is it even possible to save Twist

They tried it once and nobody had the cards.
They tried it twice and nobody had the cards.

The third they decide to make it Commons only, yet still, nobody wants to play the Format because people simply can’t trust Blizzard after the first 2 times, also, new players can’t invest in an everchanging Format, especially when it requires Wild cards in most cases.

The way I see it Twist probably brings “0 revenue” and yet requires manpower to come up with ideas for an everchanging Format, therefore to me, Blizzard simply can’t keep up with it and it will get discontinued.

My proposition is, keep it basically the same, but only include Standard cards.
If this :point_up_2: was Twist I think this month would be extremely popular with all players, both new and old.

New players would have the chance to climb a Format with mere Commons, and old players would just play one game here and there just to try it out and perhaps even make a climb to Legend.

What’s stopping Twist’s success is the inclusion of Wild cards, I’ve thought that from the start.

By the way just for everyone to be aware, we are most probably getting the Caverns Of Time set in the next Rotation. Their nonduplicate inclusion from the new new cards supports this theory of mine, just throwing it out there.

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I think if twist had a 1 class ban (which everyone would ban warrior) it would see a lot more play. But since it is 90% warrior, it’s just kinda lame.

This is so true…

Probably won’t work, players will just convert to the second strongest class.

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They should have just made it a normal rotation mode.

Maybe also with expensions that replicate very popular metas.

This would allow players to replay their favorite decks from the past.

The biggest problem is that they have made new cards and want to sell them.
Without anyone knowing how long these can actually be played.
Because of this cards, they can’t bring back the old metas.
If these are banned, there will be a huge sh*tstorm.

My answer is: no!

Twist is dead and will no longer be able to be saved.

But there is no second strongest. There’s warrior and there’s everything else. A bunch of classes could lay claim to second strongest. Even if it won’t work it’s worth a shot.

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According to HS mathematics podcast, even duels has a much wider player base than what twist ever has had and it was doomed from the start.


I generally have most cards I need, so no problem there.

I do not believe I have ever played a lot of warrior in twist. mostly paladin, some shaman and druid. On average perhaps 1 new card needed per deck.

I simply am not playing twist this month so far, because I could not play it last month, so mostly wild last month and wild again this month.

can someone explain what does he mean by the "trust " part i dont get it

seems like run out of ideas and threw it in there just to say something

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The real question. Does MS care about a mode of the game that doesn’t make enough money to justify a team to keep working on it?

I assumed that was the case.

I think he is saying they had 1 month and it did not take off.
they had a second month and it did not take off.
he has lost his trust in blizzard that it would be worthwhile to contruct /buy a twist deck, ignoring that you cant even buy a new twist deck.

personally I never expected twist to be the new standard/bg, so nothing to lose trust over.


Well, you see when a scummy mega corp keeps killing game modes…especially ones with a heavy monetary investment (Pressing F for anyone who got suckered into buying all three mercstone pre order bundles)…there’s a trust issue.

Because like classic, people spent money on a mode they killed, and now with duels getting the axe and the locking of twist people rightly ask themselves “what’s to keep them from doing the same to twist, right after people drop a bunch of money on it?”

This is one of those moments where I encouraged you previously that having empathy would be handy.

And yet they killed it. Go figure.


Oh they’re going to kill Twist by the end of 2024.

That’s just speculation but I’d bet money


What is there to explain, read the text before it.
It’s just the conclusion of the text before.

Pathetic attempt at trying to give Blizzard face by the way, trying to imply that I am just throwing baseless words while I clearly didn’t.

Reported for trolling the thread and throwing baseless implications against me.

:point_up_2: :+1:


There is no saving anything when it comes to this game or other Blizzard games. Blizzard went from a great developer to one of the worst ever.

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Twist is just not delivering what it promised.

If it would give you ALL cards for free (only in Twist mode), then you can really ‘build your own deck’.

I kinda like the inital twist. The idea to have C’thun add ‘fun random mechanics’ on the 2nd or 3rd month of Twist was a very bad mistake that drove many people away. It downright sucked.

This month, with only commons, its just boring, with warrior to crush everything in its path.


It’s possible but it has to come from the players. Stop playing dragon warrior/paladin and this season twist may actually become creative/fun.

Should have just kept Classic instead.

Isn’t the point of Twist to make old cards great again?

Isn’t something like Paladin much more OP there, btw?

Me neither, although in a different way than you. :smirk:

What ‘trust’ are people talking about? How… naive must one be in order to trust this particular enterprise, especially given how many times they had betrayed whatever trust some players might have harboured?

I still buy Mercs packs with gold, since there’s little else for me to spend it on, apart from maybe some skins, but there aren’t that many that I want that badly right now… And still waiting for Elise to become available, as sort of promised, btw — speaking of ‘trust’.

I think their rationale was enunciated well enough — Duels have been particularly hard to maintain.

In this light, they should have just kept Classic, btw, since it was static.

That’s what this forum character does all the time — playing the white knight for them. :rofl: Can’t be bothered to provide links — yet again — this time.

Yep. Except it was Yogg. :grinning:

The rhetoric one, you mean?


It’s peculiar how some characters living in their own personal bubble speak about ‘nobody’ and ‘everybody’, as if they had investigated every single player… Or, more precisely, they just called those who did these things (whatever it was that they did, doesn’t matter) ‘nobodies’.

To every single one of these types who are putting such labels on others, a question (probably a rhetoric one, too): do you truly, in your hubris and delusion, believe yourself to be a somebody ? :smirk:

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Because the method is bad.

Not the pool.

To start with:

Where are the Twists?

Or they really think that curating the card pool is a twist ?

After that.
Did they tried it atleast once ?
While it is important to let people explore they should atleast ban the most obvious offenders before the Season starts.

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This is the correct question.

I thought they might have really made the deck restrictions or conditions interesting.

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