Invincible roge hack, i just witnessed

Roge has magic weapon with many enchant.
I use mgaic two cost card to discover the pefect card.
I choose harrison jones which is supposed to destroy your opponents weapon. Instead it just put it back in the roges deck and the deck was empty so they drew it on their next turn and beat me.
Blizzard needs to look into this.

This is not a hack or a bug.

The weapon was probably ā€œKingsbaneā€.

Legendary Ā· Weapon Ā· Kobolds and Catacombs Ā· Always keeps enchantments. Deathrattle: Shuffle this into your deck.

This weapon has a deathrattle which shuffles it back into the deck once it is destroyed.


The harrison jones card says ā€œdestroyā€ the enemy weapon. Which means it is gone for good. Not put back in the deck.

Yes, the weapon got destroyed.

It was put back into the deck because the deathrattle triggered BECAUSE it was destroyed. What would be the point of the deathrattle otherwise?

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So is there any card that removes the magick weapon for good?

You could steal it for example.

Epic Ā· Minion Ā· Descent of Dragons Ā· Battlecry: Steal your opponent

Also since your opponent needs to draw the weapon again after it got destroyed you could force him to overdraw and remove the card that way.


The only time the algo allows that card in a match with the magick weapon is if they have the same card to steel it back. That has been my experiance.

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Not every card has to have a hard counter
The best counter to a card is to kill your opponent faster than they kill you

My deck isnā€™t set up for fast kills though. The algo knows that before it sets up the match.

Sounds like you play a bad deck badly and need to learn more to get better. Or you can just keep posting threads like this and refusing to learn anything. Whichever is more fun for you


Well do you think it is fair if the my deck is put up against a deck the algo knows right from the start, I will lose against?
A while ago 90% of my games were against robot roges, and I kept losing.
So I made a deck that couild defeat any robot roge. Their was Zero chance a robot roge could beat it.
Guess what, The Algo refused to put me up against robot roges after I made my robot roge smasher deck. Instead it put me up against people playing giants.
So you say I need to make deck to defeat this but is there any chance the algo will even put me up against that deck if I make a deck that can defeat it 100% of the time?
We have already established the Algo knows who will win and lose each game in advance by looking at the cards and then curating them as they come out.
If the algo wants me to lose, I will lose correct?

There isnā€™t really a good way to respond when nothing you said is based in reality


Itā€™s been established that the algo looks at both decks before it sets up matches.
Even you agree with that.
Youtubers have also made videos showing that it does this.
I have played since the game came out and I have a genius level IQ and knew right away it was not picking opponents blindly out of a hat.
Is that what you really believe it does?
Also blizzard has never said the cards are shuffled. when I recently challenged one of the reuglar rsponders on here who called me a liar to show proof blizzard says the cards of shuffled they failed to respond.
Now I ask you to show proof.
People just think that because in card games the decks are shuffled in real life. Blizzard has never statted the deck is shuffled.
It would be easier to balance the game by curating the cards. Even I know that.

I see you have chosen

Good luck on your adventures


Once again, I ask for evidence from someone that attacked me that said:

And like the other person on here, they provided no evidence and decided to run for the hills when I challenged them.
Donā€™t let these commenters bully you if you are making a point.
Always challenge them and call them out.
Skizzy attacked me and then ran for the hills when I demanded evidence.

I notice a lot of the bully commenters on here that attack, never back up anything they say when confronted. Anyone else notice that?

Yet none of that helped you understand that kingsbane goes back in the deck after being destroyed
So either being a long time player does not mean you have a long time memory, or having genius IQ does not mean you are able to understand explicit mechanics
Despite that you are trying to say that your self called superior intellect is able to understand things better than others

Your first reflex after being proven wrong on your hack accusations is blaming the game for being rigged, thatā€™s not high intellect clue


Sometimes I say things in a sardonic fashion because that is just the way I am. I like to be entertaining.
You may not notice it when I make a thread.

The cards are curated, and your opponent is curated. That is actually rigging the game. You canā€™t disagree with that. If you donā€™t want to believe the cards are curated, then you must at least believe the opponents are not blindly picked out of a hat. That is curating your opponent and is also rigging.
If you want to stand on the hill and shout out ā€œyour opponents are selected randomly out of a hat without the algo looking at your cards or your opponentā€™s cards,ā€ then so be it.

Blizzard has never stated the opponents are random or that the cards are shuffled. You agree with that because you have to, itā€™s the truth.
Your belief the cards are shuffled is in your own mind, blizzard has never stated this. Agreed?

You canā€™t refute anything I posted here. Will you run for the hills or apologize?

You are using a debate strategy called the ā€˜Gish Gallopā€™. Itā€™s just a flood of nonsense meant to waste time and to overwhelm anyone trying to respond

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I donā€™t care that the game is or is not rigged
You make a topic to accuse a player of hacking the game
you are proven to simply not being able to read and understand a card
you then redirect the topic to something completely different
From that point you lack credibility


I will ask you one question. Has blizzard ever said the decks are shuffled before each game?
Yes or no?

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