Does it have anything to do with “invicible roge hack, i just witnessed” ?
If you don’t want your opponent to attack with their weapon just freeze them (If mage frost elemental cant attack every turn, probably use the “frost lich cross stitch” to summon-one as it could be boarder line playable)
If you steal their weapon play a new one so it goes away then they can’t steal it back, keeping it up is a you fault for letting them take it back
Good point
Or simply wait for the weapon to only have 1 durability left, steal it and attack to break it (since not every deck will run other weapons)
Unfortunately, when I steal the weapon, I don’t have a weapon to replace it with. I always keep the weapon stealer card in the tauren card thing that holds 3 cards.
I always know though if the algo lets me steal it, it is because they have the card to steal it back or will make a copy of my weapon stealer card to steal it back. It’s the only way the game will allow that card to be played against the magick weapon.
Because it is a game breaking card for someone that invested a lot of money to build that deck.
Generally, the algo will not let you play game breaking cards against premade decks.
If you build a deck to break a certain build, the algo will not put you up against that build.
It’s the same if you put the geist in your deck to play against someone that depends on the emerald golem to win. It generally will only allow it if the druid has the other 1 cost emerald golem in the tauren card to make sure it is not destroyed. I alwyas know if it lets me play the geist against a druid then the other golem card is hidden in the tauren.
I am right always about this.
Or, or, steal it when it has 1 durability, and break it immediately so they can no longer get it from you
How does your genius IQ not think about that solution ?
btw it only takes 3 minutes to find the official claim that the deck is shuffled at the start of the game, it’s even in the wiki with sources. it’s even shuffled a second time if you changed a card at mulligan
strange your genius IQ is not capable of performing a 3 minutes long google search
Give me a link to the official blizzard statement the deck is randomly shuffled, and it stays in that order the entire game without any curating.
Also yo can’t play the weapon stealer until turn 5. The algo might not give it to you until turn 10.
Its up to the algo when you get it. Also the magick weapon can have a lot of durabiltiy by turn 5 and be doing 14 damage at a shot.
Each player’s deck is randomly ordered or ‘shuffled’ at the start of the match prior to the mulligan, and then again following the mulligan if any cards were replaced
[Replying to a deleted post about the randomnes of the deck] yes, it does, by it shuffles after you draw for the mulligan
You’re proven wrong on your statements but I know you’ll keep making things up.
You simply want to complain about something because it’s easier to reject the fault on someone else than assuming that you are not as good as you pretend to be.
Not being able to search something that easy yet claiming your superior intellect should be a clue
Now give me a link to the official blizzard statement the deck is purposefully odered to make you lose.
If you can ask that from me, I can ask that from you.
If you don’t I’ll just ignore you, I think I’ve done enough to prove that you don’t know what you’re talking about when “everything is against you” when you’re given new solutions you never thinked about and imagine problems you’ve never mentionned
Well if a fan website says it is true then it must be true.
I asked for the official statement from blizzard with the blizzard logo by the statement.
His second citation was from the lead game designer of the time on Twitter(currently know as X) so if the lead game designer isn’t a reliable source I’m sorry but no one can help you as you can always just be “they lied” as your opposition.
I have played since the game came out and I have a genius level IQ
Yet doesn’t know/ can’t make a simple search to know who Ben Brode is
You don’t reply to half is told to you
You refuse to admit given proofs
You make up imaginary problems
I think about 20% of what you say is actually real, 20% more are what you think is real, 60 remaining % you’re lost in your mind and are just making things up
don’t forget you’re debatting whether or not the game is rigged in a topic that is about an easily debunked hack accusation. You’re stranding pretty far in off-topic territory
Of course, he says “shuffle” how else would he word it?
There is no shuffling, the cards are not real. So why would he say shuffle when nothing gets shuffled? It’s not a physical deck.
There is no other word for him to use though.
The cards simply exist.
The algo can curate them as it wants to.
LOL I suggest reading it helps sometimes
I literaly gave you what you asked for
Now you’re saying that what you asked for is not good
Make up your mind
Since it’s not a physical deck, it doesn’t even need an actual shuffling
The deck can simply be generated in random order without shuffling
You’re literaly explaining to yourself why it’s pointless to ask that
So what is it? A hack or a real card? You literally went from the player is hacking to an algorithm is determining a situation based on this legit card.
I´ll quote myself here:
Yup, that´s it. I also think sooner or later it will be appropriate to quote this in every thread. Should be auto-included in every “rigged!” thread
On many forums there used to be a signature line that would allow you to include that on every post.
And I’m just blown away that anyone is taking the time to argue with someone claiming to have a high IQ while being unable to spell rogue or use sarcastic properly in a sentence.
Obvious trolls are obvious, people. Stop feeding them.
I have a genius level IQ. Spelling things wrong exposes those who suffer from the Dunning–Kruger effect. People who suffer from this will call you out for spelling things wrong. Correct you if you mispronounce something, and so on. It’s the number one thing people who suffer from it do. Read some peer reviewed papers on psychology.
You did not know me misspelling stuff was a trap, did you?
But then again, you never figured you would be interacting with a genius.