Introducing Catch-Up Packs!

I read this as “the coin shoulder” which is a funny play-on-words from Hearthstone with like how the actual developers are. lol

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You sure changed up now that Blizzard put out something that doesn’t cater to old players specifically.

When I was pointing out that Twist was catering to the old players alone while it shouldn’t, you were all like:
“so what, let old players have their own format what’s wrong with that”.

So I am passing it back to you.

What is wrong with new players having something specifically cater to them alone.
You can still just don’t buy the catch-up packs, because guess what: you don’t need to catch up.

Which I have no problem with, ordinarily: a smart business strategy focuses on ALL types of customers.

But the 150 pack (TWO AND A HALF mega bundles worth of cards FOR FREE!), which wasn’t the first time they did something like that, now add this to the pile, while they only toss a free pack now and then to players as a freebie in a similar fashion (as in: just given out for free, without having to do anything, jump through hoops, etc) whatever nuance they are going for is lost in the “quit the game, we’ll eventually give you a ton of stuff for doing so AND let you catch up!”

It’s almost as if they want the game to die at this point.

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…they are giving free packs to some people who havent played the game for over a year(the amound of packs a regular player gets in around 4 months)…release the catch up packs for bundles increasing the value without changing the price

and your conclusion is " they want the game to die"


And once again, this is how much they value people who haven’t touched the game more than the regular players. At least the bots are starting to work FOR us…some times.

When they drive active customers away by repeatedly showing they don’t value them, YES it SEEMS that way which is what I literally laid out. In detail.). Do try and keep up.


we get more cards playing in 4 months than people returning after over a year without playing so
what are you talking about ??

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12 packs just from tavern brawls. Doesn’t count, because time investment.

And everything else requires a time investment. So, it’s paid for in a similar manner.

The odd free pack or two they might toss our way just because without doing anything for it is…a free pack or two. Nowhere near TWO AND A HALF MEGA BUNDLES FOR FREE, and that not counting the free decks, other free pack bundles, and now catch up packs.


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so? i play the game to get cards and i get cards to play the game

i get waaaaay more by playing than returning players on the same amount of time and for some reason i cant understand at all you claim thats a bad thing …

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Admits that its lies are absolute kodo manure.

Then goes right back to repeating it:

bots gotta spam their scripts I guess.

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lol bot i remember now someone said your account was a bad coded chatbot and you forgot who was it

it wasnt me it was someone else based on how random your rants are
you are raging at the wrong poster

The most projecting post to ever be coughed up by an algorythim.

From the bot who literally be can bingo carded by the “huh, what, I don’t get it” and so on that you frequently spam the forums with, along with your other phrases that even the low budget version of chatgpt could outdo.

I get it, I really do…actblizz wouldn’t spring for someone out of house to make a better version (since they can’t code their way out of a paper bag), so this is who you are.

But again, you are going way off base, because your existence as a spammy troll bot has nothing to do with catch up packs, and how once again, the company is showing how little they value current customers.

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i think you share your account with people at your home going by how sometimes your posts are childish others they arent …sometimes you surprisingly on topic others reads as a whole new thread…

the other guy thought your account was a chatbot which is easy to understand why
people can be discussing card balance on a thread and you poost to talk about event cards or blizzard losing china market

and you quote to answer people post but what you write is completely off topic anyone who reads the posts you answer to and your post may think there are countless of hidden posts between the 2

projection, thy name is botposting

And STILL, for those paying attention, the company bot is desperately attempting to distract from catch up packs, and how once again, the company is showing how little they value current customers.


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It’s definitely a positive thing, a new or returning player is still going to have a disadvantage against the person who has everything. The incentive needs to be pretty high to get old returning players to play again, imagine in any other game once you have grinded for good gear etc, unlocks then mostly after you come back you will still be quite strong. In the case of HS you come back and your entire collection is unplayable or even mostly outclassed in wild.

I am happy that the game is more accessable now for returning players and as a regular player i am fine with this :slight_smile:

It is hard for returning players to return to compete and with the free deck and the catchup pack it is alot more manageable.

The more people play hearthstone the better for our community :slight_smile:


Played from the start. Stopped about two years ago. I was honestly debating coming back to the game because of how much RNG was involved (at one point it was unbearable), but from what I read it seems to be adjusted to a reasonable amount now (I don’t know yet).

Regarding returning players, from what I saw at the BlizzCon announcement about Catchup Packs and the loaner decks in game that I recently tried, I think these are really good steps for anyone who wants to pick up Hearthstone again. I always enjoyed Hearthstone for its whimsical take on Warcraft (as a huge Warcraft fan). I still think this game has potential, and with where WoW is heading, there is a lot more to do with it. The Hearthstone team needs good leadership and support so they can do what they are dreaming to do. Focus on mechanics, user experience, and gameplay varieties (aside from Standard and Twist, Battlegrounds is the perfect example), and people will come back.

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Yes, I agree that they are helping those who have not invested into the game by giving them free cards. HOwever, at the same time they sare flipping the bird to those who stayed loyal.


The game has never given away more gold, packs, and cosmetics to players in the entire history of the property, so there’s no factual basis for this statement.

This isn’t some zero sum where you’ve lost something simply by them gaining something.


And let’s be honest, if they really were going to address it properly like they should had done from the begining… When you buy and expansion… you should get all the cards… not a ton of duplicates that are useless.

Oh yes lets not forgot all of the free stuff they gave to EVERYBODY regardless if you were ftp or not.

It’s pure BS is what it is.

I"m all for Blizzard making it easier for players to obtain cards to complete their collections. However, I spent a lot of money on this game, the only free stuff I got in this game is the same free stuff all FTP players got.

What they should have done is give those of us who have cards dust as way of saying THANK YOU for spending a STUPID amount of money on this game.

I have 90% of the cards in this game… and the 10% of the cards I don’t have are useless cards that I don’t have any desire to spend any resources to top up. I could have used the dust to get those cards, not that I Would ever play them, but that’s not the point.

While many players who have spent time and money on this game may not voice this concern, I am more than happy to be very vocal about this. It’s not match making, the bs decks that they allow to run rampid in ranked, or any of the unbalanced stuff in the game that is making me walk away from the game. It’s the fact that Blizzard does not care about their loyal player base. SO after this expansion is done and over with… I shall bid my farewells and move on.

Had I of known this was going to happen I would not have preordered.

This game is stupid expensive, and had they actually made it more accessible in the first place, this big bird flip wouldn’t have happened. BUt I guess I shouldn’t be suprised since some of Blizzard dirty laundry became public, and their lack of support shows that they just don’t care.