Introducing Catch-Up Packs!

Why? You literally don’t own them if you dust them. Are you sure about this? Is there info on this from blizzard or something?

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  • Number of Cards: Each Badlands Catch-Up Pack includes 1-10 cards from each of the five included sets, for a total of 5-50 cards per pack. The number of cards you get from each set is based on the percentage of cards you’ve received* from that set:
    • 25% or less of that set: 10 cards from that set
    • 75% or more of that set: 1 card from that set
    • Between 25% and 75% completion: scales with collection completion percentage

*Like duplicate protection, this counts any cards you’ve received from the set, including any cards you crafted, regardless of whether you later disenchanted cards. Collection percentage only counts up to 2 copies of each Common, Rare, and Epic card, and 1 copy of each Legendary card.


Yes. It was specifically addressed that you can’t dust cards to get more value from your catch up packs. Similar to duplicate protection, if you have owned the cards at any time they are counted as owned cards by the pack regardless of current ownership status.

Thank you. Sorry for not reading all the way down before I replied.

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Everyone attending BlizzCon in person, or who purchased either BlizzCon Collection level, gets 3 Catch-Up Packs automatically added to their BlizzCon goodies.

I attended Blizzcon with my wife. How do we claim our 3 packs?


We attended BlizzCon too and I already see them in my pack-opening screen with a ribbon tied around them to open November 14 =)


I have 100% collection completion, I am ok for new or returning players to catch up, however what do we get that have supported the game for over 10 years.

I honestly would like the ability to open a card back or hero in catch ups if we already have the complete set, there was a few card backs early on I missed and would like to complete my card back collection. or make our 1 card golden so that we can keep or dust for an increased amount.

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i agree it would be nice if my 5 cards were golden since i have 100% collected (i don’t want to dust them, just get golden cards to play with).

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disgusting coc violating post is disgusting.


Both gutter posting AND inteionally making an inappropriate reference to people with cancer. The actiblizz defense force really hits new lows all the time.

This is what this dev team, mods, and soon microsoft support.

And they are still worth less to current players than those who aren’t playing.

Apparently, the satisfaction of knowing you matter less to this company than people who abandoned the game already.

The message is loud and clear: they literally want people to stop playing. Otherwise they wouldn’t be incentivizing “returning” rewards so much, in spite of every sound business principle saying this is completely backwards.

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They say over 1000 from 30 packs if you don’t have any but it looks like actually it gonna be 860 because each pack you open gives you less cards. I made a program to simulate it and if 1 expansion has 263 cards, starting from 0 you will receive 172 cards.

So all players that spent thousands of dollars for their collection until now get nearly nothing, and players that spent nothing get hundreds of free cards?

I don´t think that`s a way to treat long time customers.

Players with nearly complete or complete collections should get some golden cards instead.


As a returning player I support this decision. Guys who played recently will be able to make new decks from the pre-order but if I had bought it before catch-up introduction, I wouldn’t be able to play the game with normal decks even after spending $80 and that’s ridiculous. Also everything new is always released with the highest price but later can be bought with a discount. I don’t see why packs from previous expansions shouldn’t follow this practice. Everyone who pays a $80 price should be able to enjoy the game regardless of whether he is a returning or current player, right? Don’t blame people for receiving something cheaper than you 4 month ago, you paid a full price to be able to use those cards right away but it doesn’t mean that they should cost the same forever. You aren’t going to resell them anyway. And it’s not whole collection, realistically it makes sense to use these packs only to get to <70% of collection. At this time you probably have more.

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Its sad to know that you were spending so long time to exactly get cards, you were entering game to do quests to get gold to get cards. And now guys will recieve all just doing nothing, its unfair.


totally agree, that its unfair to long time customers. Dont know about golden cards, but it must be solution to show respect them too.

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And the real reason for this:

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Sure it would be nice to get free gifts but it is not realistic to expect this. Do old customers need compensation when product is sold on discount?

Players get gold while playing and packs from events so it not like we have received nothing.

Heartstone is an expensive game. Would you be willing to buy six expansions at once or play bad decks for a year while you improve your collection?

Everyone benefits if game gets new players. This one way they can try to mitigate botting problem. If there are more players you will face less bots.


Returning players won’t receive “all”, only an equivalent of 35-40 normal packs max of each extension and they have to pay the real money. It’s not that many! It’s just enough to get all rares. To compare, the mega pre-order bundle for single extension is 80 packs + 10 golden. If you ordered it previously, you will have much more anyway.

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But if the server you are on is lost in the version of “Lich King”, I think we need it both on the current server and when it returns at some point.Dear Microsoft or Blizzard, do you still remember us?

I play each month to have 30-40 packs of 1! extension and not 5

now you just can have 1 deck and play it 3 mounth, after that buy these packs without spending lot of time to earn gold, or without spend lot of money.

I think the message they are sending is a little more nuanced than that. It is that they want people to catch up with their latest expansion, but also that they know people need time away from games in general, including Hearthstone, with real life things to take care of because maybe the Hearthstone/Blizzard team has real life things to take care of too and they know how important some of those things can be and maybe how demanding they are too where people, including them, need to take time away from games and Hearthstone for.

I just don’t get why they show that they care about real life things to this extent, but not to the extent of calming the en-tropic take-over of their game that they may have mistakenly done themselves over the years. Any thoughts on that?