Introducing Catch-Up Packs!

I also had this question. I haven’t played in years, so when I logged in to Hearthstone I had 5 of one kind of pack (red with a gold border) and 5 of another (red with a brown border)…please forgive me, because I JUST reinstalled it and idk what pack is what.

I had just purchased the blizzcon online ticket for the extra goodies. I wasn’t sure if I needed to save these packs to open Nov 14th. Would they give me the catch-up cards now? If I saved them would they give me 10 packs worth of catch-up cards, rather than just the 5 cards for opening them now?

I just opened the mobile game again, and now I have 3 additional card packs wrapped with a ribbon that says “available in November”. I’m assuming THOSE are the catch-up packs granted from the blizzcon ticket. We’ll get an additional two packs of catch-up cards when we log in on Nov 14th, and can earn another 5 through an event after the 14th.

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I really like the idea of creating a way for folks to catch up. But for those of us who have been supporting the game (i.e., paying to keep up), a small bonus like a legendary instead of “1 card” would have made folks feel much more valued.


One, you’re deemed a nuisance because you’re rude.

Two, they clearly answered your question.

Each expansion counts separately for the purposes of the pack. It isn’t looking at your overall collection, it’s looking at the amount of cards you have each of the included expansions in the packs. You will get more or less cards depending on how much of a specific expansion you have.

If you joined last month and never opened a single pack from the previous expansions, you should get 10 cards from each of them. But, if you have all the rares and commons from the current expansion and mini set, you would only get one card from this one… so your pack would contain about 41 cards.

Make sense?

Bandlands has no bearing on the catch up packs. At rotation, they would make a new (different) catch up pack for the current standard expansions at that time. (And they said exactly this in their materials)

Next, you should read better and you wouldn’t ask bad questions and find yourself being rude to everyone when you are wrong.

In conclusion, no, we aren’t going to agree that “no one knows” because this is clearly a you don’t know problem.


Wow. I’m deemed a nuisance for asking a question honestly, but since you have no idea what rude is, let’s just agree to disagree with “tomato tomahtoe”.


HOLY** YES!! Finally, someone makes sense for me. Thank you for your very well - thought out - and detailed explanation of which no one could give in any simple way whatsoever, not even Blizzard, but you could. You get my commendation.

They didn’t say exactly this, or else I wouldn’t be asking.

Next time, things should be explained simpler like a Hearthstone card… Oh…Wait. Those aren’t explained simply. lol o well~!

In conclusion, I should have never been born. Thank you.

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Where do you think I got my information? From exactly what they linked for you to read and understand. You know, exactly what the rest of us do every day but you’re apparently too important or special to read, too?

You act as if your poor reading comprehension is someone else’s fault.

That is not what I said or implied.

I factually stated that you are rude. You proved my point for me in your follow up posts.


You guys are awesome! For real, getting better every year and making this my #1 choice for TCG with all the generous changes.


Are these free for everyone or do we have to pay? And if so, how much do they cost?

So…somehow…you’re right for existing…and I’m wrong for existing…Got it!

Not like you quoted the exact words from the what they linked for me. Not like you didn’t articulate it better for me to understand than they did.

You proved my conclusion for me in your follow up posts.

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No matter how you slice it, you went about its presentation poorly that feels more like a punishment for those that have engaged with the game either monetarily or putting a lot of time into it. And no, the name of the packs don’t matter. What would have been smart would have been to give people catch up packs relative to how much they missed and to not include them in a purchase bundle at all. Make the amount of these packs you receive relative, not the number of cards contained in them.

It’s unnecessarily confusing and it’s a feel bad mechanic to open up a back that could be an extravagant amazing 50 entire cards pack of wonders and get table scraps.

If you want to keep it as being primarily for catch up while making the packs not sting horribly for active players, you should really change this to the amount of packs we receive, not the amount of cards contained within.



I really hope microsoft fires everyone who uses this phrase (and those like it), and deletes all those empty trite phrases from their bot databases.

Holy Light, if they just purged all their bot databases, formatted the drives afterward, destroyed them entirely, then salted the earth where they once stood, that would be an improvement.

Because if we wanted hollow, trite sound bites, we’d tune in to a politician’s speech.

Honestly, after the giant middle finger that was 150 packs (two and a half mega bundles free) they gave out like there was no tomorrow, current players should have expected nothing less.

The message is loud and clear: STOP PLAYING, WE DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU!

And several other choice words, but repeating actiblizz’s choice words violates coc.

Being ok with being tossed a bone once and a while is why they feel ok giving current players the cold shoulder.




So you come up with only one feature for hearstone and make 10 min presentation in Blizzcon for hearstone. And you saying this packs will be included in bundles ? You probably don’t sell these for gold ( at least reasonable amounts ) So ı must say that this is trash and dissapointmant again and again. We are not returning this. You are not aware of your community.

But does not apply to players who have been loyal and put money into the game to keep their collections current? I’m going to be furious if it ends up being 5 cards per pack just becuase I have all the cards.

I think the fair thing we be to give all players regardless if they have all the cards from the last expansions the same amount.

I’m going to see how this pans out… becuase this could potentally be my breaking point in the game, and could potentially make me say goodbye. So we shall see.

  • A player with no current Standard collection who opens 30 Catch-Up Packs will receive over 1000 cards!

  • Between 25% and 75%, you’ll get between 10 and 1 cards, using linear interpolation.
    • Examples:
    • 20% collection → 10 cards
    • 25% collection → 10 cards
    • 30% collection → 9.1 cards
    • 35% collection → 8.2 cards
    • 40% collection → 7.3 cards
    • 45% collection → 6.4 cards
    • 50% collection → 5.5 cards
    • 55% collection → 4.6 cards
    • 60% collection → 3.7 cards
    • 65% collection → 2.8 cards
    • 70% collection → 1.9 cards
    • 75% collection → 1 card
    • 80% collection → 1 card
  • Fractional average cards are handled via weighted random rounding
    • Example: |7.3 cards" means 7 cards, with a 30% chance of an 8th card.

Yup… I’m done. This is Blizzard Flipping the bird to those who have stayed loyal to the game. This is the last expansion I’m ever going to buy and the last expansion I"m going to play.


they increased the value of the pre orders without increasing the price…and you are trying to tell us …thats a bad thing ?

and they added something so new players would have to spend less to build a collection
all i get from this is if anyone of these posters ever complainied about how much a new player would have to spend to build a collection …were just complaining for the sake of complaining a never cared about it

It’s actually blizzard understanding an actual problem and doing something proactive in an attempt to remedy the issue.

It’s really, really hard to start this game and even harder right now, starting the sixth expansion of a cycle. These packs are a way to help new players, and I don’t know why you would get angry about someone getting help unless you’re just a miserly person.

I think this is a very thoughtful solution to a very real problem and I commend them for making the attempt.


LOL this is unreal. That guy with reading comprehension of lobotomized monkey, throwing faeces to everybody who try to help him. Exactly like… uhm… angry monkey :rofl:

Also the ENVY is almost tangible here. You guys would even envy someone with cancer that they are getting treatment meanwhile you don´t (because you don´t need it).

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Blizzard/Hearthstone, can YOU specifically Blizzard/Hearthstone (or a representative of them), and NO ONE ELSE, PLEASE answer for what exactly the Catch-up packs have to do with the Badlands expansion releasing on November 14th (please.)?

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Lets say I’m only missing legendaries and a couple of epics from the last expansions, so I would open 5 cards from these packs. But the common and rare cards make up most of the expansions, so what if I just dust all of them, reducing my collection below 25% per expansion before opening up these packs? Do I now open 50 cards from these packs, basically getting back all the cards I just dusted, while also getting much more epics and legendaries than I would’ve gotten if I was opening 5 cards per pack?

This will not work. If you dust a card it is still counted to owned cards.

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check the link
they added those packs to the pre order bundles