Intentionally lowering your MMR in legend

Hi, I’m a wild player and I use to climb to legend every month. I’m a fan of meme decks and that’s what I mostly play on the ladder. All things good, until yesterday when I wanted to experiment lowering my MMR as much as possible (conceding every match for about 50 games). Now I indeed encounter only bronze and silver rank opponents and honestly it feels super fine because I can experiment stupid crazy combos without really being punished. I often even concede right before winning so that I can keep a stable low MMR. I obviously wouldn’t start playing any tier 1 crap at this rank.
What I’m asking is, is this thing even allowed? Can I get a ban cause I’m tanking my MMR? I searched similar topics but couldn’t find a clear answer anywhere.

Unfortunately, no. you cannot be banned for this. abuse it until your heart is content.

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Once you get legend rank you keep it? Like the diamond 5,10,etc save points? Didn’t know that.

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if you simply didit in game it would likely not case any consequences. posting about it online however might not be the best idea


#1 you are lying, that is not possible to do in ranked due to rank floors. You cannot de-rank yourself from Legend down to silver, or even down to Diamond for that matter. To my knowledge all losing 50 times in a row does in Legend is take you to like Legend 9,540 or something like that rank (basically at the bottom of legend)

So lie more

What you mean is you did it in casual mode. What are you are doing is driving new players away from the game, if there are any. Even if you are playing some terrible meme combo deck, most likely your experience with playing plus their inexerpience means that they are getting smoked. Conceding before you kill them doesn’t do much, because the new player is still thinking “wow I suck at this game, this guy has to give me pity wins”

So yeah, GJ making new players quit. Great for the health of the game

edit: also, if you concede too many times in a row, you are shut off from earning XP or gold (or at least this is how it was when I was playing)

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He’s talking about MMR not rank

…and opponent’s ranks, not his own.

You are still locked into your current rank, no matter how many games in a row lost

So if he got Legend this month, losing 50 games in a row isn’t going to mean he doesn’t get matched against other players in Legend. To my knowledge there is no way to get matched to players that are lower than your rank floor

Is this not correct?

And if it is not correct, and he is somehow being matched to silver or bronze players, then he is still chasing new players away from the game. So the question is, should smurfing be bannable? If you are interested in the health of the game and think that the bottom of the ladder quitting the game because they are getting farmed is a bad thing, then probably. But just about in every game I know about it’s not bannable

Yes this is totally wrong. Low legend ranks (4000+) are matched mostly with Diamond players and 10000+ see nothing but Bronze.


KK than that system makes absolutely no sense and is very prone to abuse such as the type here

I also stand by the fact that farming the bottom of the ladder to take advantage of inexperienced players is bad for the game

what ?

why are you making it sound like its somthing wrong about it ???

You’re right about the fact that it’s against the good manners to farm. Devs should probably do something about it but until then I had a bit of fun there trying some tier 5 janky things. In theory it seems like it’s an abuse but consider the fact that some of my experimental decks can be so bad that I’m settling at about 50% winrate here. I’ve also met a bronze 5 secret mage playing the exact top-tier deck you all know about and I was almost getting completely smashed by that one.

And about the matchmaking system, if you search here or in reddit you’ll see there are a ton of legend players who were matched against much lower ranks. I’ve also seen streamers being matched against silver / gold guys while trying to go completely meme-y.

And by the way, something that I’m impressed of is the fact that in legend you don’t fall a lot behind if you concede repeatedly. You’ll eventually become stuck at a certain rank (I’m actually around 3000th now, and before conceding in a row I was at about 2600). Then if you win or lose against bronze opponents you’re still stuck to this rank (maybe losing 2-3 ranks per win or loss).

Anyway, thanks for all your answers guys! :slight_smile:

“Hey, I want to play this cool game called hearthstone!” gets roflstomped because someone wanted to force bronze to try out decks
Bruh, screw other players, amirite? Enjoyment is just for me.

Nothing wrong with that. Actually a good tactic to see some variation in decks.

A good question is, does your mmr stay low when the ladder resets next month?

ya it stays low i think…in case of high legend you get pair with ppl deep in after reset…so low mmr likely still stay low mmr…i doubth the mmr work differently even at low mmr…the good thing is you can stomp everyone if your good enough…so getting your mmr back is a no issue if you play well but getting your mmr back will make reaching legend a lot more difficult

the 1000+ legends are the official legend rank…once your at 600-1 legend you dont get match vs ppl of diamond rank or even lower…if your at 800 legend or lower legend you can get match with Diamond players

the rating system pick someone within 300 mmr difference of your top

Legend 1000-4000 is ppl of Diamond grade(slightly tanked mmr)…Legend 4000 or lower is hard tanked of the mmr…1000-4000 Legend is usually a player that can push it in but had a bad streak of lost(usually not intentionnal losts) so they enter legend with slightly tanked mmr

4000 to 20000+ Legend is intentionnal mmr tanking(not gonna argue with ppl saying its hard worked to legend and not cheesed) i know some ppl will itch in claiming it was not cheese so spare me plz(if you entered at 1200 and manage to climb into the 600 legend you will notice the average tier of your opponents ;)…if you entered at 4000+ you should clearly notice that nearly all of your opponents are never ever Legend tier and its alway ppl of the same tier

EDIT: well 1000-1500 is official Legend(for Wild) it varies every months i dont have a tracker for the exact score…Standard case no idea since i only ever played Wild

I have played both in wild sub r 100 and in standard r 35000.
After r 10000 you can meet a lot more meme-ing well-playing people who pilot bad decks.

People, or at least I, play differently if I want to climb or have fun. Especially in casual and even in ranked standard I play the first move I get in my mind while doign something else besides HS. Will I play badly? Ofc.

Try harding means thinking for 1 minute and only then playing an obvious move:P (or not:D)

i agree even tho i hate you

Yeah, they should do something about how matchmaking is done in general. What they did with MMR is extend the ranking out. In the old system, you were generally, from my experience, within 3 of your rank or closer as you got towards certain levels. With the stars and MMR, a 9 star bonus bronze can be vs a Diamond 5. Like wise with legend being able to play non-legends.
I personally feel, you shouldn’t be able to match below the last break point. Player A, got his rewards for say D5, they shouldn’t be preventing others from getting D5 rewards.

There is another fact to consider here, if you are top 5,000 legend. 99% of the player base is lower rank, if you threw a random dart at an opponent, your gonna find one lower, and most of the player base isn’t legend, so your even more likely to find someone outside legend. There has to be some kind of structure to matchmaking or it would be super broken.

The goal was, I think, to create deck variance, if priest was dominating at rank 10, you had to play a counter deck to make it passed rank 10, not everyone could afford a different deck every 5 ranks. Instead of improving matchmaking, they just widened the field to allow more RNG in deck matching options. It’s worked out well, from some of the last data, more people are getting to legend than before, but that may mean the overall player base has shrunk, allowing for a similar number of legend players to account for more of the player base.

As for lowering your MMR, it’s a strategy. I would like to say it’s unfair, but the whole way blizzard does matchmaking is unfair. I’d like to say it shouldn’t be done, but when they tie rewards to winning, and it’s not like 50 games, it’s hundreds to get legend on average depending on win rates. The time commitment alone means efficiency is king. There has been many posts on the forums about, make a break point, lose 20 games, then run to the next break point on easier opponents.

I tried this once, months ago in wild. I found 2 things. 1. You usually find more off meta decks as opponent doing this. 2. Those decks might not have better odds of you winning depending on what deck your using. You may put yourself in a bad spot for your deck. I feel like most players are playing tier 1 or 2 meta decks from Bronze 10 through Legend. The big difference may be that they are missing 1 or 2 cards and had to substitute. Most players don’t make mistakes, or at least large misplays like they used to, so your really targeting what decks your opponent is using rather than bad players. The rest is all card draw RNG.

ehh new players dont start at bronce