Impossible to get to Legend rank

Past 2 months I’ve decided to try and push what with the Warlock seeming to be the class, but try as I might I keep getting stuck at gold 7 or 8.

Seems it’s because A) my deck screws me or B) my opponent gets a really great thing going with their deck and it’s 100% counter to what I’m trying to do so seems once I hit gold 8 best I can hope for is 50/50 whether I win next match or not meaning it’s all but impossible for me to get to gold 5, unless I’d get super lucky like I did at silver 9 this month and won 6 in a row.

I don’t know how anyone could hope to do it. Yes I know skill and probably 2 to 3 times the number of matches I’m willing or able to play, but again if your deck helps you to lose some matches how would you ever climb that high?

Also because eventually don’t you run into only good players? I mean all the way through silver I run into the afk, newb, etc. player, which sort of outweighs your deck harming you.

Its not impossible, 5000 or so players manage it every month.

it just may need better skills or decks then you currently have.

note gold 7-8 is a lot easier then diamond 10, and diamond 10 is a lot easier then diamond 5 and even then thousands of players stall out between diamond 5 and 1.

personally I regard it as very good month if I make it from diamond 10 to diamond 9.

After 18 months of not playing Standard I decided to try again starting on the first. They nearly just gave me Excavate Paladin as a welcome back freebie, I think I had to spend 900 dust on top. I had the day off on the 1st, played maybe 11 hours and was Diamond 5 by the end of the day. I barely played the next two days, probably 3 hours total, then had another day off on the 4th and made Legend before dinner.

With the neutral minion bots climbing has never been easier. From that start to Diamond 10 was a complete joke.

I don’t know what your decklist is but from a pure winning perspective either your deck is wrong or you are wrong. Maybe you prioritize fun over winning but if you do don’t complain about your own choices.

6000 in Wild, 17000 Standard, for Americas

legend isnt hard its just how much time do you have if you truly know you can get legend its only a time thing if bots can do it so can you

More than 30 000 on EU last month in just Standard xD

There are obviously fundamentals you’re missing about the game which would propel you to legend with (almost) any deck.

Have you considered paying for coaching if you want to learn?

Ok so seeing some of you saying standard. First of all I don’t play standard as I don’t want to limit myself to 20% of the cards I’ve acquired over 10 years.

Maybe gaining legend in standard is easier as there are less dumb ways Blizz allows for poeople to just stomp their opponent as compared with wild.

I’m sure I’m no pro player. I’ve never been amazing at any video game all the way back to 1986, and still I do get 6000 or more MMR in bg’s, and I’d say I win between 45% and 55% of my matches in wild ranked when my opponent actually decides to play the match and not afk or concede on turn 2.

I’d feel more confident that I could say I win 55% of the time at least if my opponents never got super lucky with their zerg deck meanwhile my deck isn’t helping me.

I have been using blood knight dk where I heal the crap out of myself while controlling what my opponent does with aoe’s, swipes, ways to kill a big minion, and then making it very likely I win that match if I get off Brann with Morgraine. 6 health every turn is a big hit especially when it’s every turn and they can’t do anything about it.

I’ve also been playing excavate lock where I can battlecry twice with the steal 7 health minion.

Other decks I think are good are spell hunter quest, imp zerg lock, a mage with tons of control and just enough damage to kill my opponent while locking him down. I also have a shadow priest that does okay.

I did win 6 in a row with the imp lock, but then lost the next 4. One of which was a mage with a super duper amount of control. Another loss in that run was just not drawing an imp to save my life when the deck is 21 out 40 cards are imp minions.

Other issues I’ve seen are the sham, priest, mage just totally messing with what you’re trying to do by either copying your cards and using them against you or countering seems like literally everything you’re trying to do. Battlecry sham quest with the 7 cost eat a minion murloc. Then plays blademaster okani or loatheb. Like dude seriously?

What warlock deck are you playing?

I think you’re confused. You seem to be bragging about how good you are. You made this thread to say that you can’t make Legend. It’s not impossible. Look at the evidence of your games, that’ll tell you how good you are.

Did you use even warrior, or even shaman or shudderwock shaman?

Using any other decks in wild will just make it so much harder to reach Legend. Not that it’s not possible. You just need luck, time, skill with any other decks. Tons of them.

The seasons I reached legend, I always used top tier decks. I am using aggro priest now, which is the top of tier 2, as I don’t have the cards for the true tier 1 decks.

They are all decks I’ve made for the most part. Warlock decks I have are fatigue, excavate, imp zerg, or reno demons. Just imagine what cards you would put with those, but return, copy minion cards, astalor, a way or three to aoe and kill that one big minion your opponent is going to play.

The main reasons why you are not legend;

  1. The deck you play is not competitive enough to beat the current tier decks
  2. You don’t know how to get the most from your deck
  3. You don’t know how to predict your opponents deck

Really luck does not pay a huge factor. Yes they can get lucky, but they can also get unlucky. Really is playing a deck you know how to maximize the win condition and predicting your opponent to either counter their combo or predicting their next move to turn it into your favor.

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Don’t know about even warrior or shaman, but I’ve had 3 variations of shudderwock over the past 2-3 years. The elemental one seemed awesome when someone stomped me with it, but I think he just got lucky to play an elemental every turn in a row for like 12 turns. When I played it I hated having to play an elemental every turn.

There is just the vanilla shudderwock of put the best possible cards with shudderwock, and then there is the one I’ve been playing, which is c’thun + vanilla.

Thing is it seems weak. Like yeah if you have an opponent who doesn’t just mow you down it will work, but when you get the opponent who just literally drops 4 minions on turn 4 good luck with keeping up when your strat is around battlecry and seems to just not be able to keep up. Maybe just me. Like when I get a shudderwock opponent where everything goes his way I might be in trouble, but if by turn 20 he’s not drawn shudderwock I’ve probably already won.

Right, but not helpful.

Whereas this is. Yeah I’m not ever going to be a grand chessmaster.

I guess in other news, had I gotten to legend every month since the last 10 years that would have been what? 20,000 more dust.

Being more realistic though and saying with the adult schedule that many of us have means I won’t be able to play HS for 6 hours a day and I’m okay, but not great and I could have maybe just been a little better and hit platinum 10 every month since the last 10 years and now you’re talking what? 5000 more dust than I have? Which is 2.5 legendary gold cards.

I just buy the expansion right out of the gate every expansion so yeah probably a small whale player as I don’t collect signature cards, platinum cards, etc. But I don’t want to play for my cards and be 2 months into the expansion still missing 10 cards.

My opinion is if you’re playing that way why even play at all? Again just my opinion. I know that despite making 60k doesn’t put me anywhere near being able to just give Blizz thousands $ per year I’m also doing better than the college kid who’s making 30k.

Hey original poster, achieving legend takes one of two things, either a lot of money or a lot of skill. Regardless it is also going to cost you time. When I was pushing for legend I nearly lost my mental but it is important to stay objective, pick a deck at the start of the season with a high winrate and MASTER it like seriously MASTER it because you are not always going to be favoured but you will have to win those games regardless

I only played in wild mode, I crafted many cards from many classes to play in wild mode. The druid class has many varieties of decks, a lot, but currently the only really efficient build in wild mode is the anti-game, it is a deck focused on making the opponent draw many cards each start of the turn and activating card draw effects to the opponent. It’s a pain to play with this deck, as well as facing this deck!! All classes have an anti-gambling build!! I gave up on wild mode and focused on standard, last month I managed to reach diamond 5, for the first time. I was always stuck on diamond 10, but I understood a BEHAVIOR OF THE GAME and I’ll report it to you.

Arriving at diamond 10, I stop playing all the time, I’m going to play more fun games, I was only logging into the game on Monday, to do all the missions in one day, open packages with the game’s gold and get out!! But something BIZARRE happened!! This game put me to play against NOOBS, they weren’t bots, they were NOOBS players, they lost the game because they made stupid moves or they gave up quickly. I played 8 games and won 8 games, reaching diamond 5 in standard mode. Thinking about this fact, I think that if you stop playing this game periodically, logging in once a week, the game will reset your rating determined by the GAME PROGRAMMING and will allow you to play with NOOBS players!!


Note: Legendary players from rank 2000 and below all play against players at diamond rank 10. Did you know that?

So if you reach diamond rank 10 you are already a legendary player!!

last month I managed to reach diamond 5, for the first time. I was always stuck on diamond 10, but I understood a BEHAVIOR OF THE GAME and I’ll report it to you.

Arriving at diamond 10, I stop playing all the time, I’m going to play more fun games, I was only logging into the game on Monday, to do all the missions in one day, open packages with the game’s gold and get out!! But something BIZARRE happened!! This game put me to play against NOOBS, they weren’t bots, they were NOOBS players, they lost the game because they made stupid moves or they gave up quickly. I played 8 games and won 8 games, reaching diamond 5 in standard mode. Thinking about this fact, I think that if you stop playing this game periodically, logging in once a week, the game will reset your rating determined by the GAME PROGRAMMING and will allow you to play with NOOBS players!!


Note: Legendary players from rank 2000 and below all play against players at diamond rank 10. Did you know that?

So if you reach diamond rank 10 you are already a legendary player!!

The closer we are to the end of the month, the more people are already in legend and less of them remain in earlier divisions.

It’s very hard to climb to legend and be top legend in the very early days of the month, but it’s much easier to do so at the end of the month, because most of the better players have already surpassed you.

It’s not rigged, it’s normal. If you want easy climb, climb at the end of the month.

Do you think that when I reached diamond 5, I wouldn’t try to reach the legend rank?? I played about 10 games later and lost them all. Always fall against the highlander warrior.

If I reach Diamond 10 and stop playing this boring game!! Remembering that the prize doesn’t change much between diamond 5 and legend, the difference is that in legend you get an epic card, that is, 100 arcane dust! Waste of time and a lot of stress!!

If that is why you wanted to reach Legend, then sure, yeah, maybe xD

I’m more internally oriented

It’s funny you would say that highlander warrior is good. I have a variation of it I built myself and I okay, and I believe if I played it more I could do better, but I’m also seeing that when I do play it, it’s not better than imp lock, excavate lock, tavosh spell hunter, control multi schools mage, etc.

I probably do suck to the extent of those who make legendary, but then again by the nature of how this game works, I remember someone saying years ago that if you could win 70% of your matches that you’d be stupidly good.

No one is going to win 100% of the time because sometimes you just get screwed by your deck or your opponent. I just played my shadow priest with deathrattles and it’s pretty good at winning because I can wear my opponent down while healing myself despite shadow and yet this lock just beat me on like turn 25 by going demon seed. He throws down that quest’s minion and has no more cards to draw and my deck isn’t about smashing my opponent into the ground by turn 8 so I couldn’t out dps his drawing for more fatigue per turn to kill me.

Mage control?? This is a joke?? The winrate must be 1 win in 5 games!! It doesn’t work!! It’s a laugh!! The Highlander Warrior control deck has so many field control spells that the mage becomes a weak class in comparison. To this day, I still don’t understand how the warrior gets the best legendary cards and the warrior was already strong!
This game has no one managing it! There are no YouTubers playing mage!! If the mage class is weak why didn’t they create interesting cards for this class in the miniset?? This game does NOT have a team to balance power between classes.
I was playing with this deck here for mage, I happened to reach Diamond 6, there was only one victory left but the stupid RNG that only the mage class has, didn’t help me win the match, this happened about 3 times, I always lost with missing just victory to reach Diamond 5. This deck is focused on discovering the spell: Lightshow (very rarely does this chance to discover the spell occur, if you do, you win the game!!)
This game should have created a card that adds a Lightshow to your hand. If there was this card in the mage game it would be top 1. But it doesn’t!! I understand how this stupid game works, a few months ago the warrior was in last place and now he’s up there, because the game created good cards just for the warrior!

The warlock deck focused on Sludge, I always lost to him, and deciding to craft the deck, what a disappointment! The deck is good but not very strong. Playing with the deck I already know the flaws. So if I play with another class I already know how to cancel the deck.

I’m sorry, but it seems what you’re asking for is a much more balanced Wild experience, wherein you prefer to play because

Which is totally fair. I’m not saying it’s dumb to be a Wild player for any reason, but you can’t expect TEN YEARS of cards with ever-growing power to be balanced. As a consumer, you should, but there are so many combination possibilities with the pool of cards there would be three more annoying top tier decks if they simply deleted key cards from the current top three.

I’ve said a few times here; it’d be nice if they did some sort of monthly rotation like they do Arena for Wild. You’d have access to all your cards and a constructed format outside Standard. They’re doing something somewhat like this with Twist, but Twist include specific rules.

P.S. It sounds like you may be trying some homebrew decks. If Wild is anything like Standard, the close you get to Legend, the more you’ll want to use meta decks IF you want fast progress, of course.