
why would a control deck have all those in hand by turn 4? as far as i know they only keep something for early game in their mulligans


im pretty sure during those meta with combo and kazakus decks people did ask for disruption vs those types of decks… a lot!

This is bullsh*t.Illucia is nerfed,but immolate is fine.Are you serious?How about to make warlock hand discarded too?


illucia ?
i have no idea how you came up with that comparison

Ez.Illucia breaked combo greatly,but wasn’t so effective against control.Yet priest gave his own hand to the opponent.

This card…just play it on turn 3,4,and opponents control or combo deck lost with 80% chance.And what does the warlock pay(immolate) for such strong effect?4 mana?Really?

I bet you are warlock main.

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Because we can not control what cards we draw?

Dont forget wild, they are going to deal forever with this stupid broken card

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i have been back and forth with this game, and seems like its time to say another short good bye, this game has such depth and mechanics, but every other things just point to aggro aggro aggro, who can play the biggest stated minion by turn 4/5, slow growing nature of the game is crushed.Maybe there should be decks that do that but every class has its own aggro thing going.
I main druid, and am stunned to see people drop 20/20+ stats on board by turn 5, and here i am nourishing for 2 extra mana crystals, and god forbid if i survived this hell. and try to be back they with my small kazakus play, but nooooo, devs bring it card like frontlines, immolate, which totally ruin these slow build cards, so simply put i cannot have fun early game, and i cry to sleep mid to late game.
Give me a chance blizzard.

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i think u have a very linear idea of this game, and i bet u play cards, like i have 2 mana, here is a 2 mana card, drop it, its what hearthstone has become not your fault.
Problem with immolate is, u dont play the cards u want for 3 turns, yes 3!!!, and play the cards that u dont wanna get burned, and still get some burned, maybe u grasp this difficult concept.

I think to counter immolate you need air Finley if they immolate your whole hand just use sirfinley and switch it out and refresh the hand so they will waste that card lol

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Simply put ,hand disruption, especially of this magnitude ,has no place in hearthstone. You
can read some of the comments from warlock players and know this card is was ridiculous, How can a card that destroys 4 cards of better from control not be powerful ?The issue is players want decks and cards that are totally dominate vs every other class and architype .Playing 6 or more matches consecutively ,from one class makes hearthstone for most unbearable

That’s a pretty bold claim. One that I seriously doubt is remotely accurate.

I’m so sick of pirate warriors I just auto concede. When 7 out of 10 matches are against the same class, the ‘matchmaking system’ is broken. I know darn well there are more than 2 people playing at any given time unless it’s 4am.

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I like how people say “this card does nothing” It single highhandedly kills combo decks in wild,

I like a fun thing like a rat (I say like I mean tolerate) because it can miss, you can hold a minion in your hand on purpose to give the rat another target !! counterplay,

you can’t play around immolate? if they play it on turn 4 and you had drawn a 10 mana combo piece you just lose on the spot.


this one can miss too
there is no way to tell if your opponent has a piece of a combo or not

it can miss but it has no counterplay, its like an AOE power creep version of rat

If any dev at hearthstone is reading this, you are losing a player today till you don’t address immolate/abyssal curses issue.

Those cards and that mechanic are too toxic and you are forcing us to have Yu-Gi-Oh stile games where turn 4 you are already dead by playing super aggressive decks because control decks are death because your new invention, play against warlock is an auto lose for control decks.


a grand old legacy of people being triggered by warlock

Y’all are completely crazy, I love immolate as much as the next dude (because I’m a warlock main), but you have to be an idiot to think the card’s balanced as it currently is.


if you are a warlock main you know not even curselock bothers with running this card