If you can't beat them join them: Face Demon Hunter!

I’ve had a far harder time ever playing aggro than control. Maybe because in my Hearthstone career I’ve only played control until recently. With aggro it feels like bad decisions are more punishing. And there are more decisions to make than going face, especially against another aggro player or mirror.

I can totally empathize with hating it, though. I think that hate of it drives players to try and insult aggro players and the archetype itself.

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Aggro is tricky to play knowing when to trade, go wide, bait out spells etc.

However, then you have vomit your hand decks like pirate warrior etc which is NOT the same thing

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No, no, not Quest Warrior. I’m thinking more like Shadow Priest. Truthfully, some games are no brainers. However, the same can be said for all archetypes.

Shadow priest is another vomit hand. Hate to admit but aggro mirror matches can be incredibly tough and tactical at times

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I don’t know myself. I’ve heard from skilled players (I’m not one of those) that it has a high skill ceiling namely compared to other aggro decks. I take their word for it because these are better and more knowledgeable players.

Control cannot exist as long as OTK Shellfish continues to exist.

It’s strong, but it has clear vulnerabilities and it doesn’t have the capacity for extreme early wins, seemingly infinite draw and generation, or an otk. So it seems like a “fair” aggro deck. If it becomes a real power outlier, it’s the sort of thing the usual nerfs deal with effectively.

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Mirror matches, and even just matches against the same kind of deck, are usually the most strategically intensive because a lot of other variables are nullified.

Very true. I’m currently stuck on DH class though, just 470 more wins until I have 1000 wins with all heroes.

Then I’m free to play whatever I like :slight_smile:

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You have to have your brain switched off to say something as stupid as this. Dread Prison Glaive alone with hero power counters Trogg easily (if of course you don’t need coin to equip it, which generally is what Multi-Strike is for in this case), and Multi-Strike would not need any help from it not help it in any way. It counters Trogg on T1, so that you can follow up with coin and some development on board, instead of being sometimes crippled turn 1 by not being able to use coin without duplicating Troggs.

Nerfing Multi-Strike in the way you proposed would make it cease to be a Trogg counter, it may be too strong in other instances, agree, just don’t stop thinking to justify something you missed out.

Correct. I was trying to stay up past my bedtime and fell into an insomnia stupor.

I still stand by wanting to nerf Multistrike, but that was a very stupid argument.


“Control cannot exist as long as control I don’t like continues to exist.”

Just as far as data goes, this is correct.

Alterac Top 10 Skill Rating Decks

  1. Mozaki Mage
  2. Boar Priest
  3. Quest DH
  4. Control Warrior
  5. Owl Warlock
  6. Control Warlock
  7. Fel DH
  8. Aggro Shadow Priest
  9. Miracle Priest
  10. Amulet Mage

Not a lot of aggro decks in that Top Ten.

That weapon is the killer I’m this deck, say you have a 7 health minion like a 2/7 or something, he can build up his weapon to deal 7 and with multistrike then hit you for 7 more doing 14

yes, because it’s really brainless and effective

Ok them. Maybe my proposal will be stupid too, but I propose that you can attack two minions, but cannot attack the hero on the turn you play Multi-Strike. That would somewhat diminish the interaction with dreadglaive when there would be only one opposing minion in board, or only one you could Honorable Kill, pushing less damage face, and making DHs think about clearing a powerful minion that was standing alone or waiting to potentially kill two.


Nah. When a card is slightly overpowered, allows you to break a core rule of the game, and has a number on it, I don’t want to nerf the rule breaking part, because I don’t hate fun. I just want to reduce the number.

I will disagree with that, Naga DH is far from brainless. Maybe not that hard to play, but much harder than Quest Warrior and Quest Hunter.

The biggest offender to me is Ramp Druid though, Naga DH is only a big thing because it counters Ramp Druid, and can’t be countered by control because Ramp Druid just slaughters control.

Well, them there’s a difficult situation here. I would prefer my nerf, because otherwise the card would be too weak but still relatively easy to play. I think the core rule of attacking twice would still be broken, only in a different and more restrictive way. Other alternative is to nerf Dreadprison Glaive (don’t know how though), or just nerf pufferfist to 4 so the deck has to choose between him or Drekthar?

I think Pufferfist should be nerfed to 3 Health. And Multistrike nerf too.