If you can't beat them join them: Face Demon Hunter!

how is it not brainless if all your clicks go face without thinking?

No aggro deck that has limited resources is brainless even classic face hunter.
You have to know the matchups, play around board clears, save Vicious Slitespear to discount relevant cards that may be not yet in your hand (like Predation) or play him to put pressure, choose which minion to protect with Beaming Sidekick, know when to go off with Lady Stheno etc. You may think all this and other decisions are easy, but I would not qualify then as brainless.

Now I think Pirate Warrior is really brainless, just play Pirates on curve and get your infinite value engine asap.

Because no aggro deck in Hearthstone, even Classic Face Hunter, has ever been that simple. You’re describing how bad aggro players play aggro.

Both Aggro and Control are playing the same resource management game in different ways. Control’s resource is cards. Aggro’s is damage. Both types of decks, when played well, are about leveraging their resources efficiently to play to their gameplan. Bad aggro players think “hmmmm, card is green, click face”, good aggro players consider whether they can get more long-term value out of spending a burn spell on a minion instead to keep theirs around for longer, or whether or not they want to hold up a burn spell that’s definitely going face for the sake of a future gamestate in which it’s more advantageous to play it then, assuming the possibility of such a gamestate exists in their deck.

This does not take into account your opponent’s removal tools and how you play around them either, which is another thing bad aggro players ignore. This is the reason they lose to a single board wipe. The bad aggro player sees the Hunter with a secret up, vomits their hand and complains they got unlucky when they lose their board to Explosive Trap. The good aggro player considers the possibility and assesses the likelihood it is Explosive Trap as well as the risk/reward before making their decision. Said decision is usually but not always "pop the trap with my current board, then rebuild from there.

tl;dr bad aggro players think “unga bunga me go face”, good aggro players actually consider things like tempo and resource management, just with a different resource to other decks.


That’s a pretty interesting opening statement when you know that classic is filled to the brim with zoo bots which have no issue playing the deck as well as a human would. But regardless, any deck, even more so in modern day standard hearthstone, involve some decent decision-making.

Exactly nothing in any part of my post is contradicted by bots playing Zoolock as well as a human. I also did NOT know that (I don’t play Classic, I had enough of Control Warrior format when it was the only format), and it still doesn’t change anything.

With you so far…

…aaand you lost me.

I mean, are you trying to say that some humans are bad? Because I kinda think implicitly that when Avasiia says

they mean as well as any human would.

we were talking about face decks, not aggro decks

Why the super exaggeration of a point?

They never said that.

Quest Warrior needs to be nerfed. Simple. No one said anything about its orbit, or TO THE GROUND…

But honestly, before you respond to me, go look up how long Q Warrior has been viable and successful and you will see it’s the long running winner and if it DID disappear all together, then SO BE IT.

You’re specifically talking about Naga DH, which is a subcategory of Aggro DH alongside Token DH, both of which are stronger played as classic aggro rather than face.

You cannot Face Hunter a Face Demon Hunter!

i’ve never seen any dh taking a trade

You’ve seen a lot of bad DH players then. It’s not common, but sometimes it’s the best call. And with specifically Dreadprison Glaive you should really only be going face if you have a Bone Glaive ready to replace it anyway AND you have no good honorable kill setups, ie HKs that lose out on damage in the long term. Otherwise you aim for honorable kills.

well, there’s no good dh player, you can be good with a brainless deck