If you can't beat them join them: Face Demon Hunter!

Pirate Warrior? Me no care about your board me smorc face turn 7 lethal! Juggernaut doesn’t even matter if it’s not there!
Mech Mage? Me smorc face. Me no trade. Deal 3 damage to face twice, Lady S’theno attacks twice, 9 damage for 3 mana, so fun and interactive.
Beaming Sidekick health buff, all removal spells fail! Battlefield still goes face at 4 health.
Bone Glaive no trade with your big threats if you are at 5 health. Me am smart. Me go face.


Control paladin is a pretty good counter to DH but sadly it loses to druid which makes up around 25% of the ladder these days.

7? Why so slow.

I put together a list. I played 4 games. In one of those games I killed my Naga Mage opponent before their fifth turn. Through two Treasure Guards ( I think their list was bad).


Last game of my climb to legend was also against a mech mage, that just rolled over and died, his big swing turn 6 never happened because he died on 5.

The replay on HSreplay: Yv3mxzaxmyxehtujyjxqxy

By the way, playing as Demon Hunter only confirmed my belief that Multi-Strike is the ideal nerf target for the deck. Especially in combination with Dreadprison Glaive, the synergy there is nauseating. It’s way too strong at +2 Attack, should be +1 same cost.


I doubt it will be nerfed because it was designed to counter Irondeep Trogg. Other things in the deck may be nerfed though.

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So with my proposal it will be able to counter Irondeep Trogg for two mana, while dealing 4 face with Dreadprison equipped.

Deck list? Me want smorch!

These are the posts I’ve been waiting to see.

DH is disgustingly strong. These people asking for mech mage and switcheroo nerfs and warrior nerfs haven’t played against these DH decks yet.


Face DH is doing the lord’s work. Rooting out and banishing the demon that is Ramp Drood.


Every meta needs a good aggro deck, luckily this one is far more board centric, with the only real direct damage spells in the deck being able to deal 6 damage at most, and maybe 10 with Lady S’Theno. At least good taunt minions actually counter most of the deck. When Quest Warrior gets nerfed and control gets a little better this deck shouldn’t be that much of a problem.


Of all the decks with problem cards we are calling out DH as one that needs a nerf?

What exactly is your hope here? That Pirate Warrior is completely nuked from orbit? It’s not going to happen. Currently Pirate Warrior is 65% against Control Paladin, 73% against Shellfish Priest, 81% against Control Warrior and 81% against Curse Priest. Even after the nerfs, those matchups will favor Pirate Warrior.

Your reasoning is flawed. Nerfing Pirate Warrior will not make the Demon Hunter problem better.

Well, it is the best performing class, so yes?!?

Yea it goes under druid… but its so fast it goes under plenty of tempo decks too xD. You have to have answers on curve to not get wrecked. That multi strike spell is crazy. Demon hunter draw let’s them run the super low curve better than anyone too.

What even is the class identity of demon hunter? They get pieces that let them build basically any kind of deck you can think of lol. Sustain,draw, aoe, you name it,they got it xD

I have bigger issues with Azsharan vessel on rogue, Mech mage is gross, but all the mech decks are kind of that way.

1 mana deal 4. Perfectly reasonable.

Mech Mage is far from gross. It’s a aid yet unbroken deck. It’s also pretty cool.

I think Naga Demon Hunter actually takes a lot of thought to play and win but maybe that’s because I’m not an aggro player and only had 37 wins with DH before this season.

Good, this meta is already absurdly broken with card draw and generation. It’s the worst parts of past awful metas, returned. I was hoping for control to come back, not the RNG tempo fiesta that is an unstoppable snowball.