Because the term Reborn thematically fits the flavor of Uldum, and like many special released like Echo, Inspire, and Magnetic, it’s most likely that Reborn will fall under the same category.
OP is most likely right about this, and that’s why in a Vacuum I rated Paladin Quest to be the third worst beyond Hunter and Warlock. Not sure why people think Reborn will be a continued theme when it’ll most likely fall away like the Paladin Quest while Shaman has access to thousands of cards to build around the limitless Battlecry mechanic.
Well first of all they haven’t explicitly said that they won’t add any other minions with that keyword. For instance snip snap has echo without being a witchwood card, so you’re complaining about what you imagine they will do without having all the facts.
And second of all, it’s not like it would be the first deck where there would be low variety for all its time in standard. And I don’t think they really care about wild. I mean every time you try to craft a wild card it asks you if you are sure (and the option for no is “Oops, nope!”). That doesn’t seem like a thing they would do if that was a mode they were taking seriously.
This game has been very inconsistent with expansion mechanics and future use. There’s no reason they can’t add more reborn minions in the future due to mechanics like rush being used in future expansions yet oddly enough they chose to have witch’s brew have echo without the keyword… Hero cards were originally a FT concept and yet they’ve continued on but Tip the Scales has recruit and yet isn’t called that. Were these oversights or intentional? Point is there have been cases for both sides whether they’ll print more reborn.
Tip the Scales and Witch’s Brew say hi though as they both have mechanics from previous expansions and are not called such. Snip Snap is a weird case since technically it was just released on its own even though for intents and purposes it does have an expansion it belongs to.
And lifesteal was a KotFT mechanic while rush was a witchwood mechanic and we’ve had them in a ton of other expansions.
So we had keywords that have been used in other expansions, keywords that have never been used in other expansions, and keywords that have sometimes been used as keywords and sometimes not.
Apart from the dev team nobody knows what they will do with this one, yet people are complaining like it’s a sure thing.
Seriously, and I definitely dont agree with it, but you would have more chance tweeting them than expecting any sort of official communication here… On ANY topic.
thats why they are pretendining they did so they write stuff that OP
after reading it you can tell he is assuming f blizzard has decided not to add a single reborn minion later
They HAVE said that they dont tend to carryover mechanics between sets though, so there IS history of the assumption being true. There are far fewer exceptions to the rule, even if they do exist.
Is it premature to be getting wound up over it? Absolutely!
Is it a question that should be answered (their plans for the mechanic going forward)? Absolutely!
Is this the best place for correspondence? NO! Thats why I provided Deans twitter, as you are far more likely to get an answer there than you are here.
I think the only real problem with quest paladin is card-draw, I tweaked my deck to add more draw-card cards last night and jumped 5 rank up with 4-5 losses in between and those were only when the cards that draw other cards were also not drawn.
If only there was one low-cost Reborn minion that could draw another Reborn like Hunter has Mech that draws other Mech, that would not only make the quest easier, it’d also give more room in the deck to add cards that can win you the game. Because by the time you add enough Reborn and Draw-Card cards, there’s literally no room left to add anything substantial.
What makes the current reborn quest powerful isn’t really the reborn minions themselves, but what you can do with the hero power. There are enough reborn minions from Uldum alone that allow Paladin to fairly easily complete the quest. Right now, they are using cards like Mechano-Egg and Mechanical Whelp as the payoff cards once the quest is complete. It’s likely we’ll make other cards that are great with the quest payoff over time, making the quest feel a bit different with each set.
Since when do the devs bother posting on the forums???
While you are here, oh great Dean, mind giving some insight on when we will be receiving full dust refunds for ‘The Caverns Below’, and a date for when you plan to nerf big priest before you disappear back to reddit and forget your offical forums exist?
As the lead card designer, I know it might seem like to much to ask, but I hope Blizzard is paying you enough to garner a simple 5 second response.
I’ve reread this like 4 times, could you go into a bit more clarification with a couple of your main points?
“It’s likely we’ll make other cars that are great with the quest payoff overtime”
So is this going to be yet another theme that paladin is going to be pushed in? I’d just like to throw in my imaginary vote, and say please just focus on dragondin, Healdin, because those archetypes were left in the dust before they got any traction, and those are some of the most fun archetypes to play concertning the holy crusader.
I’m also not quite clearly following the logic of how the quest will fill different if you basically have to use the same reborn package every time. Didn’t you guys recently just say that you were making some changes to the classic and basic set, because people were tired of seeing the same cards over and over. I very specifically remember a interview with you involved on omnistone, the reason you’ve bene adjusting the classic set is because there were a bunch of neutrals, that basically saw play because of how hyper efficient they were
Which is GREAT criticism! I’m glad you guys are opening up the design space for each class. But then you design something like making mummies and I can’t help but scratch my head. It’s a quest that forces you to run the same reborn, draw package no matter the expansion, just so that you can use the hero power. The other quests have very general requirements so they can actually evolve into different archetypes. For example
Shaman battlecry quest has the choice of evolving into aggro, control, or midrange just based on what battlecries you guys decide to release. There are tons of different battlecries that can drastically alter the deck.
Paladin’s quest will always be the same. Play the same set of reborn minions, play synergistic big threats to copy.
I’m surprised you responded to my tilted rant. I’m sorry but I just can’t enjoy this quest because it forces some minitheme that doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the rest of the class. I feel like paladin is this weird frakenstein class, that’s not allowed to have anything cohesive.
I just want a direction, and I don’t want them tied to one quest, that requires you to run a specific package.
Agreed, though I feel like people are so ravenous because Blizzard is so bad with game design fixes.
It’s like once a season, they take the 10 most commonly complained about cards, write them down, toss them in a hat, pick ~5, and say: “Yeah, let’s nerf this until nobody wants to play it again (I miss you FWA).”