If Azerite Snake isnt deleted tomorrow, im gone

For the last three days of info the only place it’s a tier 1 deck is platinum. Anywhere else its 4th or worse. Paladin and Naga DH also have a very high win rate vs this deck. So they’ll keep it out.

Maybe try actually reading the thread you started. Me and Schyla discussed how/why it’s #2 not #4.

The irony. Insulting other decks while the snake deck literally plays with itself.

It isnt hard to excavate, get snake and then bounce it back 2x with all the neutral bounce minions with your opponent having 0 control over what is happening. How can you stop the snake when it comes out, steals 10hp and then gets immediately bounced to hand where you cant interact with it. Rinse repeat the next 2 turns. That isnt skillful nor takes much effort to achieve.

I literally have played games where i have 2-3 minions on board and it means nothing cus the snake just completely ignores what I am doing. It is literally face hunter on steroids. You cant taunt around it. You cant armor around it. You cant heal around it.

Its uncounterable garbage.

How someone can have the nerve to insult other decks for being uninteractive white snake warlock literally plays its own game and completely ignores the board is beyond me

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It’s now the next day. Snake is still in the game. Snake still works the same way it did yesterday so…… yeah they are really rushing to fix it

Again, first, and now the only match I will play today, was against snake warlock. I have renethal for the extra 5hp, I had 37 armor. A 4/8 taunt lifesteal and a 5/5 rush that gains me armor on board. I had a weapon that gains me armor. A handful of minions and spells ready to be played

Turn 6 snake and bounce
Turn 7 snake and bounce
Turn 8 snake and bounce and snake again

40 uncounterable damage over 3 turns which healed him 10hp per turn preventing me from even rushing him down before he killed me

Any defenders???

Actually it’s “completely ignores a board with 10 or less total Attack”

So not the boards I’ve been spectating. Just wittle baby boards that give Guldan a tickle

I too am sorry you are below average IQ.

You counter it by killing the warlock before he can start playing and bouncing snakes.

I kill them with dragons and have enough pressure that trying to play the snake is death.

This is what I do.

It’s a combo deck. It’s supposed to melt control decks.


Battlecry is the problem.

Make these cards “End of Turn”

Combo deck: Best deck in the meta.
Aggro deck: Beats this combo deck.
Control: Loses to combo, is struggling vs Aggro.

Result: Aggro is #1, combo is #2, control has fallen off. Control is now replaced with combo running control packages.

Solution: Combos need a nerf, Aggro could use a small nerf, control may need a buff. Maybe not all at once.

what is a 10 hp heal gonna do against the 25 dmg board druid can generate T5? Just an example.

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Ban players for playing cards LOL

Oh yeah kill them by turn 5-6 cus that is when they start doing it.

Very realistic and healthy game design

When your solution to dying by turn 7 is kill them by turn 6 you are ignoring the problem with the game

We have 7/8/9/10 mana titans, 7/8/9/10 mana collosals, 7/8/9/10 mana spells and general minions. The game should not be being balanced around ending turns 5-6-7

4 → 6 mana

Are you joking? This doesnt fix the problem with the card it just delays it 2 turns. So now instead of dying with 0 counterplay on turns 6/7 i will die with 0 counterplay on turns 8/9

Wowwwwww. Huge difference. These devs need sacking. They reek of incompetence. Im not playing this game until the card is entirely reworked or nerfed to the point it has counterplay. Played only 1 match today and only 1 match yesterday, BOTH snake warlock. I refuse to play until the issue is actually fixed, not just a bandaid stuck on it

If the only thing you can do is change the mana cost for now, nerf it to 9 mana so you cant bounce it the same turn you play it. That would actually solve the issue and give the opponent a window to answer it and remove it

you can’t die T7 to a warlock unless they have coin and start comboing by turn 5 which is extremely unlikely.

Plenty of deck can kill you consistently at turn 6 in this meta, so warlock was hardly a problem.

Read the patch notes :sleeping:

100% pure loseethink. You’re so emotionally tied to bad decks that do nothing slowly that you literally consider two full turns slower to mean nothing at all. Sorry, the decks you like will never be good and Snake actually has nothing to do with it


some of us dont want to play druid.

I did. It went from 4 to 6 mana….
That doesnt fix the problem

It still is uncounterable, just delayed 2 turns. So once again, unless you are playing a specific archetype, aggro, and have a perfect opening, any slower mid/late/control deck auto loses.

You cannot prevent it once they start playing it and bouncing

You are just dead

Only way to beat it is win faster. If the game expects all players to play aggro or lose to this skilless deck i will uninstall now