If Azerite Snake isnt deleted tomorrow, im gone

No friend, they usually have snake on 6 and never didn’t have a bouncer.

If they play snake on 6 and bounce it, then play snake on 7 and bounce it again, that means they just spend both turn 6 AND 7 doing nothing for the board other than developing a pair of 2/2’s. Yes they gain 20 life, but if you can’t find a way to punish that line of play that’s on you. Any board based deck would swarm the board and go face and kill them. They’d be forced to react, which means not replaying the snake.

I’m not saying the snake isn’t winning games here, just that it does have counterplay. Unfortunately that counterplay is exclusively some form of aggressive strategy. You can’t just play control into it and expect to win. But that doesn’t change the fact that the deck has clear and exploitable weaknesses that many players have taken advantage of. The people who are in legend now are either playing snake lock, or are playing decks that counter snake lock. And there are more counter decks than you may realize.

I want what I want and I want it now!

Found the cringe and pathetic Warlock Main

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Why would Warlock mains be cringe and pathetic. IMO, the only pathetic people here are all the non warlock mains crying over and over again about Azurite Snake (also, in case you want to know, no, I don’t main warlock, I play almost all of the classes). Even if it’s justified it’s still pathetic.

Already confirmed for a nerf soon so this is stupid. They aren’t gonna delete the card or freeze it, act like an adult and chill. Ages should show on this forums so I know if I’m dealing with an idiot adult or a child lol. If the OP was listed as a 10 year old no one would bother responding to his threads. lol

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Azerite snake is balanced. What is not balanced is OTK druid dropping 4 malygos on the board and hitting you for 21 for 0 mana… over and over…

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you are only saying this crap because your one of the people who don’t want it to be nerfed or removed because you want to abuse it like all the other lifeless trolls who only want to win.

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:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Mining Warlock is a Tier 1 deck. I don’t think it’s the #1 deck but I do think it’s #2 and I’d put it in the same tier as the #1 Aggro Paladin.

That’s the problem. Aggro being the only counterplay isn’t good enough.

The Snake is probably the big adjuster to the meta that is needed. Aggro and specifically the Sharpshooter will most likely disappear when you can actually play a control deck again in the meta. The whole reason all these Aggro decks appeared is because the decks that beat them basically vanished overnight.

As a player who doesn’t have all the new cards, and I have to rely on current decks to try to deal with the new expansion meta, I keep encountering decks that are near-impossible to defeat. The snake decks have absolutely destroyed me in ways that I have almost no counters for, and the new location cards just buff the living heck out of everything, so within a few turns, you’re very dead. Locations can’t be countered either, so you’re stuck facing a rolling case of massive minions you can’t answer in early game… but then you’re stuck facing losing 10 health permanently in the late game. Is this trying to force us into pay to win options? Honestly, is it even fun for those who ponied up to get all the new cards? Steamrolling enemies is not satisfying after a short while

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18 hours later.

Is he gone? :rofl:

I am sorry you are too stupid to hold Snake until you have a Brewmaster in hand.

Stupid is as stupid does.

This board simultaneously loves decks that can only be beaten by sheer aggro, while wanting any and all form of Aggro Paladin to be nuked out of viability.
Makes you think, huh.

There is a bigger problem in druids, you are just to deep with your wounds from that snake. When it dies you will be having fun with druids, that are really crazy right now with that ramp.

I think it’s the balance team ideology to make some imbalance in the game so people try to make “broken” decks spending everything then make other classes same way to lure people to make other decks. This simply force people to spend money on this game and is the only aim this company has for last years.

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I disagree. Paladin seems to, generally, get a pass around here, for some reason. The only time I’ve really seen paladin attacked here is when librams were in standard. Otherwise, the class can have the best deck in the meta overall, and still be off the radar of people here. For whatever reason, paladin just doesn’t feel unfair or that bad to lose to.

You ought not paint a community with such a broad brush, however. There is actually a lot of variation in opinions and sentiments here. Hence, all the arguing, like we’re seeing right now, here.

Edited for grammar.

people who’s saying “this is not a big deal”, have never played high rank. @WusPoppinB is totally right: this is a game breaker. The sad part is the developers, can’t prevent this kind of things. I mean they literally have months before the expansion gets out and yet, day 2, someone managed to find a broken interaction.
3 month for developers => 2 days for a random dude in the internet.
This is incompetence, simple as that.

I agree. Its just like any combo deck in past metas. I said it a couple of day ago, this is a combo deck that suffers a lot against aggro stategies or faster deck in general.

people just want their 40 card warrior or priest to be top tier and win against everything. This deck will end up tier 2, or even tier 3 as the other archetype refine.

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