If Azerite Snake isnt deleted tomorrow, im gone

You can counter it by doing things. Try playing a deck that actually does things.

What you call “control” isn’t controlling. It’s just slow bad deck that does nothing and keeps you stuck at Gold rank.


A deck can be slow, sure, but what home-brewed decks are often missing is a solid win condition (that’s the “nothing” part). Throwing together removal is easy. Formulating a consistent and reliable win condition can be tricky, and largely why these decks don’t work: they’re not made to work.


Read the rest of the patch notes. It’s a temporary change while they wait for their patch window (the card is getting a rework of some kind but significant changes to card mechanics can only be done with a software update, which have to be released in line with the update cadence for the Apple and Google stores, not a server side update, which can only adjust numerical values).

As far as beating the deck goes, you’ve got to understand that if you want to play something that wins slower than a deck that has inevitable lethality, you have two choices. You either write the matchup off and accept a 30% win rate against that deck, or you include in your deck and gameplay ways to disrupt and slow their strategy down so that you can reach your win condition first. That’s Hearthstone. That’s literally the game. This can mean not playing into Smokestack, or silencing the taunt that excavates so the Warlock is slower to progress their excavate quest. It can mean using Rat/Theotar to either hit the Snake itself, which is a massive setback, or hit one of the battlecries that excavate/bounce a minion to slow them down one stage. It can mean using cards to generate copies of their Snake so you can steal your health back. It can mean pressuring the board so that they are forced to use a combo piece to defend themselves or focus on protecting their life total instead of progressing their strategy. Whatever method you use, it is imperative that your deck is actively trying to win the game. No matter how much you slow them down, you cannot expect to beat a deck with inevitable lethality if you just try and stall them forever.

The problem is people love running garbage jank decks. They have the mindset of derping around doing nothing as the only way to play the game and get mega punished because they have to do derp around and do everything the long way around instead of just taking the direct path through. IE opponent is at 6 health instead of using fireball for the win they have to first clear the board using that fireball. do a backflip and wait until their board is full they get to the last card in the deck and wait until the opponent also has no cards in hand and then only if the stars align can they go for the lethal.

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The problem is the cost of the game in general, most of the people are able to do a deck or two at the start of the season and this leads to the situation like it was with a snake - the deck from the streams showed to be easy and good = many of them at start.
Now there is NO warlocks at all.
This pattern is the same every expack. The heavy monetization of the game leads to lack of diversity in general and to the refined decking.


I mean the naked truth of it is that they don’t really know what they’re doing. They take the long way because they don’t even see the faster way to win. And a lot of that is complicated by the fact that they’re not playing a decent deck in the first place, because they insist on home brewing.

What Warlocks? I’ve seen nothing but Druids, Hunters, and Paladins.

The fact this card made it through internal testing tells you all you need to know about this development team.