If Azerite Snake isnt deleted tomorrow, im gone

I mean, if you just made armor and didn’t try to kill the warlock, then it seems like your deck is the one that isn’t interacting.

I think the snake is the best card they’ve released in a while specifically because it destroys decks that just play with themselves and just stall and pass.

Your deck got crapped on… that doesn’t mean snakes are op or bad for the game. There are much more oppressive decks right now than snakes.

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I’m hoping you’ll get mad & quit.

I hate threads like this where the player thinks he’s giving the company an ultimatum & all he’s really doing is annoying people.


so you want them to …remove it for weeks like the did for jailer

instead of leaving it and changing tommorow

you keep bringing jailer up so you must know how much time it passed since the ban and the patch

I agree that the Snake is insane but your response is kind of delusional

Part of being good is being capable of adapting to the meta, which is something you obviously aren’t able to do.

So instead you are whining in the forums.

This says a lot about you as a player. And this really doesn’t make you look good.


What you are is someone who is impatient and simply wants to smash what is because you hate it. If you were being rational you would see that Warlock needs some kind of tier 4 Excavate reward and that “just remove it” creates problems of its own, breaking the game in different ways in other places.

I’m not saying that you should “git gud” here, I’m just saying that no, “just remove it” is NOT a comprehensive solution. An actual solution doesn’t create as many problems as it solves.


They should disable it only if it won’t be nerfed in a few days… but since it will be… there is no point to ban it now…

People are really over-reacting to the snake in general. I just made it to legend with sludge warlock with no excavates in it, and all those snake decks were more or less free wins to it. Just play a deck that actually puts some pressure to the opponent instead of just playing solitaire and you will beat it just fine.

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I’m gonna be honest here. The snakelock deck feels stronger than it is. The stats show that a lot of strategies are quite good at it. I made it to legend yesterday playing a hunter deck that farmed the heck out of snakelock. Afterward I build a dragon druid deck, and that druid deck feels even stronger. The dragon package druid got is very solid at early game defense, so I threw in disciple of eonar, drum circle, and cultivation to add some late game lethality to a non-highlander druid.

Guess what… snake warlock has no way whatsoever to handle a turn 5 drum circle blowout turn. I’m 9-0 against warlock with my druid build. Paladin also shows close to a 60-40 matchup spread in favor of the paladin, because paladin blows you out fast. Naga demon hunter is also showing very good signs. Naga demon hunters win rate is clearly favored for the demon hunter, and as time passes the DH win rate in that matchup is climbing. Yet another deck with a high win rate against snake lock is enrage warrior. Despite warlock running its defensive shell, enrage warrior has a very high win rate against it. The same size is small, but enrage looks to have huge potential against snake lock.

I won’t deny that the azurite snake is a meta warping card and it limits what you can play. there are some strategies it just crushes. But there are a multitude of decks that stomp all over snake lock. I hope they don’t nerf it TOO hard, because it’s currently the ONLY excavate deck showing any sign of primise to be good. Excavate warrior, mage, rogue, and even death knight are looking like piles of crap. It’s nice to at least have ONE excavate class that has some promise.


The card is being nerf i think we might get a patch next week and lastly calm down is my advice its not worth it to get worked up about a card try giving more constructive feedback on why the card is bad i used to get upset over cards i choose to discuss them calmly on forums and who knows maybe some players can ever help you formulate a good strategy versus that deck.

At the moment from what i gather decks that can put out more stats then they can clear beat them like druid for example unless i mistaken.

I think I’m going to side with the “you’re overreacting” side here.

It’s still early and good data is scarce. I do NOT want to imply by the following that Snake Warlock isn’t the best deck in Standard right now (might or might not) or that freely available data from HSReplay is reliable (it generally isn’t). But… Snake Warlock isn’t the strongest deck according to HSR for Bronze-Gold. That honor goes to Aggro Paladin and it’s not particularly close, the winrate gap is more than 3%.

Nerfing by sentiment outliers is wrong. It’s even wrong in situations where I feel very confident that when the data comes in that it’ll match my expectations, because I was very, very confident and that confidence is decreasing rather rapidly. Forget the whiners, hard numbers first and nerfs second.

Yeah… I know I go back and forth, but I think this is the optimal reasoning. The data isn’t in yet, and we should base our conclusions on evidence, not anecdotes. Salt is a compelling thing, and it is apparent that most players are of this type. You do have reasonable folk on both sides (God, I hate that phrase anymore), but I am compelled more by data, personally.

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I’ve been really pleased with mine. Very flexible, lots of punch.

I honestly think sludge lock ends up being more toxic (lol) than snakes.


And just to be clear, I am saying that we shouldn’t just nerf sentiment outliers. I am NOT saying that Snake isn’t a sentiment outlier. That card hits me right in the feels. In an unpleasant way.

Tier 2 deck that gets beat regularly by at least three other decks currently is “completely unfair”. Right.

What snake warlock has is a lopsided matchup spread. There are some strategies and some decks that it dominates in a very effective manner. The early data is showing that it’s a deck that’s very punishing against bad decks. It was easy to refine and its game plan is extremely linear. It doesn’t have a very high skill celing and it’s easy to pick up and pilot. That leads to an inflated win rate in an early meta where people are trying out all sorts of weird jank because they just want to play with their new cards. But the actual facts show us a couple things

  1. Despite running some reasonably good defensive early game tools, it can be overwhelmed pretty easily by decks that can go wide/tall very fast and close out with early pressure.

  2. It’s very punishing to unrefined jank and new decks, but it appears to be vulnerable to refined strategies that execute consistently. Bouncing the snake is slow and typically happenes around turn 8-9. You’re basically taking a turn off to NOT develop any board, and even with a life gain of 10 for the turn there are many decks that can capitalize on that and punish with lethal.

  3. It has a low skill celing and it’s got limited room for refinement. The deck pretty much builds itself, and its game plan is very linear. It does the exact same thing every game and has no alternate win condition save for saergeras, which we’re already familiar with.

I want to add that in addition to the decks I listed in my previous post, another deck has shown up with a pretty crushing matchup spread. It’s not a new deck, but mech rogue is extremely good against snake lock. Yes the exact same 30 card mech rogue from last expansion. No new cards. Most likely ends up close to a 60-40 win rate in favor of the rogue. This is a trend that keeps showing up. Decks that can get under the snake lock and do big things fast beat it very reliably. Excavate rogue looks bad, but mech rogue has the edge. Drum circle, arcane hunter, enrage, gardens grace all stomp on this deck.

Snake lock has a very exploitable weakness. Its removal is purely damage based. The ONLY hard removal card the deck can run is chaotic consumption, and only 5% of lists include that card. So any deck that can build a tall 10/10 or 20/20 fatty by turn 5 are pretty much given a free win. So garden’s grace and 12/12 windfury stealthed mechs by turn 4 or 5 eat it alive. It also doesn’t have any clean AoE’s that can stop wide boards that are also middle of the size tall. If the warlock can’t set up a clean defile it cannot clear wide mid sized boards in the mid game. That’s why drum druid and enrage warrior are heavily favored. Warlocks removal package is very weak towards imbued axe and drum circle. It also folds to arcane hunters consistent burn plan, and my own custom hunter build has also proven effective.


As you said, here we go again. After saying something like that, I sure hope they keep the card the way it is and have you face only opponents playing it with perfect draws to have it by turn 5/6.


In an effort to be constructive instead of dogpiling, my guess is they want to eke out a lil more player data regarding it while they can. At least, thatd be my reason for it.

… being good is having a dirty rat or counter the next minion that they play, and then they play the snake into it?

No friend, they usually have snake on 6 and never didn’t have a bouncer.