I will rope every reno warrior player hope you'll do it too

Normally I would just play a counter deck, but thanks for making this deck uncounterable by buffing the reno cards so you can’t brick them with plagues


Mind as well tank my rank atp.
Mage is unplayable. I will rope every warrior I see, what a great plan you’ve given.


Should I craft the new Dr Boom? Is warrior so unbeatable? I was playing tentacles but that deck is dead

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So because you have a hard time with the deck, your choice is to make it more miserable for the other person, but more likely than not, it will just end up making it more miseriable for you, than to figure out a way to overcome it.

Are you sure this is the right game for you?


3 TNTs you can overcome (and btw, TNTs CANNOT destroy other TNTs), but 6 is almost impossible, and you can no longer counter it with plagues. Shaman OTK was also nerfed into the ground so that’s no longer viable either.


I love this! I also found reno warrior to be tedious to play but usually a win, so it was a balancing act


At least nobody disrepsects me for (attempting to) trying to play the new whizbang in standard.

So you’ll give them an easy win? Gratz now you made their deck even stronger.

The best defense to Devs doing nonsense is probably to quit the game.


Or even take a break

I took a year off, and it was totally worth it. Sure, I’m grinding through Gold right now WHEN I actually play (I generally play BGs if I’m playing HS these days), but all in all, the break was great and helped with overall lingering frustration with the state of the game.

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Careful now:

And people will find there’s little reason to come back, once they do leave (as many who do leave and check it out again do…and are promptly mocked for doing so).

Tnt can now be countered the same way for a slow deck as plagues can be countered. That is by card generation. Tnt don’t burn your cards when you burn the tnt.

Why not just auto concede vs warrior? Much faster, same point


Roping? No thanks. I just kill them turn 6 and move on.

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Mods didn’t think it was funny… I got flagged, post deleted, and suspended for the weekend… Oh noes!

It didn’t specify whether it was because they didn’t like my deck name or because I suggested that a control warrior’s time-value system might be different from normal humans’. (They should hear what I have to say about paladin players…)

Yes. It’s a very tedious deck to play. I did it to get those badlands brawler and highlander wins achievements. Deleted it once Mr. TNT got nerfed. Crafted fun cards instead. :wink:

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No it is NOT the same point. I want to PUNISH the player for playing a broken deck.

Being unable to play the deck because no one wants to play with/against seems like punishment enough? Pitying other players for being sheep seems like punishment enough, to me anyway

Well, I just finished a 35 minute long game and beat the boomboss warrior, he added me pissed as hell and told me to kill myself. I also finished watching an episode of fallout during the game. Mission accomplished.

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The same here, 30 minute long game and i spit his whole face with sludges, ez win vs HL warri, he add me and insult me, best feeling ever. I played Manor Lords on seconds screen and enjoy it, double fun!

For posting a deck list?

So there really is no human element here any more, and they don’t action the abuse of the report system, even though it’s against the rules.

Typical actiblizz, brought to you by microsoft.

Nah. The name of my deck cast aspersions upon the character and charisma levels of warrior players. I went on to suggest that wasting their time is fine, since they obviously don’t value it either.

Is this going to get me suspended again? Should I say something about the mods’ mothers to make it worthwhile?