I need advice on how to spend gold

Here’s a primer on what you can expect to “get” from 20 packs … which pretty much fits with your current gold savings…

So after you open your 50 packs from the bundle, your 2,000 gold is only going to be getting you (roughly) between 1.87 to 2.5 in value for every 1 gold you spend. If you have a bad streak of luck, then the value could be as low as 0.8 to 1.

So - put simply - your “return” on your 2,000 gold investment when buying packs will probably be a net positive … but it is approaching the point of diminished returns, so don’t expect it to be a high-return spend.

I’d say your best approach will be this…

  1. Save the gold on release day.
  2. Continue to save your gold from dailies and quests.
  3. Get the Adventure wings as they come out (each one contains more packs) with your gold savings
  4. After you have all the Adventure wings, keep saving gold until you have about 8,000.
  5. Sit on that gold until the next set comes out.
  6. Lather, rinse, repeat.

You won’t have EVERYTHING in every set, but you’ll have a seriously good chunk of cards which will allow both competitiveness and variety. I’ve followed the “70-80 pack plan” for 4+ years and I have over 86% of all the collectible cards in every expansion and I did it mostly for free.