I need advice on how to spend gold

I am a relatively new player and would be grateful for advice from veteran players about how to spend gold on expansions. RoS is my first expansion and I have purchased the 50 card bundles as well as saved up around 2k gold. I limit my collection to warrior, warlock, rogue and paladin so I do want to collect cards for those classes for each expansion and to do so using gold mostly and save real money. Do you think its better to save the gold for the next expansion instead?

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Depends on if your plan is to keep purchasing bundles or build up enough gold between expacs to keep buying a decent number of card packs. Iā€™m mostly f2p, and my target number of packs per expac that I buy with gold is around 40-60, depending on how much I like the expac. Usually gets 2-3 legendaries and a good smattering of epics. I have been playing a bit over a year, so I have the dust to craft the rest of 2-3 meta(ish) decks. Some of that comes from playing arena, so something like 6k gold is necessary for me, per expac.

If you want to do something like that, Iā€™d maybe save the gold. If youā€™re plan is to keep buying bundles, then yeah, use the gold to fill out your pity timers and donā€™t worry about saving up.


i would advise you to open packs until you get the guaranteed free legendary from each expansion possible (if you havenā€™t already). Otherwise save the 2k and buy the solo content or even more packs from the new expansion or from the previous ones. Add me on LemmeDjent#2323 and feel free to ask me anything


Well. Always spend gold on new packs.

Arena is good. Tho it kinda intimidating for the first dozen run. If you got the knack for it, its the best way to spend gold.

Tho average people usually goes open prepurchase and spend gold on release, save gold until next set arive (7000ish gold if doing daily quest), prepurchase and spend that gold, save gold again, and so onā€¦

After a year, the best way to spend resource are crafting Cheap aggro deck for wild and golden whizbang and play him in wild. Your dust spending will be reduced greatly with him and making your dust pool accumulating nicely. Save the dust until you see awesome deck in either wild or standard.

Hereā€™s a primer on what you can expect to ā€œgetā€ from 20 packs ā€¦ which pretty much fits with your current gold savingsā€¦

So after you open your 50 packs from the bundle, your 2,000 gold is only going to be getting you (roughly) between 1.87 to 2.5 in value for every 1 gold you spend. If you have a bad streak of luck, then the value could be as low as 0.8 to 1.

So - put simply - your ā€œreturnā€ on your 2,000 gold investment when buying packs will probably be a net positive ā€¦ but it is approaching the point of diminished returns, so donā€™t expect it to be a high-return spend.

Iā€™d say your best approach will be thisā€¦

  1. Save the gold on release day.
  2. Continue to save your gold from dailies and quests.
  3. Get the Adventure wings as they come out (each one contains more packs) with your gold savings
  4. After you have all the Adventure wings, keep saving gold until you have about 8,000.
  5. Sit on that gold until the next set comes out.
  6. Lather, rinse, repeat.

You wonā€™t have EVERYTHING in every set, but youā€™ll have a seriously good chunk of cards which will allow both competitiveness and variety. Iā€™ve followed the ā€œ70-80 pack planā€ for 4+ years and I have over 86% of all the collectible cards in every expansion and I did it mostly for free.


I recommend only buying packs the day of release. This way you:

Donā€™t spend half an expansion playing against cards you donā€™t have and getting sour about it.

Have no means of over purchasing from any one expansion (over 90 packs and you get so many duplicates that I donā€™t think itā€™s worth getting more packs)

Donā€™t spend too much money on hearthstone because you end up buying a pack here and a pack there all the time

Also, as a new player, I think the solo adventures will be worth it as you learn a lot about the cards and itā€™s a great break from ladder.

Edit: riddler beat me too it. Both of us are f2p and do the same things. I always have the meta decks from all the classes, and if I donā€™t like a competitive deck, Iā€™ll spend my dust on a meme deck. But at that amount of gold, you will get a good collection. A full collection is not necessary because not everything is playable

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I have a little over 5,000 gold saved up and I plan to get 50 RoS packs and keep saving for next xpac. Purchase 50 packs there, and keep going that way. I did use my dust to craft an Even Shaman for Wild but Iā€™m also getting a nice chunk on rotation.

I plan to sit on it for now. My goal is to wind up with a little more gold and a little more dust each xpac.

how new are we talking i have a side acc which is leagues behind my main in terms of classic set cards, how are you doing in terms of the classic set ? i ended up using my 3k gold on 2nd acc to buy 10 packs for witchwood 10 for boomsday and 10 for RR(rumble) and pulled 3 legendarys 6 epics and 5 gold common/rares if your lacking cards for the past 3 expansions/classic set id use the 2000 gold towards that and then about a month ato a month and a half after RoS drops id start saving quest gold towards the next expansion thats what i do and im at 5400 gold atm which is 54 packs for 0.00$

For a new player I really wouldnā€™t worry too much about the Classic set. The trend seems to be that T5 is making the Classic set less and less relevant as time goes on.

Regardless, Classic Cards will slowly build in a new playerā€™s collection from Brawl packs, monthly ranking rewards, and some of the daily quests. I think at this point new players should just (A) get the Welcome Bundle (which is a fantastic deal) and then (B) just let the Classic cards slowly build up by themselves over time. Maybe do a LITTLE targeted crafting of some key Class Classics now and then, but Iā€™d go with a very light hand.

Let the gameā€™s F2P system get Classic cards for you. Without compulsory means they will flow to you like a river.

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i agree for the most part its just over the last 2 expansions iv had to craft classic i wish i had 2 years ago such as sea giant for even shaman and i wanted to try odd warrior but all the good list had yesera in it and i dont have her(shame on me) and i wanted to do deathrattle hunter but i dont have king crushā€¦ but you are right cassic cards slowly come to you just takes time.

Well, youā€™re also right that thereā€™s always some tempting stuff in the Classic set that is nice to have in the arsenal. But Iā€™ve found that a lot of those Classic cards are more along the lines of ā€œnice to haveā€ as opposed to ā€œmust craftā€.

For example, Deathrattle Hunter doesnā€™t NEED to have King Krush in it. Heā€™s nice to have obviously, and if youā€™ve got him then put him in no questions asked. Donā€™t have him? Meh - toss in another Charged Devilsaur.

my philosophy
Spend real money on Newest Expansion
Spend in game gold on older expansions.

Sounds like you have a pretty good foothold on the new expansion, which is good because those cards will be around the longest. You can use Brawl to plug away at your classic set (also important)

Something to keep in mind - you are guaranteed to open a legendary in the first 10 packs of a set. For this reason i do recommend at some point getting some Witchwood/Boomsday/Rumble packsā€¦ at least until your get your legendary for each. Itā€™s good value. after that you can use your dust to supplement cards here and there that you may need from those sets.

I donā€™t recommend Arena unless you know what you are doing. The format is infested with Specialists and Prosā€¦

How you choose to spend your gold is a judgement call. Given that you have a good deal of ROS cards in the bucketā€¦ personally i would start plugging away at the Raven sets to get that 1st 10 pack legendaryā€¦

If youā€™ve purchased the expansion already, Iā€™d use that money on arena after release. Therefore you get not only a pack from Rise of Shadows, but you also gain gold and random cards depending on your success.

Limit yourself to one class you really like.
Spend your gold on new expac packs until you run out, then day 2 start saving again and never buy packs again until next expac.

Disenchant other classes cards as well as any that are rotating out of standard to grant additional dust towards building your mainā€™s collection.

I make around 8k gold towards each expac just doing dailies. Some can make upwards of 10k by rerolling quests for max gold efficiency, but I like opening quest packs and avoiding the more tiresome win 3 games with class X quests

Arena will consistently offer better returns than outright buying packs so long as you win at least 7 games, but it honestly takes just too much time to use my entire 8k on it, so I just avoid it all together.

You can consider buying the pve content a month from now with your gold, but itā€™s mostly fluff and offers a poor rate of gold to packs.

Ultimately the point of hearthstone is getting to rank 5 each month for the free golden epic to 400 dust towards the next expansion. This feat can generally be accomplished by every class regardless of the meta.

Edit: Donā€™t worry too much about classic packs. You get them weekly via tavern brawl and they generally are underpowered compared to the current packs.

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Also, personally, again Iā€™m f2p and I disenchant everything that goes to wild after rotation, but this means I can have decks for every single class. Iā€™m not a wild player so this makes sense to me, since if Iā€™m sick of the staleness of standard, wild is the accumulation of what Iā€™m sick of so to me I have no desire to play wild.

Most of the best advice I think was given already but the one thing Iā€™ll say is do not EVER preorder an expansion. It may seem itā€™s a good deal but the fact is you donā€™t get your moneyā€™s worth, until they fix the monetization for this game and make not worth $600 a year to have a complete collection, no money should be spent.

On gold, do not use it to buy this yearā€™s adventures as you get less packs this way as you would normally get by just buying the packs directly with gold. Getting a gold pack of classic set is nothing. You want to increase your collection, not having repeats of a few cards that look pretty.

I wish gamers as a whole stopped preordering anything because itā€™s allowing the industry to sell garbage and stay rich at the same time.

A person - such as the OP - who is new to the game can definitely benefit from paying $49.99 to get the new expansion bundle. This will allow them to save their gold so when the next expansion rolls around they will be in a position to pay $0.00 on the next expansion ā€¦ and the next ā€¦ and the nextā€¦ One payment now for a lifetime of Free is worth it.

But the larger issue you face is the fact that you have a misplaced expectation for CCGs. No CCG gives a player 100% of all the cards in a set for one price. CCGs donā€™t work that way. If youā€™re like most Price Whiners, then you probably want Team5 to give you ALL the cards in a set for $49.99 (or less). ā€œBecause - by crackey - I paid $59.99 for Battlegrounds and got the ā€˜whole gameā€™, so logically that means $50 should give me all the cards in Hearthstone, consarn it!ā€

Bzzt! No. That will never happen ā€¦ EVER. Expecting it is like expecting Ferrari to sell its cars for $29.99, because you bought a pair of roller-skates for that - by crackey! - and they both have wheels so ā€¦ logic!

If you find the pricing model of CCGs unacceptable, then follow your current path and donā€™t pay cash for anything and just play for free. But you should hold no false hope that Blizzard is going to change the pricing structure of their CCG from the Pack-Model to your preferred One-Price model. Any hope you have of this ever happening is a delusion that you should disabuse yourself of immediately. Clinging to it will only make you perpetually bitter and angry.

Accept reality for what it is, and you can move on from there. Clinging to the lie stops you from moving on. CCG pricing is what it is, and it isnā€™t going to change. Blizzard may make small changes to make things a little easier now and then (such as the Legendary duplicate change). But the basic price structure of selling random cards in Booster packs isnā€™t going anywhere.

I usually do this for a new expansion:

  • Save gold after Iā€™ve gotten what I want from previous expansion
  • Open whatever free packs they give me on release day
  • Buy packs one at a time until I get a legendary
  • Buy 20 more packs, expecting 1 more legendary
  • If I didnā€™t get a legendary or got one super early, buy more until I get one

Then, I play arenas until Iā€™ve gotten around 80-100 packs, stopping once I get a legendary. Then I start saving for the next expansion.

That gets you all the commons, most of the rares, about 20 epics, and about 5 legendary cards, plus a sprinkling of extra dust to craft a few missing cards you want to try.

Which is pretty much what you can expect to get for free. If some joker tells you to expect a lot more than that, theyā€™re lying. If someone tells you to expect a lot less less, theyā€™re lying.

My stance:

Save all gold for the start of an expansion. Should be somewhere above 5k if you play casually but regularly (depends events). I like to go until I hit a legendary while near or under 1k gold left.

As events happen, Blizz will sometimes gift packs from the latest expansion, usually during spring/summer/winter tourneys. If you care about pity timers, you can try to spend more gold to hit another legendary after theyā€™ve granted you a few bonus packs. Then you start saving again for the next expac.

Or thereā€™s the Arena. If you play arena regularly, you will probably not be interested in saving up, but rather just spending your gold to enter and thatā€™s how you get your packs.