I Just Can't Do This Anymore

At this point, I feel completely apathetic about the game. I’m just so tired of caring when it’s painfully obvious the HS devs have no idea what they’re doing. With every patch, the brainlets in charge either manage to break something within the game’s spaghetti code or piss off the player base with some short-sighted business decisions. There are no standards with this company anymore.


Same. I went from winning about half the time to maybe 1 in 10. Clearly obvious that winning makes the algorithm more likely to pit me against an opponent who either is clearly stronger or knows my every move. I’ll keep playing and hope if enough people recognize the obvious manipulation maybe management will either fear the collusion will get exposed or they will relax premise that money isn’t the only important component to be considered successful …


This is the literal definition of how MMR works. Win more games, play against players who have won more games. Eventually you will play against players who are better than you and start to lose games, which will then cause your MMR to drop and you will be paired against weaker opponents and your win rate will increase. This cycle will continue until your MMR normalises to your skill level.


I’m on the same boat. I have completely given up on caring about this game. The balance is absolutery terrible and becomes worse with every patch.


I’ve not played in many days now. I opened the cabinet and brought out my MTG collection. After a few days of texts and calls, we now have a decent sized group. I have a massive collection, so I’ve been building decks to give new players. Hoping we have some luck with the LGS and can get things like FNM going again.

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I’ve been playing BG for most of this rotation to get quests done because standard is so soul crushing right now… and even that is getting pretty stale.

Untrue. iI gets harder. The algorithm is completely skewed. I believe it is using the fact I spend no actually money to play this game I only use in-game funds to upgrade my deck.
Prove me wrong. I dare you.

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It’s impossible to prove the matchmaking isn’t rigged.

You either accept reality, or put on a Tin Foil Hat.

Why do you believe this?

post about the state of the game without a pro company troll showing up to gaslight people.

Some more then others.

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maybe matchmaking really worked like this, in a linear condition, in reality there are various things capable of influencing the algorithm, for example in paid modes there are variables related to the number of victories in the previous arena run or duels, if you have won more than 5 times the matchmaking increases the difficulty by a few degrees in the next, this system normalizes the victories, greatly reducing the possibility that someone can pay 150 cashing in on average 200 actually earning with these methods. Obviously there are various ways for blizzard to be able to maximize earnings this is just one example. Not to mention all the systems designed by people who don’t care about making the game light and fun, programmers so incompetent that in the end it’s not even their fault but of those who take care of recruitment, just see how they make fun of us with the infinite animations in the combo decks, with our hero’s explosions when we lose to make us more frustrated than the defeat, how they develop combo decks that you have to undergo passively without reaction, how they develop infinite control decks in duels against which for 30/40 minutes to then losing the game anyway, all of this is incompetence in the highest terms especially from a company that collects millions and it’s YOU who pays them I’ve never paid a dollar

“I just can’t do this anymore”.

Oh, the heartache, what will I ever do?

What’s with all of the melodrama; it’s a game.

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Wow, more melodrama from a troll complaining that I’m a troll, & saying a lot of presumptive nonsense with his poor guesses as to my life situation.

I do have a happy life, & I have several really good lifelong friends. I’ll be 69 years old next month, & my wife says, “Hi!”

Look at the title of the post, then tell me this is a serious attempt at a serious discussion.

“I just can’t do this anymore” Oh, please.

One last thing: #ignore

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One can set their watch to the pro company troll coc violating troll and flaming…

…and it would be inadvisable to hold one’s breath waiting for the site mods to actually hold the pro company posters accountable for violating coc, up to and including hate speech, real threats, and so on. Supposedly “final warning” offenses that they ignore frequently because the frat boy culture gets rewarded at actiblizz.

Stay classy mods, team 5, actiblizz, and microsoft!

the irony in that post could break the forums.

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Let me ask you a question. It’s an easy one.

Let’s say your crazy theories (that’s all they are) are 100% correct. Why are you still here? Looking through your post log shows me you haven’t stopped playing the game, but if the game is truly rigged against you, why are you still playing? If I knew a game was 100% against me in terms of any victory, I wouldn’t have anything to with it anymore, and I assume just about everybody would say the same thing. Why go to a Casino if you know for a fact you will lose every single time?

Now, you don’t have to explain your algorithm theories. I’ve already seen your explanation. I’m simply curious why the heck you’re still here if you truly believe it to be rigged.


Pro company posters solution, as always, is to turn the forums into an echo chamber.

-every poster squawks in confusion to each other in their ideal scenario (as they have for the last couple failed releases no one but them showed up to), right when they shut it all down

Some of the new cards are especially tone deaf in regards to absurd synergy.

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55 here and calling your bluff. The attitude is far too Gen Z-ish to be taken seriously.


I don’t play poker.

I was born March 13, 1954. I’ve been computer literate since 1979, when I ran a DEC PDP 11/40A main frame for Glenville State College. I received an Honorable Discharge from the US Navy in August 1974. I have a slight lisp, which has made me a misanthrope; that’s probably why you mistake my generation.

Bottom line: You think I’m a liar, because you are a liar.

Im going to have to agree with bob


My friend pointed to a bunch of different streamers that seemed to be having fun since the Undead patch and removal of quests. I had to remind him that these people literally make money playing the game and if they acted like they were miserable playing it not many people would want to watch them. I’m struggling to want to even play enough to complete my weekly quests.

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