I HAVE the fix for Hearthstone

Cards can never cost less than 0.

¿Why Blizzard? ¿Why?

  1. Delete Brann.
  2. Delete 0 costs.

Fixed Hearthstone.


which one?
you have to be move specific

When have cards cost less than 0?


Refreshing springwater used to be a -1 cost draw 2. It’s been nerfed by 1 mana twice, so now it costs 1.

I have solution for hearthstone

  • create real and not FALSE rng
  • create real balance of cards and not balance with matchmaking and false rng system
  • change rewards for arena and duels, it’s crazy only 50 golds and 4 wins
  • block emotes
  • insert blocks of animation on options screen
  • delete infinite loops like druids on duels… are you developers or what?
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They won’t un-rig the matchmaking system…It’s the only thing that still brings money. If you do not rig the system, some players will just have 80-90% win rate, which in return will mean that they won’t play other decks, because let’s face it, if you win with a deck you don’t need to change it…meaning that no one will buy decks, and everyone will play the same deck.

There is no false RNG there is only RNG, the deck is a list that pulls indexes random and excludes them…The problem is that when you start winning in a streak the algorithm places you against counter decks to keep the 50%-60% win rate…

So the general ideea is not to create real balance it is to slow the game, which they do not know how to do, or do not want…Statistically speaking if you want better than average win rate you need to play aggro…Fast games, you either win by turn 4-5 or just conceed…Playing faster wins you more due to the only fact that they designed this anti % strategy.

This is why HS is garbage…because you design a card game meant to be random, but you mess with the system to get it your way…It’s just like messing with the roulette to get more cash flowing from there.

People will realize this sooner than latter, meaning both Blizzard and the suckers I was talking aobut will keep on bleeding money, like they bleed money with modes that don’t bring anything to the table :smiley:

What ever the great minds who designed the game did, they either left Blizzard or lost their minds…

All online poker sites (card games) RNG algorithms are independently certified and easily available online for customers to see.

Hearthstone doesnt have true RNG and hasnt for a long time.

But addicts are gonna do their thing

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so far nobody been able to stream a game predicitng every single rng out come

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Imagine thinking you are smart and understand how HS works and relying on streamers to do the job for you . How exactly do you not forget to breath if there isn’t a video out there for this ?

you guys keep saying it can be predicted then it should be easy to do

yea, you just need to play…and get some data…would you delete your battle net account if someone brings you proof that you are blind and stupid (the question only refers to the battle net account, the part with blind and stupid is more of a certitude) ? More and more people are seeing this, but you blindly still think you play a fair game…I mean it’s easier to think it like that, the feeble mind doesn’t need enigmas or data, it just needs to sit like an amiba like you are and get data from other people smarter than you, in this case the streamers, which is your ceil of smartness :))

im supposed to believe blizzard hates you and thats why you and only you get matched vs aggro whenever you choose a combo deck

I never said it hates me particularly…but please, whatever makes you sleep at night.

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well you keep describing an event that only happens to you (like when you said whenever you choose combo you only get matcved vs aggro and you keep raging about it

basically you are telling us blizzard is rigging games agaisnt you spefically

no, I am sharing data that happens to me to explain my point of view…I am not raging about anything…Obviously people will come with personal data and match what I say…Hard to understand isn’;t it ?


yours contradict everything ingame

anyone can play a combo deck and notice not all match ups are aggro or just watch a streamer playing a combo deck

and you didnt seem happy when i mentioned so far nobody been able to predict every single outcome after the posts ranting about how the rng ingame isnt random

I was not happy because no streamer in his right mind will stream this and lose his bread. You should know this particular thing by now…Take example Toast , the only player who actually contributed into sharing bugs and interactions that go against some stupid ToS line that no one reads…And where is Toast now ?

Blizzard has a name for himself to silence everyone that shows things against their games with a fist in the mouth stating that is against the ToS …

So yea, what you say it’s right, there are not videos showing the game is rigged…It will probably get down in an instant from youtube or they would ban the streamer for ever, which no one will risk…

So you are right, there is no video like that, my problem is that you don’t try to think why there isn’t one, but you try to disprove people and try to look smart.

this is funny so it if it happens like you say “its rigged " and when it doesnt you claim” is rigged" too! :rofl:

that what i get from you trying to explain why streamers and …everyobdy else who dont get matched vs aggro while playing combo

omg…it’s like talking to my dog…it’s ok…the game is not rigged cuz streamers didn’t video about it. smh

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streamers play combo decks all the time and you have no explanation on why they didnt get matched only vs aggro decks

same for players who play combo decks

im pretty sure you cant explain all those screenshots posted on reddit from epople who werent playing aggro and got matched vs combo decks