I donbt get exp and complete quest. Im returning player

Blizard do it something with that. I paying in your game cash and i ncant complete for new player quest road

They are working on this issue.

What I have to do now?

Same here, im stuck on 6lv novice and cant do sh… .

When fixed that? One year, One month?

I guess next week when the new mini set is released.

Okay, so what now, I have to wait until next Tuesday for something I could complete in an hour? I bought packs specifically to make it easier for myself to play at the beginning. And I can’t even play a ranked game because if I skip the newbie, I’ll lose the rewards. Will I get a bonus for that?

When I started the game the tutorial reward track did not exist. I can’t answer that.

I know me to. But I not completed beginner ranks and when I back to game. I have reward track. Now im 5m searching opponent xD

A patch will release today which will fix this issue.

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And where is the patch?

It’s a server side patch. There won’t be any download.

When that is patched?