I Challenge the Hearthstone Development Team

Let me preface by saying this is my own personal opinion but this game has become way to focused around RNG instead of individual player skills and overall game knowledge. Don’t get me wrong RNG will always play a part in any video games not just hearthstone but the way the developers on this game have forced us into that being the only style of play is saddening.

Blizzard, I get where you’re coming from and I understand that you want Hearthstone to be an accessible and engaging game for all types of players. You believe that a crazy RNG card giving me a game winning effect will be hype and help make eSports more entertaining but honestly the exact opposite is happening. I don’t feel engaged or excited losing to a Rogue Pyroblasting me for 0 mana. This brings me to the other problem with this game which is the loss of class identity; there are just too many overlapping neutral cards or class specific cards that give access to other class specific cards.

Why can’t cards just be cards? No crazy effects, no crazy RNG. I challenge the Hearthstone development team to make an expansion for this game with no new affix and no cards with any RNG.

RNG can be okay sometimes but why does the entire game have be developed specially for it, why can’t other skill sets also matter? I want card placement to matter, order, overall game knowledge etc…not just RNG. I want to feel like I can outplay my opponent not just say to well…damn he really got lucky :weary:


I really like RNG since it just makes every game very interesting. If done correctly it can actually make the game more about skill since it’s important to realize how to make the best out of your RNG. But of course sometimes it’s just too much variance and I guess that’s the problem here.

If they would actually make a set without any RNG I personally would probably find it very boring. For example the new Demon Hunter has very little RNG. The only Demon Hunter deck I find interesting is in Wild with Witch’s Cauldron.

But there are many that are like you and find the normal and straightforward play style of Demon Hunter very engaging. (Not necessarily the aggressive play style of Demon Hunter. Just talking about the consistency and lack of crazy RNG here.)

And I say it could be possible that all the classes and all decks you encounter are like that without interfering people like me that just want to have fun. But how you ask?

The answer are custom play modes. This is what we truly want and need.

Let’s hope they will hear us and after consideration maybe implement it in one way or another.

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They are probably proud of being the creators of one of the trashiest meta this game ever had. They are not changing a thing.

True, this is the worst meta I’ve seen actually.
Literally DH+Rogue and gala decks aka play minions to have value.
However some people on this forum defend this, are blizztards actually hiring paid posters or wut?


Yup. Literally everyone who defends the game is a Blizzard employee, and everyone who attacks it is a Riot/WotC employee. Late stage capitalism is weird, man.

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Alternative is much worse - means those posters are terrible at analyzing stuff, I’m just not about to insult people at once, as only a braindead person would say this meta is somehow playable.
However some people think that tempo decks are hard to play too, so…


I mean, I find this meta more playable than the one we had back during Rise of Shadows, but then, I mainly play Priest so I’m biased like that.

Well, at least you have some counter to aggro decks.
Decks that aint having it suffer much from DHtards.


yeah blizzard does hire paid posters you can spot them really easily its the ones with 3k+ posts and spam on each post COUGH madmax seen this loser on almost every new post shilling for blizzard they really came out the woodwork this new Expansion to do a ton of damage control lol


Don’t get me wrong, RNG can be fun but when it’s constantly thrown in my face as the only way to play then that’s when I get frustrated.

I hate constructed and much prefer to play arena because everyone is on an even playing field with their RNG. Constructed I feel pigeon held in to playing specific decks and it just doesn’t feel fun at all.


And I thought we in Russia have paid putin supporters, yet blizztards doing the same paid shiet being a USA company.

haha ikr weird feeling like you just woke up living in Russia FYI blizzard is not really a USA company anymore since they got bought out by activision/tencent AKA china and since the whole blitzchung thing happened blizzard has proven they are more than willing to silence people on behalf of the chinese government so paid posters doesn’t really come as a surprise anymore lol XD


Yeah exactly, I totally get that. That’s why we need custom game modes. Some people like to play this way and others in that way etc. Let’s give everyone the option to play how they want instead of forcing everyone to play a certain way. You won’t convince me that this game should have less RNG and such just like I won’t convince you of the opposite etc. But we don’t need to argue and play games we don’t like if there would be something like custom game modes.

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