I can see why all the OG streamers left Hearthstone

I recently came back after a very long back and can’t believe the utter state of hearthstone. I stopped playing when the “discover” mechanic started to take off, now it is a utter plague on the game. Do people on the forums here actually like this amount of RNG?


I’m generally amused by it. Which, incidentally, is the entire reason I even play video games in the first place. If a game isn’t fun, I stop playing it as a general rule.

RNG can be tilting, for sure. I’ll not claim to never be salty. But what keeps me coming back, is SPECIFICALLY the RNG. If I wanted a “serious” CCG experience I’d boot up MTG or something.

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To be frank I like RNG in this game.

As a comparison, let’s say chess.

Not talking about online matchmaking where you play against a different person each time you queue but say you play two person physically, A who is significantly of a higher elo rating than you and B who is significantly lower than you.

Would you enjoy it if you play ten games against A and lose all ten games or play ten games against B and win all of them?

Neither case is fun right as you know you will lose against A a stronger player than you and win against B a weaker player than you precisely because there is no RNG involved.

So I enjoy hearthstone more than chess due to the RNG spicing things up and making things exciting, suspenseful and unpredictable.

And not just that but the “variety” factor too. There are different classes, even in the same class different builds, even in the same build different lists (which particular and specific card you decide to include in the deck and how many copy each), whereas in chess both players are playing the same pieces against each other which makes it dull and boring in my personal opinion.

If you don’t enjoy RNG then perhaps card games are not for you because there will always be RNG in card games due to the nature of the design. Maybe you can try MOBA or FPS or RTS games where your skill alone is the deciding factor of the outcome of each game.


It’s cute that you think Streamers do it for anything else other than money.


Not that I’m necessarily disagreeing with your statement re: streamers. However, I wonder how many working class people would unironically choose to live their current lives as-is, work and all, if they didn’t have to work in order to sustain or exceed their current QoL standards.

Like, I get it, greed is a sin. But virtue starves you. Leaves you out in the cold. You can’t live on good feels, but you can live on a weekly paycheck. I don’t think “streamers” deserve ire “because they want money” any more than any other working class person does. Peeps wanna live, and that means work for most of us.

My inner Gordon Gekko is triggered by this.

But there was no anger in his sentence, just a simple no-brainer. :wink:

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If they left for money it failed. I don’t even watch Kripp’s stream anymore.

As for rng, it depends. I only really hate the rng in Battlegrounds, which is one reason I don’t play Battlegrounds. Another reason is Battlegrounds corrupted Kripp. It’s all he plays.

What RNG? Stuff is pretty consistent these days with the increased amount of card draw, stat dumping, mana cheat and lethality/direct damage.

Tidepool Pupil is an example of a very consistent Discover option.
Common · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: If you

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I didn’t accuse them. I said they often do it for the money, and the OP implied they only do it for the quality of the game.

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This to be honest. Also the game is supper fun right now and the discover is a core part of hearthstone. It became an issue when the same cards keot being discovered over and over like with priest and that 1 cost heal 3 discover a spell and they discovered the same card again. That was fixed and we good.

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I’m unwilling to die on this hill presently, so I’ll just chalk this up to misinterpreting what you said instead of going down a pedantic rabbit hole.

To get back on topic though, I do my fair share of complaining on these forums, but overall I still have a lot of fun with this game. RNG and all.

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You know what you can do with your passive aggressive “cute”?

The attitude of the person who said “cute” is never like that (passive-aggressive) unlike others…
I’ve read enough of his posts to know that.

No need to look for a hidden meaning in a word and to note that another interpretation would be possible.

The game is so out of whack, I started playing World of Warcraft again after I quit 4 or 5 years ago.

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Some bad apples here often throw around the buzzword “fun” when defending the current state of generation in the game, it’s right here in this thread. But when you ask them to define this so-called “fun,” they stumble and avoid giving a real answer.

No, I don’t enjoy the excessive RNG in the game.

How has “fun” become a buzz word? I know you don’t like this game now that it has exceeded your personal threshold for RNG, and that’s fine. But “buzz word?” How is “fun” a technical term that’s been washed out of its true meaning for glib propaganda?

I find the RNG itself, to be fun. That’s a real answer, whether you agree with it or not.

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What is fun for someone is not necessarily fun for someone else.

There is no point in debating “tastes and colors” (expression).
It would be the same to say of a food “that it is good and that it should be eaten” while your neighbor hates it.

But it is true that I do not see the problem with the word “fun” and why people should define the word when everyone knows what it means.

They left Hearthstone because they grew up and moved on, unlike most of us here.

It’s one thing to no-life the game for years and give it your everything, and another to casually play for a bit and then forget about it and then come back like you never left.

Most of those who have stayed, do it mostly because they’re used to doing that, they’re good at it, it’s sorta fun, and it fulfills their needs, whatever those might be.

For some of them, yeah, it’s mainly or exclusively money, but I think those make up like 1/3 of them, tops, probably 1/4

Some enjoy the spotlight, some enjoy the social network it enables them, some enjoy the game

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Sometimes when I have a quest for it I’ll just make a deck with 30 of the lowest cost and best discover cards literally every card having Discover, and it inevitably goes on a win streak and then I’m done with the quest and delete the deck but I’m left to wonder, what in the world has happened to Hearthstone?