I can see why all the OG streamers left Hearthstone

If they don’t have income without working (i.e. if they’re not rich kids with parents’ money basically) and they are well into adulthood, they usually do it for the money because they MUST do it for the money.

I don’t blame them; it’s a fine profession; if they love it it’s the RIGHT profession.

Im just tired of every single deck being a mix of RNG, spell and/or minion spam. Feels like there is little interactions and just whoever can spam face the fastest. I mean, a shaman OTK me for 22 damage by spells alone with no board on turn 7.

What the flying fanatic were you doing if they managed to last 7 turns without a board?

Trying to summon minions and watching these crap discover caster decks remove every minion with spells that were not even in their deck. This game is done!

How did you take 8 damage prior to turn 7?

8? Try 98! Are you even playing in platinum ranks???

I’m not the one claiming to suffer 8 damage from an empty board.

EDIT: I also find it curious that you are continuing the argument Mancheese started, as if it were your personal loss that you suffered, instead of his.