I can always predict who the algo wants to win

That much is true. But have you read it? What do you think it does?

Oh and also, please demonstrate that you actually know what randomness is.

This test is not difficult for anyone who actually understands random.

I have. It says what it does. If you think it doesnt appy to hearthstone then you should read it (im assuming again?) specifically the segment about matching. If you think they aren’t using it for hearthstone, it’s just because you don’t want to. SilentStorm is a bit pompous and thinks too highly of his “genius” but he’s right. There are noticeable patterns.

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That is only one of their patents for use in their products. I commend you for doing some research into the way the game was created and is designed to operate. Of course, the patent you presented is but the tip of the iceberg.

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Ok since I got banned for 7 days and cannot really wait that long to dismantel your point, I will make the mistake of posting from my friends account which I shouldn’t have done, but hey, take pride that I went this far to do this.

I asked you to post proof that the game isn’t rigged, which you said that “we” in refering to I do not know whom, have, and I told you that you know nothing about what random means, especially in computer programming. And you came with a little test that brings proofs to none of my questions.

In good faith I will answer your little game ABCEF are random while D is not.

Now let me explain to you why, so that you don’t think that your higher brain power proved a nobody on the forum how a simple test is enough to make him leave an argument. You came back with a test that proves only a meer observation skill for deterministic patterns. Any humman with more than 5 years can check deterministic patterns and probably deduce which are not and which are random.

You literally proved nothing by this, you only lied of flipping a coin 150 times and came back with some strings ordered random and one that is somehow deterministic and easy to spot, to prove exactly nothing because you completly avoided my questions and just proved that hummans are capable of determining stuff while you know nothing about how random works in computer programming, which is the real discussion here because HS is a computer game.

I will give you a irefutable argument that the game can be rigged at any point, and it is in some cases and you will leave this discussion and never ever reply to my threads because you are literally over in your head in this discussion, remember zephyris the great ? Blizzard has shown with that card, that they can litterally read the state of the board and hero status and has an algorithm to correctly determine what would be the card that wins you the game, clears the board and so on…Why would you think that the matchmaking algorithm is something they cannot rig, or that they cannot rig what cards can be drawn in what particular order after x things that they want.

Please refer from posting, apparently even when trying you cannot prove anything to anyone that is not triggered or over a certain age. You can win arguments on forums probably with triggered kids…but it won’t work with me.

I didn’t leave anything. I was done. There’s a difference. I didn’t even know he posted his little test question until I saw this post. If I had I probably would have died laughing at the ridiculous arrogance of a stranger in a hearthstone forum to think he was important enough for me to answer it. You people think you’re brilliant because your scraped your way through a couple of college courses but accrued knowledge and intelligence are not synonymous. You’re just insecure children fighting over who sounds like they know more in a sad effort to look superior to the simple minded and feel superior to each other which IS simple minded! But hey thanks for braking what im sure was a greatly appreciated silence to come defend yourself in an “argument” you weren’t involved in while vaguely insulting some “nobody” you’ve never met. Clearly you two deserve each other

to whom exactly are you replying :slight_smile: . No beeing smug but trying to understand

This is disinformation: The patent is used


4 out of 6 correct. Failing score. You don’t know random when it’s right in front of your face.

The opposite of true. Most people would score even worse than you did on this test. The rigged algorithm in the test was meant to conform to the ignorant, incorrect “normie” idea of what random is. It’s an absolute fact that the system that gets the best public opinion score on people thinking that it’s random, is actually a rigged system. People in general are negative good at identifying randomness.

This argument has absolutely nothing to do with can or cannot, it is do or do not.

Deep down you are insecure and you know that you can’t see randomness, so you can’t actually see if things are rigged or not. Therefore, you base your entire theory of things on how much you trust a corporation — you don’t, and you shouldn’t. You reckon that they can, therefore you reckon that they do, because your feeble mind can’t act as an effective check on their behavior.

Meanwhile, people who can actually see randomness, unlike you, are not insecure. We know that the data can be analyzed and we can determine, not with certainty but within a certain margin of error, how rigged the game is. We don’t have to guess what the big evil corporation will do, we can see what they do.

You imagine. I know. We are not the same.

It turns out that it’s is less than 95% rigged and that is an objective measurable fact. I imagine that this is because Blizzard is smart enough to realize that they can’t rig a game with clever clogs finding out. And they’re right. No developer can rig a game without clever clogs finding out. The problem is that you think you’re clever, and you are not.

4 out of 6 what man…you come here with a child test were you want to hear what you want to hear…it’s not about any kind of logic, anything else beside what you want to hear will be invalid…Are you that r----d that you cannot see that ?

Please post the proof you have that the game is not rigged, the facts that you bluntly “we” ( you know, that we , when you talked for everyone and included you in) have, and how you understand the random algorithm in programming…Until then whatever you post is unimportant, and your 4 out of 6 is irrelevant because you barely can probably don’t forget to breath in the morning without your ridiculous petty riddles.

I played your silly little game, please enlighten the whole community with your full knowledge of the facts that you have that the game isn’t rigged, and your full knowledge of how the random algorithm works in programming, and stop beating the bush around petty arguments, so that can once and for all, everyone as a community see irrefutable arguments about the game not being rigged from a veteran forum keyboard warrior.

No, it’s pretty much everything. You’re blind. It’s actually not even worth talking to you. Come back when you know how to pass the test.

Yea of course, when calling out for what you said you have, you come with another deflection and not worth talking to…Please do not post more junk around here, you are a joke…

Wanna try again and give us another of your smart tests (which was a deflection to what the discussion was)? :)))…Which by the way wasn’t smart, and you are ridiculous for saying that I didn’t pass it :)…

Can I have a go in your crusade ?

Given :

  1. abcdedfgh
  2. abcdedfgh

Which of the strings above could be zgfgh on a 109894721784721842718 coin tosses…

Once you pass this test please take a second round on posting junk on forum.

Just ignore him. He’s arguing just for arguing sake. Doesn’t matter about what.

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No such proof can exist, nor is any needed. I accept the game not being rigged as a “given”, until you prove that it is rigged. Coincidences + confirmation bias does not equal proof. You can’t prove the game is rigged because the game is not rigged.

No, that’s you. You literally don’t know the first thing about what you’re talking about. You don’t even know what randomness is. And yet you have the arrogance to spout off your complete nonsense.

I already proved above in my statement about zephyrs the great…please keep the pace.

I gave you a quiz, please come back when you answer it. Until then, you proved nothing…at least I took a shot at your petty try to prove something

Yours is gibberish. Mine is not. You’re salty and embarrassing yourself

You proved nothing.


Dude, please, your test is not jibberish ? saying that you actually took 150 coin flips and determined 6 strings of a not so called deterministic pattern ?:)))…Have some shame man.

You wouldn’t be able to difference a bite out of a byte and you call your test not jiberish…

Btw you din’t post the proof that you bluntly said that you have about the game not being rigged…Or about what random is in programming…you are just beating the bush, which any failure would do in this sittuation