I am about to find out if the game is wrigged

What does that matter and who cares? The truth is the truth, whether one believes it or not, is irrelevant

Was that the sample size? My sample size is thousands. But idk I haven’t been following this thread.

That study has already been had, like I said…by me, and others

That’s fine, again, you don’t have to, and it does not matter whether you believe truth or not, it does not change it from being the truth.

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Show us your data.

You’ve not presented evidence to support your conclusions. Until you present your evidence, i.e. your thousands of games of documented data, I am more inclined to believe that you are making this all up in order to excuse your inability to win more games than you have.

How? I’m a normal person going through life. You think collecting and recording hearthstone data is something someone does? Or cares about? It’s way down on the list of unmet and unnecessary priorities. Show us your brain power, and tell us you understand this?

I don’t need to, this isn’t some scientific study or scholastic journal.

That’s fine, please think that so you can continue to be wrong and keep your head in the sand. Doesn’t bother me one bit :man_shrugging:

is good to know for sure you lied

You are the one making a claim that your thousands of games of data lead you to the conclusion that the game is rigged in some way. If you aren’t interested in convincing anyone of your position, why are you posting your theory? Are you simply looking for sympathy? Is this merely cathartic ranting? Just understand that when you make outrageous claims and refuse to provide any evidence or supporting data, you are going to be challenged.

You are wrong. What you claim is happening is just not happening. And I think you know it. At this point, I’d consider your rantings to be trolling and will opt not to engage with you any further. Good luck.

Because spreading truth is a noble endeavor

Sorry you feel that way. I understand though. It’s a normal response when one can’t handle the truth.

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Then ask your high IQ level friends…I don’t know any genius level iq persons so I wouldn’t know.