I am about to find out if the game is wrigged

Are trying to imply Blizzard has personally selected you to lose all of your games? Which in turn means Blizzard has decided that everyone playing against you should win?

The absurdity of this post.


So you are saying that changing your deck DOES mean you’ll queue into different opponents?

Which is exactly what he said.


I can’t believe they agreed that the algo peaks at the cards before it sets up the matches.
That is curating. which means the game is rigged.


This is true in some form. If i run the warrior reno, the match ups i get will be warrior or paladin mostly. Here and there ill get a shaman. But it mostly cycles those 3. Switching over to mech bomb the line up is now, druid, warlock and warrior. The game is rigged in some format but at the end i feel if you know whats up you can push through. But i do wish it could be changed to proper match making and not the trash the game says about tracking your w/L rates and matching according to skill to make it fair.

You will get 2 or 3 games with people playing off meta decks, stuff that don’t even make sence and no synergies, they get rekt. Perhaps to bump a rank or 2. But prepare your anuz, because the next 2 or 3 games will put you back to square one.

Vicious cycle.


What we have here is a failure of education.

Silent is right, though it seems you guys can’t read though sarcasm at all.

Think of the amount of effort and computing power it would take for it to calculate X player, match it up to X meta, then produce Y deck that has over a 70% win rate against X.

Not to hard right? Now multiply this by the average player base at any given time, 100,000. Article said 190,000 I googled but lets knock off 90k. Now since you’re only playing bots too in this theory, you need to compute the server stress of this as well.

Now it’s doable, but you’re investing a LOT into server structure to create this system that will A. will work under 15 seconds (rest of the time is needed for latency and syncing) and B. Not… accomplish anything but trolling players?

So I’m sure there are plenty of bots at low ratings due to lack of low ratings people. You don’t need some grand conspiracy though here as to why you’re losing. It’s simply not in their interest for you to lose more than 50%.

We’re having a discussion here, if you need attention just say it. I don’t mind hitting up your mother and revisit the chat we had with you as we did in the past, remember? Or do we need to go back to the " no pc time" again? Your choice kiddo. We love you and want to help you, but we can’t untill you admit the problem. But if you are going to continue this behavior me and your mother will have to seriously consider canceling that broadband contract we got you. :kissing_heart:

It doesn’t.

Let’s say that you made a system that’s good at determining what skill level players are at. Then you used this system to match players according to skill, without peaking at their deck. There would be two main effects:

  1. The more people win, the more likely they’d be matched against someone more skilled than them, and then they’d lose. In other words, winrates would tend to normalize to 50%.
  2. Skill differences would be far less noticable than they would be otherwise. You’d need to be on quite the win streak or lose streak to see one at all, and even then it wouldn’t be huge. So some players would start to believe that piloting skill doesn’t exist, even though it does. And the closer two players are to being tied in skill, the more luck and factors outside of player control decide games.

Rigging believers make lots of ridiculous claims, but these are the only two that are actually substantiated with evidence. Yes, your winrate will tend to normalize to 50%. Yes, games are normally not decided by skill but by luck. But these are both evidence of matchmaking by skill, not evidence of rigging.

So I used to work for a company called blazzard (yes not this company of course) and it’s basically made like this there’s two skill levels:

  1. Blind and has no hands and doesn’t even know what a computer is. And died last week.
  2. Can load the game and click things. And can order a McDonald’s and eat it without dieing. And above.

This is the age old recipe for an addictive game anyone can win even Donald trump. And anyone can lose even a genius like you. :smiley:

Why do you try to prove something that is literally in front of everyone…There are 2 types of people, those who know it’s rigged due to overall knowledge of game design, who 100% know that nothing is random, and Blizzard will influence odds in some way to make you pay, and those who think the game offers the same chances to everyone ( the shills) which will never believe you and will never even debate this…

From my point of view there are narrow minded people which you can do anything and won’t be able to change their mind ( people who think HS is not rigged) and normal people who already know this and you won’t bring nothing to the table…

So why waste your time ? Let the shills pay Blizzard’s bills, stop playing because the game is garbago and move on.

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I did not know that this is a real word:

Wrigged - Twisted or contorted in a way that is not natural; evasive or unclear responses

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Really not much at all, all things considered.

Again, really not much at all, all things considered.

Not really. The investment is not much. The needs are quite simple. It is not about trolling players it is about playing on human nature in an effort to extract money one way or another (which I guess is trolling in the same way capitalism is trolling)

They got rid of most if not all of their own bots except maybe at the true lowest rank. There is no grand conspiracy about losing, merely unpleasant facts being faced/reconciled. At least you did get one thing right, they do push for a 50% win/loss.


Those are the ones with genius IQ level? Like the guy here:

Or here:

Due to my inferior IQ level I don´t know, just asking for my high IQ level friend :clown_face:


Curious how you can see his IP.

Someone should tell That person blizzard alreay has that system. Lol

The MM is really a joke… I coudn’t get above D10 with my not meta slower deck first week because of Highlander Reno crap everywhere… changed to Handbuff and after that not a single Highlander enemy came… really funny… damn this MM system and all who making it work like this… flush it on the toilet already! :angry:

That’s very interesting. Please share the HSReplay data you collected on this experience. I assume you’ve got about 15-20 matches recorded in each of the three 2-hour windows. Can you share a screen shot of those?


He doesn’t need to. The sample size is big enough because I can confirm what they are saying. Other people can confirm it too. You can confirm it yourself. If you are truly interested to know reality.

He does if he wants to persuade anyone who does not believe his claim.

A sample size of 45-60 is not. But it would certainly suggest further study if that data set were to actually match what he is claiming.

With all due respect, I’m not simply going to take your word for it. Show the data. Otherwise, I’m more inclined to think you are making up these numbers.

Dude cuddles is trolling you…