I am about to find out if the game is wrigged

The last 10 or so games have been against “low card boogies” that is where people just play low cost cards and keep buffing them until they destroy you.
I am going to make a deck specifically to destroy low card boogies. One that no low card boogie can beat.
If the game quits putting me up against low card boogies then that means it is peaking at my cards and the opponents cards before it sets up the matches. THAT IS CURATING. The last time I did this expierment against robot roges it immediately stopped matching me up against robot roges.
I made a deck no robot roge could beat. I went from 90% of all games robot roges to Zero% robot roges.
I will let all my friends know what happens.


Flood Paladin is a good deck.

You’re seeing it because it wins.

Well, I changed my deck to beat ALL low card boogies and now all I get matched against are decks with giants.
Just like last time.
This is proof the game is curating opponents and not picking them out of a hat.
The game wrigged. The Algo decides every winner and loser before each match.


If you want to play HS you gotta take the good **** rng with the bad **** rng.

It’s not RNG. It’s curated. It’s been proven over and over.
I played for two hours and 90% or more of my games were robot roges.
I made a deck that could beat any robot roge deck.
Played for two hours, not one robot roge deck.
Went back to my old deck and it went back to 90% robot roges.
People on youtube had done the same experiments, and it clearly shows that the algo peaks at your cards and the opponent’s cards before it sets up matches. Of course, I have played since the game came out and I have a genius level IQ, and noticed this right away that it curated opponents based on what was in your deck.
People with mid range IQs may not even notice this.


A genius would be smart enough to post on a different IP and UserName.

If you were careless here, maybe you made more misplays than once you thought?

Wow bro! Just wow! OK, so you’re like, what? 13? 14 years old, tops?


If you used a tracker, after enough games with the same deck (100+), your matchup spread would be as expected based on deck popularity in your ranks

But when you change decks in between, you open yourself up to such unlucky streaks

Either play deck roullette and cycle them every game, or play just one deck based on your most frequent matchup.

If flood pally makes up, for example, 40% of your matchups, then play a deck which beats it, but don’t expect to see them 100% of the time. 40% is 4 out of 10, not 10 out of 10. That means you still get to play some other annoying class 6/10 times


My username has been the same for 10 or more years, maybe longer, since I have played World of Warcraft since Burning crusade.
I have no idea what you are on about. What would my IP have to do with anything.
I don’t remember exactly when Blizzard decided to start using names. It was too long ago. I didn’t even make this username. I just chose a random one they offered for people who are too lazy to think one up.

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Amazing… You go ahead and keep finding the good fight with that “GENIUS” level IQ, bro. Save us all.


Hey look Mini-Me, it’s a human and fellow forum member with a default AdjectiveNoun name. Are you going to report them for botting?

10 games is to little to acutally conclude anything. I Have 140 games in a recent deck:
Legend ladder top 1k EU. The meta differs by rank. High rank you will find other meta decks than low legend or ranks out of legendary.

Warlock 17%
Rouge 14%
Warrior 14%
Paladin 14%
Mage 13%
DK 7%
Shaman 5%
Druid 5 %
Hunter 3%

So if you actually play you will se meta decks more than others but its not like one class is more than 1 out 5. Of course you can meet the same deck 3 times in a row but if you keep playing you will see all classes. Warlock has two competetive decks so they lead the statistic etc.

Why do they call premade decks “meta decks?”

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An acronym for Many Evil Tiny Alligators. In prehistoric times, Hearthstone was played not with cards, but by throwing small animals at each other. The most effective of these were small carnivores, such as alligators. When people realized that the most consistent winners used this same strategy, almost everyone started playing alligators instead of cuddlier options. Thus the meta was born

It means Most Efficient Tactic Available aka the cheapest dumbest way to play with greatest probability of “success”

Calling efficiency “stupid” seems wrong to me, but maybe I am stupid

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I can understand the confusion. It depends whether you want to be an unthinking unfeeling machine, or a thinking feeling real person

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The most fun seems to be unthinking but still feeling

“real person”?

Edit: I don’t read hidden replies.

Don’t the game is rigged but the matchmaking could use a big makeover I think.

I’m just happy I managed to hit gold tier 5.

We must preserve the old ways

You obviously aren’t from Bizarro World


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