Hunter secret cost

Probably not.
Hunter needed a whole legendary support card and it still barely sees play from what people are saying here. It just barely made its way to being playable.

I do also have the worry that if mage gets secret support in the future it won’t be up to par because of the bad secrets that exist. But if they do that, they’ll be forced to buff them so that’s a talk for then.

Well, there aren’t really any restrictions in hunter to stop them from getting a card that looks like counterspell. On the other hand, mage buffing minions has never been a thing. I think it’s even written on its class identity. It’s not meant to buff minions.

God know please don’t give paladin secrets again, they would figure out a way to break the game all over lol

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It is written there. As a weakness. But Hunter shouldn’t have counterspell at any cost.
Neither should Shaman. Which is what OMY is.

Pally is the one class other than mage where I think Secrets are appropriate.

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I’ll agree that Ice Trap is a weird secret for a class like hunter. Would be preferable if different classes had secrets with distinguished effects from one another, but it’s obvious they don’t care about stuff like identity anymore.

After some time they printed too many cards and clogged their brain, which doesn’t take much for the current people working on this game.

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its a great excuse when they want to deny mage anything they feel like taking away.

But yeah. Hunter should not have ice trap. Makes no sense at all

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In my opinion, even a card like Azerite Vain should be a rogue secret. You know, getting the opponent’s cards and all. I don’t understand what it’s meant to do in mage. It’s clearly not a mage secret.

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I don’t think Rogue should even have Secrets. The class practically gets everything.

I think mage should get the well-rounded proactive secrets, since they cost 3 by design.
Other classes should get gimmick versions of mage secrets, with restrictions to accompany their reduced cost.

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Can you explain what you mean? An example?

I think Counterspell against Ice Trap is a good example.
Counterspell is universal, straightforward, nonrestrictive. Ice Trap on the other hand loses out on actually removing the spell from the opponent. That being the reason it costs 1 less than Counterspell. It’s like a weaker version of it.

All mage secrets should be like this, and we had secrets like that. The examples are two: Counterspell and Objection. Absolute authority cards, which make sense, because they cost 3. Mage should have very strong effects for the secrets it has. Summoning Ward and Azerite Vain; I can’t even think what they were thinking when printing them.

The 2 to 3 mana difference is insane. It’s not as big as the 1 to 2 difference, but it’s equally impactful. When cards get buffed from 3 to 2 they become playable cards. That shows mage secrets should be many times better than other classes ones, simply because they cost more.


I have some guesses, lol.
Yeah Ice Trap makes no sense to me.
Even at 2 mana it is still a weak counterspell, something a hunter should not have to my mind.

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That whole set was a mess for mage. Everything about it, really.

Thats an odd take given that Rogue as a class is known to be the master of Secrets.
If Rogue doesnt get Secrets no one does, if anything Hunters should get theirs renamed to Traps ,Mages to Glyphs and Paladins to Sigils.


In my opinion, they can have it, as long as mage gets equally good support. Now of course, that won’t happen.

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Interesting idea. This is better than anything I have seen from team 5 in years.

I only take issue with Rogue because they get everything.

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Renaming a keyword while the effect is exact same is silly. Unless of course, you mean to change the effect in someway across the classes that use secrets.

Idk. I like the idea. You could make rules for each that limit what they are capable of.

Well, if the effect is different, sure.
But having one named Secret, the other X, and the other Z while they all do the same thing is silly.

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I dont think they do, you could say the excel many on the things they are good at(more times than other classes) but Rogue has clear weaknesses and shortcomings like the rest.

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