Hunter secret cost

i want both

secrets that help auras, and auras that help secrets

1 mana secret
shadow spell
(the spell effects any aura, including the opponents)
(this spell comes from the twilight crusade, a crazy combo of the twilights hammer group with the scarlet crusade)
The next aura to end instead lasts 1 more turn.

again i dont make cards for a reason

totally unbalanced

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Not everyone gets auras though, right?
Hunter doesn’t have any, do they?
Neither do the other Secret classes as far as I know.

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i dont make the cards

maybe mage gets auras in my crazy weird expan idea, ok

whatever works

Hunter’s secrets cost less and they still don’t see play. There is no Secret Hunter deck that is competitive.

And why buff Mage secrets of all things. There are better targets for buffs. Further, there is no Secret Mage support so those buffs wouldn’t do anything.

I don’t necessarily support any buffs or changes, and I agree that
Secret decks aren’t really what’s happening now.
Having said all that, the OP wanted to know why some Hunter secrets are so good for the price.
And I agree. Were Bait and Switch a mage secret, even at 3 mana, I’ll bet I could find a use for the card, and players would complain about it.
Like I said earlier: Imagine B+S proccing on Orion.

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Thanks, that is indeed something they could print

Are you sure about that? I only ask because I have a Secret Hunter deck that sees at least a 50% win rate (aka competitive)

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Wild or Standard?


Of course, what other mode is there?

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I just know this forum. You will catch grief for posting about Wild unless you specify in the header. Maybe even then.

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Mage would have to have a minion for that to even matter.

Auras are not the way. Secrets were better specifically because you could play around a one time effect.

Auras last for several turns and you’re pretty much done once they’re played. They nerfed one into the ground and I won’t be shocked if another one gets murdered before rotation next year.

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I play in Wild. Betcha’ I could find one. But still:
Well played:)

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I’ll just stop it right here to say this is complete opposite with the class’s identity. Mage isn’t meant to have spells that buff minions.

Also, I don’t know, are hunter secrets really that good for their price. You would think a good secret hunter deck would exist in standard then.

I am sure. There is no good standard list. And that’s the format that matters regarding the game’s balance. But I haven’t really been playing a lot so I don’t know. If someone knows if there is a good secret list in standard, let me know.

I remember facing one a while ago but it was obviously a homebrew. Run that 0/3 Egg that gives you a copy of a beast in the deck and makes it costs (5) less. So they would combo the legendary that recasts secrets a bunch of times as a win condition.

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Are you really sure?

Well now I wanna make a successful standard secret hunter list just to spite you (if there are even enough secrets and synergy in standard to make one, idk, I play True Hearthstone)

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I don’t know why you want to spite me. I just haven’t fought against a secret hunter to know of it. If a deck exists we can actually talk about the secrets viability.

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VS put out a secret hunter list last week that looks playable, at least for the climb to legend

Secret Hunter

Secret Hunter

Class: Hunter

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (1) Bunch of Bananas

2x (1) Costumed Singer

2x (1) Sneaky Snakes

2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear

1x (2) Bait and Switch

1x (2) Bargain Bin

2x (2) Barrel of Monkeys

1x (2) Explosive Trap

2x (2) Hidden Meaning

1x (2) Ice Trap

2x (2) Patchwork Pals

1x (2) Rat Trap

2x (2) Titanforged Traps

2x (3) Observer of Mysteries

2x (4) Camouflage Mount

2x (5) Mantle Shaper

1x (5) Product 9

2x (6) Starstrung Bow


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


It seems like exactly that. A playable deck, but nothing crazy.

I think it shows that hunter’s secrets are fairly costed. As for mage’s ones, sure, they are probably worse than they could be but it doesn’t really matter. There isn’t a mage secret list to worry about.

It does, but it’s bad

Like, tier 3 and half bad

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Would one exist if the cards it had were as good as hunter’s right now?

Ice trap is a counterspell in Hunter.
Seems like the rules only matter for some.

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